Wiki pages



Get the list of wiki pages for a project. These do not contain the contents of the wiki page. You will need to call get(slug) to retrieve the content by accessing the content attribute:

pages = project.wikis.list()

Get the list of wiki pages for a group. These do not contain the contents of the wiki page. You will need to call get(slug) to retrieve the content by accessing the content attribute:

pages = group.wikis.list()

Get a single wiki page for a project:

page = project.wikis.get(page_slug)

Get a single wiki page for a group:

page = group.wikis.get(page_slug)

Get the contents of a wiki page:


Create a wiki page on a project level:

page = project.wikis.create({'title': 'Wiki Page 1',
                             'content': open(a_file).read()})

Update a wiki page:

page.content = 'My new content'

Delete a wiki page:
