API reference (gitlab package)

Module contents

Wrapper for the GitLab API.

class gitlab.Gitlab(url: str, private_token: Optional[str] = None, oauth_token: Optional[str] = None, job_token: Optional[str] = None, ssl_verify: Union[bool, str] = True, http_username: Optional[str] = None, http_password: Optional[str] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, api_version: str = '4', session: Optional[requests.sessions.Session] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, pagination: Optional[str] = None, order_by: Optional[str] = None, user_agent: str = 'python-gitlab/2.10.1')

Bases: object

Represents a GitLab server connection.

  • url (str) – The URL of the GitLab server.

  • private_token (str) – The user private token

  • oauth_token (str) – An oauth token

  • job_token (str) – A CI job token

  • ssl_verify (bool|str) – Whether SSL certificates should be validated. If the value is a string, it is the path to a CA file used for certificate validation.

  • timeout (float) – Timeout to use for requests to the GitLab server.

  • http_username (str) – Username for HTTP authentication

  • http_password (str) – Password for HTTP authentication

  • api_version (str) – Gitlab API version to use (support for 4 only)

  • pagination (str) – Can be set to ‘keyset’ to use keyset pagination

  • order_by (str) – Set order_by globally

  • user_agent (str) – A custom user agent to use for making HTTP requests.

property api_url

The computed API base URL.

property api_version

The API version used (4 only).


See ApplicationAppearanceManager


See ApplicationManager


See AuditEventManager


Performs an authentication using private token.

The user attribute will hold a gitlab.objects.CurrentUser object on success.


See BroadcastMessageManager


See DeployKeyManager


See DeployTokenManager


See DockerfileManager


See EventManager


See FeatureManager

classmethod from_config(gitlab_id: Optional[str] = None, config_files: Optional[List[str]] = None)gitlab.client.Gitlab

Create a Gitlab connection from configuration files.

  • gitlab_id (str) – ID of the configuration section.

  • list[str] (config_files) – List of paths to configuration files.


A Gitlab connection.

Return type



gitlab.config.GitlabDataError – If the configuration is not correct.


See GeoNodeManager

get_license(**kwargs: Any)Dict[str, Any]

Retrieve information about the current license.


**kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)


The current license information

Return type



See GitignoreManager


See GitlabciymlManager


See GroupManager


Headers that will be used in request to GitLab


See HookManager

http_delete(path: str, **kwargs: Any)requests.models.Response

Make a DELETE request to the Gitlab server.

  • path (str) – Path or full URL to query (‘/projects’ or ‘http://whatever/v4/api/projecs’)

  • **kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)


The requests object.


GitlabHttpError – When the return code is not 2xx

http_get(path: str, query_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, streamed: bool = False, raw: bool = False, **kwargs: Any)Union[Dict[str, Any], requests.models.Response]

Make a GET request to the Gitlab server.

  • path (str) – Path or full URL to query (‘/projects’ or ‘http://whatever/v4/api/projecs’)

  • query_data (dict) – Data to send as query parameters

  • streamed (bool) – Whether the data should be streamed

  • raw (bool) – If True do not try to parse the output as json

  • **kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)


A requests result object is streamed is True or the content type is not json. The parsed json data otherwise.

http_list(path: str, query_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, as_list: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any)Union[gitlab.client.GitlabList, List[Dict[str, Any]]]

Make a GET request to the Gitlab server for list-oriented queries.

  • path (str) – Path or full URL to query (‘/projects’ or ‘http://whatever/v4/api/projects’)

  • query_data (dict) – Data to send as query parameters

  • **kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo, page, per_page)


A list of the objects returned by the server. If as_list is False and no pagination-related arguments (page, per_page, all) are defined then a GitlabList object (generator) is returned instead. This object will make API calls when needed to fetch the next items from the server.

Return type


http_post(path: str, query_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, post_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, raw: bool = False, files: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any)Union[Dict[str, Any], requests.models.Response]

Make a POST request to the Gitlab server.

  • path (str) – Path or full URL to query (‘/projects’ or ‘http://whatever/v4/api/projecs’)

  • query_data (dict) – Data to send as query parameters

  • post_data (dict) – Data to send in the body (will be converted to json by default)

  • raw (bool) – If True, do not convert post_data to json

  • files (dict) – The files to send to the server

  • **kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)


The parsed json returned by the server if json is return, else the raw content

http_put(path: str, query_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, post_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, raw: bool = False, files: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any)Union[Dict[str, Any], requests.models.Response]

Make a PUT request to the Gitlab server.

  • path (str) – Path or full URL to query (‘/projects’ or ‘http://whatever/v4/api/projecs’)

  • query_data (dict) – Data to send as query parameters

  • post_data (dict) – Data to send in the body (will be converted to json by default)

  • raw (bool) – If True, do not convert post_data to json

  • files (dict) – The files to send to the server

  • **kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)


The parsed json returned by the server.

http_request(verb: str, path: str, query_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, post_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, raw: bool = False, streamed: bool = False, files: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, obey_rate_limit: bool = True, retry_transient_errors: bool = False, max_retries: int = 10, **kwargs: Any)requests.models.Response

Make an HTTP request to the Gitlab server.

  • verb (str) – The HTTP method to call (‘get’, ‘post’, ‘put’, ‘delete’)

  • path (str) – Path or full URL to query (‘/projects’ or ‘http://whatever/v4/api/projecs’)

  • query_data (dict) – Data to send as query parameters

  • post_data (dict) – Data to send in the body (will be converted to json by default)

  • raw (bool) – If True, do not convert post_data to json

  • streamed (bool) – Whether the data should be streamed

  • files (dict) – The files to send to the server

  • timeout (float) – The timeout, in seconds, for the request

  • obey_rate_limit (bool) – Whether to obey 429 Too Many Request responses. Defaults to True.

  • retry_transient_errors (bool) – Whether to retry after 500, 502, 503, or 504 responses. Defaults to False.

  • max_retries (int) – Max retries after 429 or transient errors, set to -1 to retry forever. Defaults to 10.

  • **kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)


A requests result object.


GitlabHttpError – When the return code is not 2xx


See IssueManager


See IssuesStatisticsManager


See KeyManager


See LDAPGroupManager


See LicenseManager

lint(content: str, **kwargs: Any)Tuple[bool, List[str]]

Validate a gitlab CI configuration.

  • content (txt) – The .gitlab-ci.yml content

  • **kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)


(True, []) if the file is valid, (False, errors(list))


Return type


markdown(text: str, gfm: bool = False, project: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any)str

Render an arbitrary Markdown document.

  • text (str) – The markdown text to render

  • gfm (bool) – Render text using GitLab Flavored Markdown. Default is False

  • project (str) – Full path of a project used a context when gfm is True

  • **kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)


The HTML rendering of the markdown text.

Return type



See MergeRequestManager


See NamespaceManager


See NotificationSettingsManager


See PagesDomainManager


See PersonalAccessTokenManager


See ProjectManager


See RunnerManager

search(scope: str, search: str, **kwargs: Any)Union[gitlab.client.GitlabList, List[Dict[str, Any]]]

Search GitLab resources matching the provided string.’

  • scope (str) – Scope of the search

  • search (str) – Search string

  • **kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)


A list of dicts describing the resources found.

Return type



Create a session object for requests

set_license(license: str, **kwargs: Any)Dict[str, Any]

Add a new license.

  • license (str) – The license string

  • **kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)

  • GitlabAuthenticationError – If authentication is not correct

  • GitlabPostError – If the server cannot perform the request


The new license information

Return type



See ApplicationSettingsManager


See SidekiqManager


See SnippetManager


Whether SSL certificates should be validated


Timeout to use for requests to gitlab server


See TodoManager

property url

The user-provided server URL.


See UserActivitiesManager


See UserManager


See VariableManager

version()Tuple[str, str]

Returns the version and revision of the gitlab server.

Note that self.version and self.revision will be set on the gitlab object.


The server version and server revision.

(‘unknown’, ‘unknwown’) if the server doesn’t perform as expected.

Return type

tuple (str, str)

class gitlab.GitlabList(gl: gitlab.client.Gitlab, url: str, query_data: Dict[str, Any], get_next: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: object

Generator representing a list of remote objects.

The object handles the links returned by a query to the API, and will call the API again when needed.

property current_page

The current page number.

next()Dict[str, Any]
property next_page

The next page number.

If None, the current page is the last.

property per_page

The number of items per page.

property prev_page

The previous page number.

If None, the current page is the first.

property total

The total number of items.

property total_pages

The total number of pages.


gitlab.base module

class gitlab.base.RESTManager(gl: gitlab.client.Gitlab, parent: Optional[gitlab.base.RESTObject] = None)

Bases: object

Base class for CRUD operations on objects.

Derived class must define _path and _obj_cls.

_path: Base URL path on which requests will be sent (e.g. ‘/projects’) _obj_cls: The class of objects that will be created

gitlab: gitlab.client.Gitlab
property parent_attrs
property path
class gitlab.base.RESTObject(manager: gitlab.base.RESTManager, attrs: Dict[str, Any])

Bases: object

Represents an object built from server data.

It holds the attributes know from the server, and the updated attributes in another. This allows smart updates, if the object allows it.

You can redefine _id_attr in child classes to specify which attribute must be used as uniq ID. None means that the object can be updated without ID in the url.

property attributes

Returns the id of the resource.

manager: gitlab.base.RESTManager
class gitlab.base.RESTObjectList(manager: gitlab.base.RESTManager, obj_cls: Type[gitlab.base.RESTObject], _list: gitlab.client.GitlabList)

Bases: object

Generator object representing a list of RESTObject’s.

This generator uses the Gitlab pagination system to fetch new data when required.

Note: you should not instanciate such objects, they are returned by calls to RESTManager.list()

  • manager – Manager to attach to the created objects

  • obj_cls – Type of objects to create from the json data

  • _list – A GitlabList object

property current_page

The current page number.

property next_page

The next page number.

If None, the current page is the last.

property per_page

The number of items per page.

property prev_page

The previous page number.

If None, the current page is the first.

property total

The total number of items.

property total_pages

The total number of pages.

class gitlab.base.RequiredOptional(required, optional)

Bases: tuple

optional: Tuple[str, ]

Alias for field number 1

required: Tuple[str, ]

Alias for field number 0

gitlab.cli module

gitlab.cli.cls_to_what(cls: gitlab.base.RESTObject)str
gitlab.cli.die(msg: str, e: Optional[Exception] = None)None

Provide a statically generated parser for sphinx only, so we don’t need to provide dummy gitlab config for readthedocs.

gitlab.cli.register_custom_action(cls_names: Union[str, Tuple[str, ]], mandatory: Tuple[str, ] = (), optional: Tuple[str, ] = (), custom_action: Optional[str] = None)Callable[[__F], __F]
gitlab.cli.what_to_cls(what: str, namespace: module)Type[gitlab.base.RESTObject]

gitlab.config module

exception gitlab.config.ConfigError

Bases: Exception

exception gitlab.config.GitlabConfigHelperError

Bases: gitlab.config.ConfigError

exception gitlab.config.GitlabConfigMissingError

Bases: gitlab.config.ConfigError

class gitlab.config.GitlabConfigParser(gitlab_id: Optional[str] = None, config_files: Optional[List[str]] = None)

Bases: object

exception gitlab.config.GitlabDataError

Bases: gitlab.config.ConfigError

exception gitlab.config.GitlabIDError

Bases: gitlab.config.ConfigError

gitlab.const module

gitlab.exceptions module

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabActivateError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabAttachFileError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabAuthenticationError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabBlockError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabBuildCancelError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabCancelError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabBuildEraseError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabRetryError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabBuildPlayError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabRetryError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabBuildRetryError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabRetryError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabCancelError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabCherryPickError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabConnectionError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabCreateError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabDeactivateError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabDeleteError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: Exception

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabFollowError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabGetError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabHousekeepingError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabHttpError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabImportError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabJobCancelError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabCancelError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabJobEraseError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabRetryError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabJobPlayError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabRetryError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabJobRetryError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabRetryError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabLicenseError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabListError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabMRApprovalError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabMRClosedError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabMRForbiddenError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabMROnBuildSuccessError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabMRRebaseError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabMarkdownError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOwnershipError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabParsingError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabPipelineCancelError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabCancelError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabPipelinePlayError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabRetryError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabPipelineRetryError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabRetryError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabProjectDeployKeyError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabProtectError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabRenderError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabRepairError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabRetryError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabRevertError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabSearchError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabSetError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabStopError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabSubscribeError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabTimeTrackingError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabTodoError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabTransferProjectError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabUnblockError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabUnfollowError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabUnsubscribeError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabUpdateError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabUploadError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.GitlabVerifyError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabOperationError

exception gitlab.exceptions.RedirectError(error_message: Union[str, bytes] = '', response_code: Optional[int] = None, response_body: Optional[bytes] = None)

Bases: gitlab.exceptions.GitlabError

gitlab.exceptions.on_http_error(error: Type[Exception])Callable[[__F], __F]

Manage GitlabHttpError exceptions.

This decorator function can be used to catch GitlabHttpError exceptions raise specialized exceptions instead.


error (Exception) – The exception type to raise – must inherit from GitlabError

gitlab.mixins module

class gitlab.mixins.AccessRequestMixin

Bases: object

approve(access_level: int = 30, **kwargs: Any)None

Approve an access request.

  • access_level (int) – The access level for the user

  • **kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)

manager: gitlab.base.RESTManager
class gitlab.mixins.BadgeRenderMixin

Bases: object

render(link_url: str, image_url: str, **kwargs: Any)Dict[str, Any]

Preview link_url and image_url after interpolation.

  • link_url (str) – URL of the badge link

  • image_url (str) – URL of the badge image

  • **kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)


The rendering properties

Return type


class gitlab.mixins.CRUDMixin

Bases: gitlab.mixins.GetMixin, gitlab.mixins.ListMixin, gitlab.mixins.CreateMixin, gitlab.mixins.UpdateMixin, gitlab.mixins.DeleteMixin

gitlab: gitlab.client.Gitlab
class gitlab.mixins.CreateMixin

Bases: object

create(data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any)gitlab.base.RESTObject

Create a new object.

  • data (dict) – parameters to send to the server to create the resource

  • **kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)


a new instance of the managed object class built with

the data sent by the server

Return type


gitlab: gitlab.client.Gitlab
class gitlab.mixins.DeleteMixin

Bases: object

delete(id: Union[str, int], **kwargs: Any)None

Delete an object on the server.

  • id – ID of the object to delete

  • **kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)

gitlab: gitlab.client.Gitlab
class gitlab.mixins.DownloadMixin

Bases: object

download(streamed: bool = False, action: Optional[Callable] = None, chunk_size: int = 1024, **kwargs: Any)Optional[bytes]

Download the archive of a resource export.

  • streamed (bool) – If True the data will be processed by chunks of chunk_size and each chunk is passed to action for reatment

  • action (callable) – Callable responsible of dealing with chunk of data

  • chunk_size (int) – Size of each chunk

  • **kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)


The blob content if streamed is False, None otherwise

Return type


manager: gitlab.base.RESTManager
class gitlab.mixins.GetMixin

Bases: object

get(id: Union[str, int], lazy: bool = False, **kwargs: Any)gitlab.base.RESTObject

Retrieve a single object.

  • id (int or str) – ID of the object to retrieve

  • lazy (bool) – If True, don’t request the server, but create a shallow object giving access to the managers. This is useful if you want to avoid useless calls to the API.

  • **kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)


The generated RESTObject.

Return type


gitlab: gitlab.client.Gitlab
class gitlab.mixins.GetWithoutIdMixin

Bases: object

get(id: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, **kwargs: Any)Optional[gitlab.base.RESTObject]

Retrieve a single object.


**kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)


The generated RESTObject

Return type


gitlab: gitlab.client.Gitlab
class gitlab.mixins.ListMixin

Bases: object

gitlab: gitlab.client.Gitlab
list(**kwargs: Any)Union[gitlab.base.RESTObjectList, List[gitlab.base.RESTObject]]

Retrieve a list of objects.

  • all (bool) – If True, return all the items, without pagination

  • per_page (int) – Number of items to retrieve per request

  • page (int) – ID of the page to return (starts with page 1)

  • as_list (bool) – If set to False and no pagination option is defined, return a generator instead of a list

  • **kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)


The list of objects, or a generator if as_list is False

Return type


class gitlab.mixins.NoUpdateMixin

Bases: gitlab.mixins.GetMixin, gitlab.mixins.ListMixin, gitlab.mixins.CreateMixin, gitlab.mixins.DeleteMixin

gitlab: gitlab.client.Gitlab
class gitlab.mixins.ObjectDeleteMixin

Bases: object

Mixin for RESTObject’s that can be deleted.

delete(**kwargs: Any)None

Delete the object from the server.


**kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)

manager: gitlab.base.RESTManager
class gitlab.mixins.ParticipantsMixin

Bases: object

manager: gitlab.base.RESTManager
participants(**kwargs: Any)Dict[str, Any]

List the participants.

  • all (bool) – If True, return all the items, without pagination

  • per_page (int) – Number of items to retrieve per request

  • page (int) – ID of the page to return (starts with page 1)

  • as_list (bool) – If set to False and no pagination option is defined, return a generator instead of a list

  • **kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)


The list of participants

Return type


class gitlab.mixins.RefreshMixin

Bases: object

manager: gitlab.base.RESTManager
refresh(**kwargs: Any)None

Refresh a single object from server.


**kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)

Returns None (updates the object)

class gitlab.mixins.RetrieveMixin

Bases: gitlab.mixins.ListMixin, gitlab.mixins.GetMixin

gitlab: gitlab.client.Gitlab
class gitlab.mixins.SaveMixin

Bases: object

Mixin for RESTObject’s that can be updated.

manager: gitlab.base.RESTManager
save(**kwargs: Any)None

Save the changes made to the object to the server.

The object is updated to match what the server returns.


**kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)

class gitlab.mixins.SetMixin

Bases: object

gitlab: gitlab.client.Gitlab
set(key: str, value: str, **kwargs: Any)gitlab.base.RESTObject

Create or update the object.

  • key (str) – The key of the object to create/update

  • value (str) – The value to set for the object

  • **kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)


The created/updated attribute

Return type


class gitlab.mixins.SubscribableMixin

Bases: object

manager: gitlab.base.RESTManager
subscribe(**kwargs: Any)None

Subscribe to the object notifications.


**kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)

unsubscribe(**kwargs: Any)None

Unsubscribe from the object notifications.


**kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)

class gitlab.mixins.TimeTrackingMixin

Bases: object

add_spent_time(duration: str, **kwargs: Any)Dict[str, Any]

Add time spent working on the object.

  • duration (str) – Duration in human format (e.g. 3h30)

  • **kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)

manager: gitlab.base.RESTManager
reset_spent_time(**kwargs: Any)Dict[str, Any]

Resets the time spent working on the object.


**kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)

reset_time_estimate(**kwargs: Any)Dict[str, Any]

Resets estimated time for the object to 0 seconds.


**kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)

time_estimate(duration: str, **kwargs: Any)Dict[str, Any]

Set an estimated time of work for the object.

  • duration (str) – Duration in human format (e.g. 3h30)

  • **kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)

time_stats(**kwargs: Any)Dict[str, Any]

Get time stats for the object.


**kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)

class gitlab.mixins.TodoMixin

Bases: object

manager: gitlab.base.RESTManager
todo(**kwargs: Any)None

Create a todo associated to the object.


**kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)

class gitlab.mixins.UpdateMixin

Bases: object

gitlab: gitlab.client.Gitlab
update(id: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, new_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any)Dict[str, Any]

Update an object on the server.

  • id – ID of the object to update (can be None if not required)

  • new_data – the update data for the object

  • **kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)


The new object data (not a RESTObject)

Return type


class gitlab.mixins.UserAgentDetailMixin

Bases: object

manager: gitlab.base.RESTManager
user_agent_detail(**kwargs: Any)Dict[str, Any]

Get the user agent detail.


**kwargs – Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)


gitlab.utils module

gitlab.utils.clean_str_id(id: str)str
gitlab.utils.copy_dict(dest: Dict[str, Any], src: Dict[str, Any])None
gitlab.utils.remove_none_from_dict(data: Dict[str, Any])Dict[str, Any]
gitlab.utils.response_content(response: requests.models.Response, streamed: bool, action: Optional[Callable], chunk_size: int)Optional[bytes]
gitlab.utils.sanitized_url(url: str)str