I cannot edit the merge request / issue I’ve just retrieved

It is likely that you used a MergeRequest, GroupMergeRequest, Issue or GroupIssue object. These objects cannot be edited. But you can create a new ProjectMergeRequest or ProjectIssue object to apply changes. For example:

issue = gl.issues.list()[0]
project = gl.projects.get(issue.project_id, lazy=True)
editable_issue = project.issues.get(issue.iid, lazy=True)
# you can now edit the object

See the merge requests example and the issues examples.

I get an AttributeError when accessing attributes of an object retrieved via a list() call.

Fetching a list of objects, doesn’t always include all attributes in the objects. To retrieve an object with all attributes use a get() call.

Example with projects:

for projects in gl.projects.list():
    # Retrieve project object with all attributes
    project = gl.projects.get(project.id)
How can I clone the repository of a project?

python-gitlab doesn’t provide an API to clone a project. You have to use a git library or call the git command.

The git URI is exposed in the ssh_url_to_repo attribute of Project objects.


import subprocess

project = gl.projects.create(data)  # or gl.projects.get(project_id)
print(project.attributes)  # displays all the attributes
git_url = project.ssh_url_to_repo
subprocess.call(['git', 'clone', git_url])
I get an AttributeError when accessing attributes after save() or refresh().

You are most likely trying to access an attribute that was not returned by the server on the second request. Please look at the documentation in Attributes in updated objects to see how to avoid this.