CLI reference (gitlab command)#


The following is a complete, auto-generated list of subcommands available via the gitlab command-line tool. Some of the actions may currently not work as expected or lack functionality available via the API.

Please see the existing list of CLI related issues, or open a new one if it is not already listed there.


GitLab API Command Line Interface

usage: gitlab [-h] [--version] [-v] [-d] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-g GITLAB]
              [-o {json,legacy,yaml}] [-f FIELDS] [--server-url SERVER_URL]
              [--ssl-verify SSL_VERIFY] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
              [--api-version API_VERSION] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
              [--pagination PAGINATION] [--order-by ORDER_BY]
              [--user-agent USER_AGENT]
              [--private-token PRIVATE_TOKEN | --oauth-token OAUTH_TOKEN | --job-token JOB_TOKEN]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit


Display the version.

-v, --verbose, --fancy#

Verbose mode (legacy format only) [env var: GITLAB_VERBOSE]

-d, --debug#

Debug mode (display HTTP requests) [env var: GITLAB_DEBUG]

-c <config_file>, --config-file <config_file>#

Configuration file to use. Can be used multiple times. [env var: PYTHON_GITLAB_CFG]

-g <gitlab>, --gitlab <gitlab>#

Which configuration section should be used. If not defined, the default selection will be used.

-o {json,legacy,yaml}, --output {json,legacy,yaml}#

Output format (v4 only): json|legacy|yaml

-f <fields>, --fields <fields>#

Fields to display in the output (comma separated). Not used with legacy output

--server-url <server_url>#

GitLab server URL [env var: GITLAB_URL]

--ssl-verify <ssl_verify>#

Whether SSL certificates should be validated. [env var: GITLAB_SSL_VERIFY]

--timeout <timeout>#

Timeout to use for requests to the GitLab server. [env var: GITLAB_TIMEOUT]

--api-version <api_version>#

GitLab API version [env var: GITLAB_API_VERSION]

--per-page <per_page>#

Number of entries to return per page in the response. [env var: GITLAB_PER_PAGE]

--pagination <pagination>#

Whether to use keyset or offset pagination [env var: GITLAB_PAGINATION]

--order-by <order_by>#

Set order_by globally [env var: GITLAB_ORDER_BY]

--user-agent <user_agent>#

The user agent to send to GitLab with the HTTP request. [env var: GITLAB_USER_AGENT]

--private-token <private_token>#

GitLab private access token [env var: GITLAB_PRIVATE_TOKEN]

--oauth-token <oauth_token>#

GitLab OAuth token [env var: GITLAB_OAUTH_TOKEN]

--job-token <job_token>#

GitLab CI job token [env var: CI_JOB_TOKEN]

gitlab application#

usage: gitlab application [-h] {list,create,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab application create#

usage: gitlab application create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --name NAME --redirect-uri
                                 REDIRECT_URI --scopes SCOPES
                                 [--confidential CONFIDENTIAL]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--name <name>#
--redirect-uri <redirect_uri>#
--scopes <scopes>#
--confidential <confidential>#

gitlab application delete#

usage: gitlab application delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab application list#

usage: gitlab application list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--page PAGE]
                               [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab application-appearance#

usage: gitlab application-appearance [-h] {get,update} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab application-appearance get#

usage: gitlab application-appearance get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#

gitlab application-appearance update#

usage: gitlab application-appearance update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--title TITLE]
                                            [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                            [--logo LOGO]
                                            [--header-logo HEADER_LOGO]
                                            [--favicon FAVICON]
                                            [--new-project-guidelines NEW_PROJECT_GUIDELINES]
                                            [--header-message HEADER_MESSAGE]
                                            [--footer-message FOOTER_MESSAGE]
                                            [--message-background-color MESSAGE_BACKGROUND_COLOR]
                                            [--message-font-color MESSAGE_FONT_COLOR]
                                            [--email-header-and-footer-enabled EMAIL_HEADER_AND_FOOTER_ENABLED]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--title <title>#
--description <description>#
--favicon <favicon>#
--new-project-guidelines <new_project_guidelines>#
--header-message <header_message>#
--message-background-color <message_background_color>#
--message-font-color <message_font_color>#

gitlab application-settings#

usage: gitlab application-settings [-h] {get,update} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab application-settings get#

usage: gitlab application-settings get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#

gitlab application-settings update#

usage: gitlab application-settings update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--id ID]
                                          [--default-projects-limit DEFAULT_PROJECTS_LIMIT]
                                          [--signup-enabled SIGNUP_ENABLED]
                                          [--password-authentication-enabled-for-web PASSWORD_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED_FOR_WEB]
                                          [--gravatar-enabled GRAVATAR_ENABLED]
                                          [--sign-in-text SIGN_IN_TEXT]
                                          [--created-at CREATED_AT]
                                          [--updated-at UPDATED_AT]
                                          [--home-page-url HOME_PAGE_URL]
                                          [--default-branch-protection DEFAULT_BRANCH_PROTECTION]
                                          [--restricted-visibility-levels RESTRICTED_VISIBILITY_LEVELS]
                                          [--max-attachment-size MAX_ATTACHMENT_SIZE]
                                          [--session-expire-delay SESSION_EXPIRE_DELAY]
                                          [--default-project-visibility DEFAULT_PROJECT_VISIBILITY]
                                          [--default-snippet-visibility DEFAULT_SNIPPET_VISIBILITY]
                                          [--default-group-visibility DEFAULT_GROUP_VISIBILITY]
                                          [--outbound-local-requests-whitelist OUTBOUND_LOCAL_REQUESTS_WHITELIST]
                                          [--disabled-oauth-sign-in-sources DISABLED_OAUTH_SIGN_IN_SOURCES]
                                          [--domain-whitelist DOMAIN_WHITELIST]
                                          [--domain-blacklist-enabled DOMAIN_BLACKLIST_ENABLED]
                                          [--domain-blacklist DOMAIN_BLACKLIST]
                                          [--domain-allowlist DOMAIN_ALLOWLIST]
                                          [--domain-denylist-enabled DOMAIN_DENYLIST_ENABLED]
                                          [--domain-denylist DOMAIN_DENYLIST]
                                          [--external-authorization-service-enabled EXTERNAL_AUTHORIZATION_SERVICE_ENABLED]
                                          [--external-authorization-service-url EXTERNAL_AUTHORIZATION_SERVICE_URL]
                                          [--external-authorization-service-default-label EXTERNAL_AUTHORIZATION_SERVICE_DEFAULT_LABEL]
                                          [--external-authorization-service-timeout EXTERNAL_AUTHORIZATION_SERVICE_TIMEOUT]
                                          [--import-sources IMPORT_SOURCES]
                                          [--user-oauth-applications USER_OAUTH_APPLICATIONS]
                                          [--after-sign-out-path AFTER_SIGN_OUT_PATH]
                                          [--container-registry-token-expire-delay CONTAINER_REGISTRY_TOKEN_EXPIRE_DELAY]
                                          [--repository-storages REPOSITORY_STORAGES]
                                          [--plantuml-enabled PLANTUML_ENABLED]
                                          [--plantuml-url PLANTUML_URL]
                                          [--terminal-max-session-time TERMINAL_MAX_SESSION_TIME]
                                          [--polling-interval-multiplier POLLING_INTERVAL_MULTIPLIER]
                                          [--rsa-key-restriction RSA_KEY_RESTRICTION]
                                          [--dsa-key-restriction DSA_KEY_RESTRICTION]
                                          [--ecdsa-key-restriction ECDSA_KEY_RESTRICTION]
                                          [--ed25519-key-restriction ED25519_KEY_RESTRICTION]
                                          [--first-day-of-week FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK]
                                          [--enforce-terms ENFORCE_TERMS]
                                          [--terms TERMS]
                                          [--performance-bar-allowed-group-id PERFORMANCE_BAR_ALLOWED_GROUP_ID]
                                          [--instance-statistics-visibility-private INSTANCE_STATISTICS_VISIBILITY_PRIVATE]
                                          [--user-show-add-ssh-key-message USER_SHOW_ADD_SSH_KEY_MESSAGE]
                                          [--file-template-project-id FILE_TEMPLATE_PROJECT_ID]
                                          [--local-markdown-version LOCAL_MARKDOWN_VERSION]
                                          [--asset-proxy-enabled ASSET_PROXY_ENABLED]
                                          [--asset-proxy-url ASSET_PROXY_URL]
                                          [--asset-proxy-whitelist ASSET_PROXY_WHITELIST]
                                          [--asset-proxy-allowlist ASSET_PROXY_ALLOWLIST]
                                          [--geo-node-allowed-ips GEO_NODE_ALLOWED_IPS]
                                          [--allow-local-requests-from-hooks-and-services ALLOW_LOCAL_REQUESTS_FROM_HOOKS_AND_SERVICES]
                                          [--allow-local-requests-from-web-hooks-and-services ALLOW_LOCAL_REQUESTS_FROM_WEB_HOOKS_AND_SERVICES]
                                          [--allow-local-requests-from-system-hooks ALLOW_LOCAL_REQUESTS_FROM_SYSTEM_HOOKS]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#
--default-projects-limit <default_projects_limit>#
--signup-enabled <signup_enabled>#
--password-authentication-enabled-for-web <password_authentication_enabled_for_web>#
--gravatar-enabled <gravatar_enabled>#
--sign-in-text <sign_in_text>#
--created-at <created_at>#
--updated-at <updated_at>#
--home-page-url <home_page_url>#
--default-branch-protection <default_branch_protection>#
--restricted-visibility-levels <restricted_visibility_levels>#
--max-attachment-size <max_attachment_size>#
--session-expire-delay <session_expire_delay>#
--default-project-visibility <default_project_visibility>#
--default-snippet-visibility <default_snippet_visibility>#
--default-group-visibility <default_group_visibility>#
--outbound-local-requests-whitelist <outbound_local_requests_whitelist>#
--disabled-oauth-sign-in-sources <disabled_oauth_sign_in_sources>#
--domain-whitelist <domain_whitelist>#
--domain-blacklist-enabled <domain_blacklist_enabled>#
--domain-blacklist <domain_blacklist>#
--domain-allowlist <domain_allowlist>#
--domain-denylist-enabled <domain_denylist_enabled>#
--domain-denylist <domain_denylist>#
--external-authorization-service-enabled <external_authorization_service_enabled>#
--external-authorization-service-url <external_authorization_service_url>#
--external-authorization-service-default-label <external_authorization_service_default_label>#
--external-authorization-service-timeout <external_authorization_service_timeout>#
--import-sources <import_sources>#
--user-oauth-applications <user_oauth_applications>#
--after-sign-out-path <after_sign_out_path>#
--container-registry-token-expire-delay <container_registry_token_expire_delay>#
--repository-storages <repository_storages>#
--plantuml-enabled <plantuml_enabled>#
--plantuml-url <plantuml_url>#
--terminal-max-session-time <terminal_max_session_time>#
--polling-interval-multiplier <polling_interval_multiplier>#
--rsa-key-restriction <rsa_key_restriction>#
--dsa-key-restriction <dsa_key_restriction>#
--ecdsa-key-restriction <ecdsa_key_restriction>#
--ed25519-key-restriction <ed25519_key_restriction>#
--first-day-of-week <first_day_of_week>#
--enforce-terms <enforce_terms>#
--terms <terms>#
--performance-bar-allowed-group-id <performance_bar_allowed_group_id>#
--instance-statistics-visibility-private <instance_statistics_visibility_private>#
--user-show-add-ssh-key-message <user_show_add_ssh_key_message>#
--file-template-project-id <file_template_project_id>#
--local-markdown-version <local_markdown_version>#
--asset-proxy-enabled <asset_proxy_enabled>#
--asset-proxy-url <asset_proxy_url>#
--asset-proxy-whitelist <asset_proxy_whitelist>#
--asset-proxy-allowlist <asset_proxy_allowlist>#
--geo-node-allowed-ips <geo_node_allowed_ips>#
--allow-local-requests-from-hooks-and-services <allow_local_requests_from_hooks_and_services>#
--allow-local-requests-from-web-hooks-and-services <allow_local_requests_from_web_hooks_and_services>#
--allow-local-requests-from-system-hooks <allow_local_requests_from_system_hooks>#

gitlab application-statistics#

usage: gitlab application-statistics [-h] {get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab application-statistics get#

usage: gitlab application-statistics get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#

gitlab audit-event#

usage: gitlab audit-event [-h] {list,get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab audit-event get#

usage: gitlab audit-event get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab audit-event list#

usage: gitlab audit-event list [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                               [--created-after CREATED_AFTER]
                               [--created-before CREATED_BEFORE]
                               [--entity-type ENTITY_TYPE]
                               [--entity-id ENTITY_ID] [--page PAGE]
                               [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--created-after <created_after>#
--created-before <created_before>#
--entity-type <entity_type>#
--entity-id <entity_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab broadcast-message#

usage: gitlab broadcast-message [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab broadcast-message create#

usage: gitlab broadcast-message create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --message MESSAGE
                                       [--starts-at STARTS_AT]
                                       [--ends-at ENDS_AT] [--color COLOR]
                                       [--font FONT]
                                       [--target-access-levels TARGET_ACCESS_LEVELS]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--message <message>#
--starts-at <starts_at>#
--ends-at <ends_at>#
--color <color>#
--font <font>#
--target-access-levels <target_access_levels>#

gitlab broadcast-message delete#

usage: gitlab broadcast-message delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab broadcast-message get#

usage: gitlab broadcast-message get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab broadcast-message list#

usage: gitlab broadcast-message list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--page PAGE]
                                     [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab broadcast-message update#

usage: gitlab broadcast-message update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
                                       [--message MESSAGE]
                                       [--starts-at STARTS_AT]
                                       [--ends-at ENDS_AT] [--color COLOR]
                                       [--font FONT]
                                       [--target-access-levels TARGET_ACCESS_LEVELS]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#
--message <message>#
--starts-at <starts_at>#
--ends-at <ends_at>#
--color <color>#
--font <font>#
--target-access-levels <target_access_levels>#

gitlab bulk-import#

usage: gitlab bulk-import [-h] {list,get,create} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab bulk-import create#

usage: gitlab bulk-import create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --configuration
                                 CONFIGURATION --entities ENTITIES
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--configuration <configuration>#
--entities <entities>#

gitlab bulk-import get#

usage: gitlab bulk-import get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab bulk-import list#

usage: gitlab bulk-import list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--sort SORT]
                               [--status STATUS] [--page PAGE]
                               [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--sort <sort>#
--status <status>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab bulk-import-all-entity#

usage: gitlab bulk-import-all-entity [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab bulk-import-all-entity list#

usage: gitlab bulk-import-all-entity list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--sort SORT]
                                          [--status STATUS] [--page PAGE]
                                          [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--sort <sort>#
--status <status>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab bulk-import-entity#

usage: gitlab bulk-import-entity [-h] {list,get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab bulk-import-entity get#

usage: gitlab bulk-import-entity get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --bulk-import-id
                                     BULK_IMPORT_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--bulk-import-id <bulk_import_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab bulk-import-entity list#

usage: gitlab bulk-import-entity list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --bulk-import-id
                                      BULK_IMPORT_ID [--sort SORT]
                                      [--status STATUS] [--page PAGE]
                                      [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--bulk-import-id <bulk_import_id>#
--sort <sort>#
--status <status>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab ci-lint#

usage: gitlab ci-lint [-h] {create,validate} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab ci-lint create#

usage: gitlab ci-lint create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --content CONTENT
                             [--include-merged-yaml INCLUDE_MERGED_YAML]
                             [--include-jobs INCLUDE_JOBS]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--content <content>#
--include-merged-yaml <include_merged_yaml>#
--include-jobs <include_jobs>#

gitlab ci-lint validate#

usage: gitlab ci-lint validate [-h] --content CONTENT
                               [--include-merged-yaml INCLUDE_MERGED_YAML]
                               [--include-jobs INCLUDE_JOBS]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--content <content>#
--include-merged-yaml <include_merged_yaml>#
--include-jobs <include_jobs>#

gitlab current-user#

usage: gitlab current-user [-h] {get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab current-user get#

usage: gitlab current-user get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#

gitlab current-user-email#

usage: gitlab current-user-email [-h] {list,get,create,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab current-user-email create#

usage: gitlab current-user-email create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --email EMAIL
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--email <email>#

gitlab current-user-email delete#

usage: gitlab current-user-email delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab current-user-email get#

usage: gitlab current-user-email get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab current-user-email list#

usage: gitlab current-user-email list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--page PAGE]
                                      [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab current-user-gpg-key#

usage: gitlab current-user-gpg-key [-h] {list,get,create,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab current-user-gpg-key create#

usage: gitlab current-user-gpg-key create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --key KEY
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--key <key>#

gitlab current-user-gpg-key delete#

usage: gitlab current-user-gpg-key delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab current-user-gpg-key get#

usage: gitlab current-user-gpg-key get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab current-user-gpg-key list#

usage: gitlab current-user-gpg-key list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--page PAGE]
                                        [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab current-user-key#

usage: gitlab current-user-key [-h] {list,get,create,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab current-user-key create#

usage: gitlab current-user-key create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --title TITLE --key
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--title <title>#
--key <key>#

gitlab current-user-key delete#

usage: gitlab current-user-key delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab current-user-key get#

usage: gitlab current-user-key get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab current-user-key list#

usage: gitlab current-user-key list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--page PAGE]
                                    [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab current-user-runner#

usage: gitlab current-user-runner [-h] {create} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab current-user-runner create#

usage: gitlab current-user-runner create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --runner-type
                                         RUNNER_TYPE [--group-id GROUP_ID]
                                         [--project-id PROJECT_ID]
                                         [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                         [--paused PAUSED] [--locked LOCKED]
                                         [--run-untagged RUN_UNTAGGED]
                                         [--tag-list TAG_LIST]
                                         [--access-level ACCESS_LEVEL]
                                         [--maximum-timeout MAXIMUM_TIMEOUT]
                                         [--maintenance-note MAINTENANCE_NOTE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--runner-type <runner_type>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--description <description>#
--paused <paused>#
--locked <locked>#
--run-untagged <run_untagged>#
--tag-list <tag_list>#
--access-level <access_level>#
--maximum-timeout <maximum_timeout>#
--maintenance-note <maintenance_note>#

gitlab current-user-status#

usage: gitlab current-user-status [-h] {get,update} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab current-user-status get#

usage: gitlab current-user-status get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#

gitlab current-user-status update#

usage: gitlab current-user-status update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--emoji EMOJI]
                                         [--message MESSAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--emoji <emoji>#
--message <message>#

gitlab deploy-key#

usage: gitlab deploy-key [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab deploy-key list#

usage: gitlab deploy-key list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--page PAGE]
                              [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab deploy-token#

usage: gitlab deploy-token [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab deploy-token list#

usage: gitlab deploy-token list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--page PAGE]
                                [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab dockerfile#

usage: gitlab dockerfile [-h] {list,get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab dockerfile get#

usage: gitlab dockerfile get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--name <name>#

gitlab dockerfile list#

usage: gitlab dockerfile list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--page PAGE]
                              [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab event#

usage: gitlab event [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab event list#

usage: gitlab event list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--action ACTION]
                         [--target-type TARGET_TYPE] [--before BEFORE]
                         [--after AFTER] [--sort SORT] [--scope SCOPE]
                         [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--action <action>#
--target-type <target_type>#
--before <before>#
--after <after>#
--sort <sort>#
--scope <scope>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab feature#

usage: gitlab feature [-h] {list,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab feature delete#

usage: gitlab feature delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--name <name>#

gitlab feature list#

usage: gitlab feature list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--page PAGE]
                           [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab generic-package#

usage: gitlab generic-package [-h] {upload,download} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab generic-package download#

usage: gitlab generic-package download [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                       [--sudo SUDO] --package-name
                                       PACKAGE_NAME --package-version
                                       PACKAGE_VERSION --file-name FILE_NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--package-name <package_name>#
--package-version <package_version>#
--file-name <file_name>#

gitlab generic-package upload#

usage: gitlab generic-package upload [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                     [--sudo SUDO] --package-name PACKAGE_NAME
                                     --package-version PACKAGE_VERSION
                                     --file-name FILE_NAME --path PATH
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--package-name <package_name>#
--package-version <package_version>#
--file-name <file_name>#
--path <path>#

gitlab geo-node#

usage: gitlab geo-node [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab geo-node current-failures#

usage: gitlab geo-node current-failures [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab geo-node delete#

usage: gitlab geo-node delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab geo-node get#

usage: gitlab geo-node get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab geo-node list#

usage: gitlab geo-node list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--page PAGE]
                            [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab geo-node repair#

usage: gitlab geo-node repair [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab geo-node status#

usage: gitlab geo-node status [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab geo-node update#

usage: gitlab geo-node update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID [--enabled ENABLED]
                              [--url URL]
                              [--files-max-capacity FILES_MAX_CAPACITY]
                              [--repos-max-capacity REPOS_MAX_CAPACITY]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#
--enabled <enabled>#
--url <url>#
--files-max-capacity <files_max_capacity>#
--repos-max-capacity <repos_max_capacity>#

gitlab gitignore#

usage: gitlab gitignore [-h] {list,get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab gitignore get#

usage: gitlab gitignore get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--name <name>#

gitlab gitignore list#

usage: gitlab gitignore list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--page PAGE]
                             [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab gitlabciyml#

usage: gitlab gitlabciyml [-h] {list,get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab gitlabciyml get#

usage: gitlab gitlabciyml get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--name <name>#

gitlab gitlabciyml list#

usage: gitlab gitlabciyml list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--page PAGE]
                               [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group#

usage: gitlab group [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group create#

usage: gitlab group create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --name NAME --path PATH
                           [--description DESCRIPTION]
                           [--membership-lock MEMBERSHIP_LOCK]
                           [--visibility VISIBILITY]
                           [--share-with-group-lock SHARE_WITH_GROUP_LOCK]
                           [--require-two-factor-authentication REQUIRE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION]
                           [--two-factor-grace-period TWO_FACTOR_GRACE_PERIOD]
                           [--project-creation-level PROJECT_CREATION_LEVEL]
                           [--auto-devops-enabled AUTO_DEVOPS_ENABLED]
                           [--subgroup-creation-level SUBGROUP_CREATION_LEVEL]
                           [--emails-disabled EMAILS_DISABLED]
                           [--avatar AVATAR]
                           [--mentions-disabled MENTIONS_DISABLED]
                           [--lfs-enabled LFS_ENABLED]
                           [--request-access-enabled REQUEST_ACCESS_ENABLED]
                           [--parent-id PARENT_ID]
                           [--default-branch-protection DEFAULT_BRANCH_PROTECTION]
                           [--shared-runners-minutes-limit SHARED_RUNNERS_MINUTES_LIMIT]
                           [--extra-shared-runners-minutes-limit EXTRA_SHARED_RUNNERS_MINUTES_LIMIT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--name <name>#
--path <path>#
--description <description>#
--membership-lock <membership_lock>#
--visibility <visibility>#
--share-with-group-lock <share_with_group_lock>#
--require-two-factor-authentication <require_two_factor_authentication>#
--two-factor-grace-period <two_factor_grace_period>#
--project-creation-level <project_creation_level>#
--auto-devops-enabled <auto_devops_enabled>#
--subgroup-creation-level <subgroup_creation_level>#
--emails-disabled <emails_disabled>#
--avatar <avatar>#
--mentions-disabled <mentions_disabled>#
--lfs-enabled <lfs_enabled>#
--request-access-enabled <request_access_enabled>#
--parent-id <parent_id>#
--default-branch-protection <default_branch_protection>#
--shared-runners-minutes-limit <shared_runners_minutes_limit>#
--extra-shared-runners-minutes-limit <extra_shared_runners_minutes_limit>#

gitlab group delete#

usage: gitlab group delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group get#

usage: gitlab group get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group ldap-sync#

usage: gitlab group ldap-sync [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab group list#

usage: gitlab group list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--skip-groups SKIP_GROUPS]
                         [--all-available ALL_AVAILABLE] [--search SEARCH]
                         [--order-by ORDER_BY] [--sort SORT]
                         [--statistics STATISTICS] [--owned OWNED]
                         [--with-custom-attributes WITH_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES]
                         [--min-access-level MIN_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                         [--top-level-only TOP_LEVEL_ONLY] [--page PAGE]
                         [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--skip-groups <skip_groups>#
--all-available <all_available>#
--order-by <order_by>#
--sort <sort>#
--statistics <statistics>#
--owned <owned>#
--with-custom-attributes <with_custom_attributes>#
--min-access-level <min_access_level>#
--top-level-only <top_level_only>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group restore#

usage: gitlab group restore [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab group share#

usage: gitlab group share [-h] --id ID --group-id GROUP_ID --group-access
                          GROUP_ACCESS [--expires-at EXPIRES_AT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--group-access <group_access>#
--expires-at <expires_at>#

gitlab group transfer#

usage: gitlab group transfer [-h] --id ID [--group-id GROUP_ID]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#
--group-id <group_id>#

gitlab group transfer-project#

usage: gitlab group transfer-project [-h] --id ID --project-id PROJECT_ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#
--project-id <project_id>#

gitlab group unshare#

usage: gitlab group unshare [-h] --id ID --group-id GROUP_ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#
--group-id <group_id>#

gitlab group update#

usage: gitlab group update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID [--name NAME]
                           [--path PATH] [--description DESCRIPTION]
                           [--membership-lock MEMBERSHIP_LOCK]
                           [--share-with-group-lock SHARE_WITH_GROUP_LOCK]
                           [--visibility VISIBILITY]
                           [--require-two-factor-authentication REQUIRE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION]
                           [--two-factor-grace-period TWO_FACTOR_GRACE_PERIOD]
                           [--project-creation-level PROJECT_CREATION_LEVEL]
                           [--auto-devops-enabled AUTO_DEVOPS_ENABLED]
                           [--subgroup-creation-level SUBGROUP_CREATION_LEVEL]
                           [--emails-disabled EMAILS_DISABLED]
                           [--avatar AVATAR]
                           [--mentions-disabled MENTIONS_DISABLED]
                           [--lfs-enabled LFS_ENABLED]
                           [--request-access-enabled REQUEST_ACCESS_ENABLED]
                           [--default-branch-protection DEFAULT_BRANCH_PROTECTION]
                           [--file-template-project-id FILE_TEMPLATE_PROJECT_ID]
                           [--shared-runners-minutes-limit SHARED_RUNNERS_MINUTES_LIMIT]
                           [--extra-shared-runners-minutes-limit EXTRA_SHARED_RUNNERS_MINUTES_LIMIT]
                           [--prevent-forking-outside-group PREVENT_FORKING_OUTSIDE_GROUP]
                           [--shared-runners-setting SHARED_RUNNERS_SETTING]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#
--name <name>#
--path <path>#
--description <description>#
--membership-lock <membership_lock>#
--share-with-group-lock <share_with_group_lock>#
--visibility <visibility>#
--require-two-factor-authentication <require_two_factor_authentication>#
--two-factor-grace-period <two_factor_grace_period>#
--project-creation-level <project_creation_level>#
--auto-devops-enabled <auto_devops_enabled>#
--subgroup-creation-level <subgroup_creation_level>#
--emails-disabled <emails_disabled>#
--avatar <avatar>#
--mentions-disabled <mentions_disabled>#
--lfs-enabled <lfs_enabled>#
--request-access-enabled <request_access_enabled>#
--default-branch-protection <default_branch_protection>#
--file-template-project-id <file_template_project_id>#
--shared-runners-minutes-limit <shared_runners_minutes_limit>#
--extra-shared-runners-minutes-limit <extra_shared_runners_minutes_limit>#
--prevent-forking-outside-group <prevent_forking_outside_group>#
--shared-runners-setting <shared_runners_setting>#

gitlab group-access-request#

usage: gitlab group-access-request [-h] {list,create,delete,approve} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-access-request approve#

usage: gitlab group-access-request approve [-h] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                           [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
                                           [--access-level ACCESS_LEVEL]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--group-id <group_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#
--access-level <access_level>#

gitlab group-access-request create#

usage: gitlab group-access-request create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#

gitlab group-access-request delete#

usage: gitlab group-access-request delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id
                                          GROUP_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-access-request list#

usage: gitlab group-access-request list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                        [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-access-token#

usage: gitlab group-access-token [-h] {list,create,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-access-token create#

usage: gitlab group-access-token create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                        --name NAME --scopes SCOPES
                                        [--access-level ACCESS_LEVEL]
                                        [--expires-at EXPIRES_AT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--name <name>#
--scopes <scopes>#
--access-level <access_level>#
--expires-at <expires_at>#

gitlab group-access-token delete#

usage: gitlab group-access-token delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                        --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-access-token list#

usage: gitlab group-access-token list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                      [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-audit-event#

usage: gitlab group-audit-event [-h] {list,get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-audit-event get#

usage: gitlab group-audit-event get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                    --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-audit-event list#

usage: gitlab group-audit-event list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                     [--created-after CREATED_AFTER]
                                     [--created-before CREATED_BEFORE]
                                     [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--created-after <created_after>#
--created-before <created_before>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-badge#

usage: gitlab group-badge [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete,render} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-badge create#

usage: gitlab group-badge create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                 --link-url LINK_URL --image-url IMAGE_URL
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--image-url <image_url>#

gitlab group-badge delete#

usage: gitlab group-badge delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-badge get#

usage: gitlab group-badge get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-badge list#

usage: gitlab group-badge list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                               [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-badge render#

usage: gitlab group-badge render [-h] --group-id GROUP_ID [--sudo SUDO] --id
                                 ID --link-url LINK_URL --image-url IMAGE_URL
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--group-id <group_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#
--image-url <image_url>#

gitlab group-badge update#

usage: gitlab group-badge update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --id
                                 ID [--link-url LINK_URL]
                                 [--image-url IMAGE_URL]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--id <id>#
--image-url <image_url>#

gitlab group-billable-member#

usage: gitlab group-billable-member [-h] {list,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-billable-member delete#

usage: gitlab group-billable-member delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id
                                           GROUP_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-billable-member list#

usage: gitlab group-billable-member list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id
                                         GROUP_ID [--search SEARCH]
                                         [--sort SORT] [--page PAGE]
                                         [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--sort <sort>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-billable-member-membership#

usage: gitlab group-billable-member-membership [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-billable-member-membership list#

usage: gitlab group-billable-member-membership list [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                    --group-id GROUP_ID
                                                    --user-id USER_ID
                                                    [--page PAGE]
                                                    [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-board#

usage: gitlab group-board [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-board create#

usage: gitlab group-board create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --name
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--name <name>#

gitlab group-board delete#

usage: gitlab group-board delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-board get#

usage: gitlab group-board get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-board list#

usage: gitlab group-board list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                               [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-board update#

usage: gitlab group-board update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-board-list#

usage: gitlab group-board-list [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-board-list create#

usage: gitlab group-board-list create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                      --board-id BOARD_ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--board-id <board_id>#

gitlab group-board-list delete#

usage: gitlab group-board-list delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                      --board-id BOARD_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--board-id <board_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-board-list get#

usage: gitlab group-board-list get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                   --board-id BOARD_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--board-id <board_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-board-list list#

usage: gitlab group-board-list list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                    --board-id BOARD_ID [--page PAGE]
                                    [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--board-id <board_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-board-list update#

usage: gitlab group-board-list update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                      --board-id BOARD_ID --id ID --position
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--board-id <board_id>#
--id <id>#
--position <position>#

gitlab group-cluster#

usage: gitlab group-cluster [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-cluster create#

usage: gitlab group-cluster create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                   --name NAME
                                   [--domain DOMAIN] [--enabled ENABLED]
                                   [--managed MANAGED]
                                   [--environment-scope ENVIRONMENT_SCOPE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--name <name>#
--platform-kubernetes-attributes <platform_kubernetes_attributes>#
--domain <domain>#
--enabled <enabled>#
--managed <managed>#
--environment-scope <environment_scope>#

gitlab group-cluster delete#

usage: gitlab group-cluster delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-cluster get#

usage: gitlab group-cluster get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-cluster list#

usage: gitlab group-cluster list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                 [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-cluster update#

usage: gitlab group-cluster update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --id
                                   ID [--name NAME] [--domain DOMAIN]
                                   [--management-project-id MANAGEMENT_PROJECT_ID]
                                   [--platform-kubernetes-attributes PLATFORM_KUBERNETES_ATTRIBUTES]
                                   [--environment-scope ENVIRONMENT_SCOPE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--id <id>#
--name <name>#
--domain <domain>#
--management-project-id <management_project_id>#
--platform-kubernetes-attributes <platform_kubernetes_attributes>#
--environment-scope <environment_scope>#

gitlab group-custom-attribute#

usage: gitlab group-custom-attribute [-h] {list,get,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-custom-attribute delete#

usage: gitlab group-custom-attribute delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id
                                            GROUP_ID --key KEY
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--key <key>#

gitlab group-custom-attribute get#

usage: gitlab group-custom-attribute get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id
                                         GROUP_ID --key KEY
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--key <key>#

gitlab group-custom-attribute list#

usage: gitlab group-custom-attribute list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id
                                          GROUP_ID [--page PAGE]
                                          [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-deploy-token#

usage: gitlab group-deploy-token [-h] {list,get,create,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-deploy-token create#

usage: gitlab group-deploy-token create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                        --name NAME --scopes SCOPES
                                        [--expires-at EXPIRES_AT]
                                        [--username USERNAME]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--name <name>#
--scopes <scopes>#
--expires-at <expires_at>#
--username <username>#

gitlab group-deploy-token delete#

usage: gitlab group-deploy-token delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                        --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-deploy-token get#

usage: gitlab group-deploy-token get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                     --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-deploy-token list#

usage: gitlab group-deploy-token list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                      [--scopes SCOPES] [--page PAGE]
                                      [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--scopes <scopes>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-descendant-group#

usage: gitlab group-descendant-group [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-descendant-group list#

usage: gitlab group-descendant-group list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id
                                          GROUP_ID [--skip-groups SKIP_GROUPS]
                                          [--all-available ALL_AVAILABLE]
                                          [--search SEARCH]
                                          [--order-by ORDER_BY] [--sort SORT]
                                          [--statistics STATISTICS]
                                          [--owned OWNED]
                                          [--with-custom-attributes WITH_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES]
                                          [--min-access-level MIN_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                                          [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--skip-groups <skip_groups>#
--all-available <all_available>#
--order-by <order_by>#
--sort <sort>#
--statistics <statistics>#
--owned <owned>#
--with-custom-attributes <with_custom_attributes>#
--min-access-level <min_access_level>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-epic#

usage: gitlab group-epic [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-epic create#

usage: gitlab group-epic create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --title
                                TITLE [--labels LABELS]
                                [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                [--start-date START_DATE]
                                [--end-date END_DATE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--title <title>#
--labels <labels>#
--description <description>#
--start-date <start_date>#
--end-date <end_date>#

gitlab group-epic delete#

usage: gitlab group-epic delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --iid
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab group-epic get#

usage: gitlab group-epic get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --iid IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab group-epic list#

usage: gitlab group-epic list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                              [--author-id AUTHOR_ID] [--labels LABELS]
                              [--order-by ORDER_BY] [--sort SORT]
                              [--search SEARCH] [--page PAGE]
                              [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--author-id <author_id>#
--labels <labels>#
--order-by <order_by>#
--sort <sort>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-epic update#

usage: gitlab group-epic update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --iid
                                IID [--title TITLE] [--labels LABELS]
                                [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                [--start-date START_DATE]
                                [--end-date END_DATE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--iid <iid>#
--title <title>#
--labels <labels>#
--description <description>#
--start-date <start_date>#
--end-date <end_date>#

gitlab group-epic-award-emoji#

usage: gitlab group-epic-award-emoji [-h] {list,get,create,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-epic-award-emoji create#

usage: gitlab group-epic-award-emoji create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id
                                            GROUP_ID --epic-iid EPIC_IID
                                            --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--epic-iid <epic_iid>#
--name <name>#

gitlab group-epic-award-emoji delete#

usage: gitlab group-epic-award-emoji delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id
                                            GROUP_ID --epic-iid EPIC_IID --id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--epic-iid <epic_iid>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-epic-award-emoji get#

usage: gitlab group-epic-award-emoji get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id
                                         GROUP_ID --epic-iid EPIC_IID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--epic-iid <epic_iid>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-epic-award-emoji list#

usage: gitlab group-epic-award-emoji list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id
                                          GROUP_ID --epic-iid EPIC_IID
                                          [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--epic-iid <epic_iid>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-epic-discussion-note#

usage: gitlab group-epic-discussion-note [-h] {get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-epic-discussion-note create#

usage: gitlab group-epic-discussion-note create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id
                                                GROUP_ID --epic-id EPIC_ID
                                                --discussion-id DISCUSSION_ID
                                                --body BODY
                                                [--created-at CREATED_AT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--epic-id <epic_id>#
--discussion-id <discussion_id>#
--body <body>#
--created-at <created_at>#

gitlab group-epic-discussion-note delete#

usage: gitlab group-epic-discussion-note delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id
                                                GROUP_ID --epic-id EPIC_ID
                                                --discussion-id DISCUSSION_ID
                                                --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--epic-id <epic_id>#
--discussion-id <discussion_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-epic-discussion-note get#

usage: gitlab group-epic-discussion-note get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id
                                             GROUP_ID --epic-id EPIC_ID
                                             --discussion-id DISCUSSION_ID
                                             --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--epic-id <epic_id>#
--discussion-id <discussion_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-epic-discussion-note update#

usage: gitlab group-epic-discussion-note update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id
                                                GROUP_ID --epic-id EPIC_ID
                                                --discussion-id DISCUSSION_ID
                                                --id ID --body BODY
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--epic-id <epic_id>#
--discussion-id <discussion_id>#
--id <id>#
--body <body>#

gitlab group-epic-issue#

usage: gitlab group-epic-issue [-h] {list,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-epic-issue create#

usage: gitlab group-epic-issue create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                      --epic-iid EPIC_IID --issue-id ISSUE_ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--epic-iid <epic_iid>#
--issue-id <issue_id>#

gitlab group-epic-issue delete#

usage: gitlab group-epic-issue delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                      --epic-iid EPIC_IID --epic-issue-id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--epic-iid <epic_iid>#
--epic-issue-id <epic_issue_id>#

gitlab group-epic-issue list#

usage: gitlab group-epic-issue list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                    --epic-iid EPIC_IID [--page PAGE]
                                    [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--epic-iid <epic_iid>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-epic-issue update#

usage: gitlab group-epic-issue update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                      --epic-iid EPIC_IID --epic-issue-id
                                      [--move-before-id MOVE_BEFORE_ID]
                                      [--move-after-id MOVE_AFTER_ID]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--epic-iid <epic_iid>#
--epic-issue-id <epic_issue_id>#
--move-before-id <move_before_id>#
--move-after-id <move_after_id>#

gitlab group-epic-note#

usage: gitlab group-epic-note [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-epic-note create#

usage: gitlab group-epic-note create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                     --epic-id EPIC_ID --body BODY
                                     [--created-at CREATED_AT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--epic-id <epic_id>#
--body <body>#
--created-at <created_at>#

gitlab group-epic-note delete#

usage: gitlab group-epic-note delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                     --epic-id EPIC_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--epic-id <epic_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-epic-note get#

usage: gitlab group-epic-note get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                  --epic-id EPIC_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--epic-id <epic_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-epic-note list#

usage: gitlab group-epic-note list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                   --epic-id EPIC_ID [--page PAGE]
                                   [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--epic-id <epic_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-epic-note update#

usage: gitlab group-epic-note update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                     --epic-id EPIC_ID --id ID --body BODY
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--epic-id <epic_id>#
--id <id>#
--body <body>#

gitlab group-epic-note-award-emoji#

usage: gitlab group-epic-note-award-emoji [-h] {list,get,create,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-epic-note-award-emoji create#

usage: gitlab group-epic-note-award-emoji create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id
                                                 GROUP_ID --epic-iid EPIC_IID
                                                 --note-id NOTE_ID --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--epic-iid <epic_iid>#
--note-id <note_id>#
--name <name>#

gitlab group-epic-note-award-emoji delete#

usage: gitlab group-epic-note-award-emoji delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id
                                                 GROUP_ID --epic-iid EPIC_IID
                                                 --note-id NOTE_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--epic-iid <epic_iid>#
--note-id <note_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-epic-note-award-emoji get#

usage: gitlab group-epic-note-award-emoji get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id
                                              GROUP_ID --epic-iid EPIC_IID
                                              --note-id NOTE_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--epic-iid <epic_iid>#
--note-id <note_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-epic-note-award-emoji list#

usage: gitlab group-epic-note-award-emoji list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id
                                               GROUP_ID --epic-iid EPIC_IID
                                               --note-id NOTE_ID [--page PAGE]
                                               [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--epic-iid <epic_iid>#
--note-id <note_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-epic-resource-label-event#

usage: gitlab group-epic-resource-label-event [-h] {list,get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-epic-resource-label-event get#

usage: gitlab group-epic-resource-label-event get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                  --group-id GROUP_ID
                                                  --epic-id EPIC_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--epic-id <epic_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-epic-resource-label-event list#

usage: gitlab group-epic-resource-label-event list [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                   --group-id GROUP_ID
                                                   --epic-id EPIC_ID
                                                   [--page PAGE]
                                                   [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--epic-id <epic_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-export#

usage: gitlab group-export [-h] {get,create,download} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-export create#

usage: gitlab group-export create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#

gitlab group-export download#

usage: gitlab group-export download [-h] --group-id GROUP_ID [--sudo SUDO]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--group-id <group_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#

gitlab group-export get#

usage: gitlab group-export get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#

gitlab group-hook#

usage: gitlab group-hook [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-hook create#

usage: gitlab group-hook create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --url
                                URL [--push-events PUSH_EVENTS]
                                [--issues-events ISSUES_EVENTS]
                                [--confidential-issues-events CONFIDENTIAL_ISSUES_EVENTS]
                                [--merge-requests-events MERGE_REQUESTS_EVENTS]
                                [--tag-push-events TAG_PUSH_EVENTS]
                                [--note-events NOTE_EVENTS]
                                [--confidential-note-events CONFIDENTIAL_NOTE_EVENTS]
                                [--job-events JOB_EVENTS]
                                [--pipeline-events PIPELINE_EVENTS]
                                [--wiki-page-events WIKI_PAGE_EVENTS]
                                [--deployment-events DEPLOYMENT_EVENTS]
                                [--releases-events RELEASES_EVENTS]
                                [--subgroup-events SUBGROUP_EVENTS]
                                [--enable-ssl-verification ENABLE_SSL_VERIFICATION]
                                [--token TOKEN]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--url <url>#
--push-events <push_events>#
--issues-events <issues_events>#
--confidential-issues-events <confidential_issues_events>#
--merge-requests-events <merge_requests_events>#
--tag-push-events <tag_push_events>#
--note-events <note_events>#
--confidential-note-events <confidential_note_events>#
--job-events <job_events>#
--pipeline-events <pipeline_events>#
--wiki-page-events <wiki_page_events>#
--deployment-events <deployment_events>#
--releases-events <releases_events>#
--subgroup-events <subgroup_events>#
--enable-ssl-verification <enable_ssl_verification>#
--token <token>#

gitlab group-hook delete#

usage: gitlab group-hook delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-hook get#

usage: gitlab group-hook get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-hook list#

usage: gitlab group-hook list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                              [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-hook update#

usage: gitlab group-hook update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --id ID
                                --url URL [--push-events PUSH_EVENTS]
                                [--issues-events ISSUES_EVENTS]
                                [--confidential-issues-events CONFIDENTIAL_ISSUES_EVENTS]
                                [--merge-requests-events MERGE_REQUESTS_EVENTS]
                                [--tag-push-events TAG_PUSH_EVENTS]
                                [--note-events NOTE_EVENTS]
                                [--confidential-note-events CONFIDENTIAL_NOTE_EVENTS]
                                [--job-events JOB_EVENTS]
                                [--pipeline-events PIPELINE_EVENTS]
                                [--wiki-page-events WIKI_PAGE_EVENTS]
                                [--deployment-events DEPLOYMENT_EVENTS]
                                [--releases-events RELEASES_EVENTS]
                                [--subgroup-events SUBGROUP_EVENTS]
                                [--enable-ssl-verification ENABLE_SSL_VERIFICATION]
                                [--token TOKEN]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--id <id>#
--url <url>#
--push-events <push_events>#
--issues-events <issues_events>#
--confidential-issues-events <confidential_issues_events>#
--merge-requests-events <merge_requests_events>#
--tag-push-events <tag_push_events>#
--note-events <note_events>#
--confidential-note-events <confidential_note_events>#
--job-events <job_events>#
--pipeline-events <pipeline_events>#
--wiki-page-events <wiki_page_events>#
--deployment-events <deployment_events>#
--releases-events <releases_events>#
--subgroup-events <subgroup_events>#
--enable-ssl-verification <enable_ssl_verification>#
--token <token>#

gitlab group-import#

usage: gitlab group-import [-h] {get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-import get#

usage: gitlab group-import get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#

gitlab group-invitation#

usage: gitlab group-invitation [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-invitation create#

usage: gitlab group-invitation create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                      --access-level ACCESS_LEVEL
                                      [--expires-at EXPIRES_AT]
                                      [--invite-source INVITE_SOURCE]
                                      [--tasks-to-be-done TASKS_TO_BE_DONE]
                                      [--tasks-project-id TASKS_PROJECT_ID]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--access-level <access_level>#
--expires-at <expires_at>#
--invite-source <invite_source>#
--tasks-to-be-done <tasks_to_be_done>#
--tasks-project-id <tasks_project_id>#

gitlab group-invitation delete#

usage: gitlab group-invitation delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                      --email EMAIL
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--email <email>#

gitlab group-invitation get#

usage: gitlab group-invitation get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                   --email EMAIL
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--email <email>#

gitlab group-invitation list#

usage: gitlab group-invitation list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                    [--query QUERY] [--page PAGE]
                                    [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--query <query>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-invitation update#

usage: gitlab group-invitation update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                      --email EMAIL
                                      [--access-level ACCESS_LEVEL]
                                      [--expires-at EXPIRES_AT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--email <email>#
--access-level <access_level>#
--expires-at <expires_at>#

gitlab group-issue#

usage: gitlab group-issue [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-issue list#

usage: gitlab group-issue list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                               [--state STATE] [--labels LABELS]
                               [--milestone MILESTONE] [--order-by ORDER_BY]
                               [--sort SORT] [--iids IIDS]
                               [--author-id AUTHOR_ID]
                               [--iteration-id ITERATION_ID]
                               [--assignee-id ASSIGNEE_ID]
                               [--my-reaction-emoji MY_REACTION_EMOJI]
                               [--search SEARCH]
                               [--created-after CREATED_AFTER]
                               [--created-before CREATED_BEFORE]
                               [--updated-after UPDATED_AFTER]
                               [--updated-before UPDATED_BEFORE] [--page PAGE]
                               [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--state <state>#
--labels <labels>#
--milestone <milestone>#
--order-by <order_by>#
--sort <sort>#
--iids <iids>#
--author-id <author_id>#
--iteration-id <iteration_id>#
--assignee-id <assignee_id>#
--my-reaction-emoji <my_reaction_emoji>#
--created-after <created_after>#
--created-before <created_before>#
--updated-after <updated_after>#
--updated-before <updated_before>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-issues-statistics#

usage: gitlab group-issues-statistics [-h] {get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-issues-statistics get#

usage: gitlab group-issues-statistics get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#

gitlab group-iteration#

usage: gitlab group-iteration [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-iteration list#

usage: gitlab group-iteration list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                   [--state STATE] [--search SEARCH]
                                   [--include-ancestors INCLUDE_ANCESTORS]
                                   [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--state <state>#
--include-ancestors <include_ancestors>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-label#

usage: gitlab group-label [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-label create#

usage: gitlab group-label create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --name
                                 NAME --color COLOR
                                 [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                 [--priority PRIORITY]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--name <name>#
--color <color>#
--description <description>#
--priority <priority>#

gitlab group-label delete#

usage: gitlab group-label delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --name
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--name <name>#

gitlab group-label get#

usage: gitlab group-label get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --name
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--name <name>#

gitlab group-label list#

usage: gitlab group-label list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                               [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-label subscribe#

usage: gitlab group-label subscribe [-h] --group-id GROUP_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                                    --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--group-id <group_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--name <name>#

gitlab group-label unsubscribe#

usage: gitlab group-label unsubscribe [-h] --group-id GROUP_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                                      --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--group-id <group_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--name <name>#

gitlab group-label update#

usage: gitlab group-label update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --name
                                 NAME [--new-name NEW_NAME] [--color COLOR]
                                 [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                 [--priority PRIORITY]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--name <name>#
--new-name <new_name>#
--color <color>#
--description <description>#
--priority <priority>#

gitlab group-member#

usage: gitlab group-member [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-member create#

usage: gitlab group-member create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                  --access-level ACCESS_LEVEL --user-id
                                  USER_ID [--expires-at EXPIRES_AT]
                                  [--tasks-to-be-done TASKS_TO_BE_DONE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--access-level <access_level>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--expires-at <expires_at>#
--tasks-to-be-done <tasks_to_be_done>#

gitlab group-member delete#

usage: gitlab group-member delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-member get#

usage: gitlab group-member get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-member list#

usage: gitlab group-member list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-member update#

usage: gitlab group-member update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --id
                                  ID --access-level ACCESS_LEVEL
                                  [--expires-at EXPIRES_AT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--id <id>#
--access-level <access_level>#
--expires-at <expires_at>#

gitlab group-member-all#

usage: gitlab group-member-all [-h] {list,get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-member-all get#

usage: gitlab group-member-all get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-member-all list#

usage: gitlab group-member-all list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                    [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-merge-request#

usage: gitlab group-merge-request [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-merge-request list#

usage: gitlab group-merge-request list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                       [--state STATE] [--order-by ORDER_BY]
                                       [--sort SORT] [--milestone MILESTONE]
                                       [--view VIEW] [--labels LABELS]
                                       [--created-after CREATED_AFTER]
                                       [--created-before CREATED_BEFORE]
                                       [--updated-after UPDATED_AFTER]
                                       [--updated-before UPDATED_BEFORE]
                                       [--scope SCOPE] [--author-id AUTHOR_ID]
                                       [--assignee-id ASSIGNEE_ID]
                                       [--approver-ids APPROVER_IDS]
                                       [--approved-by-ids APPROVED_BY_IDS]
                                       [--my-reaction-emoji MY_REACTION_EMOJI]
                                       [--source-branch SOURCE_BRANCH]
                                       [--target-branch TARGET_BRANCH]
                                       [--search SEARCH] [--wip WIP]
                                       [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--state <state>#
--order-by <order_by>#
--sort <sort>#
--milestone <milestone>#
--view <view>#
--labels <labels>#
--created-after <created_after>#
--created-before <created_before>#
--updated-after <updated_after>#
--updated-before <updated_before>#
--scope <scope>#
--author-id <author_id>#
--assignee-id <assignee_id>#
--approver-ids <approver_ids>#
--approved-by-ids <approved_by_ids>#
--my-reaction-emoji <my_reaction_emoji>#
--source-branch <source_branch>#
--target-branch <target_branch>#
--wip <wip>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-milestone#

usage: gitlab group-milestone [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-milestone create#

usage: gitlab group-milestone create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                     --title TITLE [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                     [--due-date DUE_DATE]
                                     [--start-date START_DATE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--title <title>#
--description <description>#
--due-date <due_date>#
--start-date <start_date>#

gitlab group-milestone delete#

usage: gitlab group-milestone delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                     --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-milestone get#

usage: gitlab group-milestone get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-milestone issues#

usage: gitlab group-milestone issues [-h] --group-id GROUP_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                                     --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--group-id <group_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-milestone list#

usage: gitlab group-milestone list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                   [--iids IIDS] [--state STATE]
                                   [--search SEARCH] [--page PAGE]
                                   [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--iids <iids>#
--state <state>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-milestone merge-requests#

usage: gitlab group-milestone merge-requests [-h] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                             [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--group-id <group_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab group-milestone update#

usage: gitlab group-milestone update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                     --id ID [--title TITLE]
                                     [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                     [--due-date DUE_DATE]
                                     [--start-date START_DATE]
                                     [--state-event STATE_EVENT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--id <id>#
--title <title>#
--description <description>#
--due-date <due_date>#
--start-date <start_date>#
--state-event <state_event>#

gitlab group-notification-settings#

usage: gitlab group-notification-settings [-h] {get,update} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-notification-settings get#

usage: gitlab group-notification-settings get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#

gitlab group-notification-settings update#

usage: gitlab group-notification-settings update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id
                                                 GROUP_ID [--level LEVEL]
                                                 [--notification-email NOTIFICATION_EMAIL]
                                                 [--new-note NEW_NOTE]
                                                 [--new-issue NEW_ISSUE]
                                                 [--reopen-issue REOPEN_ISSUE]
                                                 [--close-issue CLOSE_ISSUE]
                                                 [--reassign-issue REASSIGN_ISSUE]
                                                 [--new-merge-request NEW_MERGE_REQUEST]
                                                 [--reopen-merge-request REOPEN_MERGE_REQUEST]
                                                 [--close-merge-request CLOSE_MERGE_REQUEST]
                                                 [--reassign-merge-request REASSIGN_MERGE_REQUEST]
                                                 [--merge-merge-request MERGE_MERGE_REQUEST]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--level <level>#
--notification-email <notification_email>#
--new-note <new_note>#
--new-issue <new_issue>#
--reopen-issue <reopen_issue>#
--close-issue <close_issue>#
--reassign-issue <reassign_issue>#
--new-merge-request <new_merge_request>#
--reopen-merge-request <reopen_merge_request>#
--close-merge-request <close_merge_request>#
--reassign-merge-request <reassign_merge_request>#
--merge-merge-request <merge_merge_request>#

gitlab group-package#

usage: gitlab group-package [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-package list#

usage: gitlab group-package list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                 [--exclude-subgroups EXCLUDE_SUBGROUPS]
                                 [--order-by ORDER_BY] [--sort SORT]
                                 [--package-type PACKAGE_TYPE]
                                 [--package-name PACKAGE_NAME] [--page PAGE]
                                 [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--exclude-subgroups <exclude_subgroups>#
--order-by <order_by>#
--sort <sort>#
--package-type <package_type>#
--package-name <package_name>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-project#

usage: gitlab group-project [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-project list#

usage: gitlab group-project list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                 [--archived ARCHIVED]
                                 [--visibility VISIBILITY]
                                 [--order-by ORDER_BY] [--sort SORT]
                                 [--search SEARCH] [--simple SIMPLE]
                                 [--owned OWNED] [--starred STARRED]
                                 [--with-custom-attributes WITH_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES]
                                 [--include-subgroups INCLUDE_SUBGROUPS]
                                 [--with-issues-enabled WITH_ISSUES_ENABLED]
                                 [--with-merge-requests-enabled WITH_MERGE_REQUESTS_ENABLED]
                                 [--with-shared WITH_SHARED]
                                 [--min-access-level MIN_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                                 [--with-security-reports WITH_SECURITY_REPORTS]
                                 [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--archived <archived>#
--visibility <visibility>#
--order-by <order_by>#
--sort <sort>#
--simple <simple>#
--owned <owned>#
--starred <starred>#
--with-custom-attributes <with_custom_attributes>#
--include-subgroups <include_subgroups>#
--with-issues-enabled <with_issues_enabled>#
--with-merge-requests-enabled <with_merge_requests_enabled>#
--with-shared <with_shared>#
--min-access-level <min_access_level>#
--with-security-reports <with_security_reports>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-push-rules#

usage: gitlab group-push-rules [-h] {get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-push-rules create#

usage: gitlab group-push-rules create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                      [--deny-delete-tag DENY_DELETE_TAG]
                                      [--member-check MEMBER_CHECK]
                                      [--prevent-secrets PREVENT_SECRETS]
                                      [--commit-message-regex COMMIT_MESSAGE_REGEX]
                                      [--commit-message-negative-regex COMMIT_MESSAGE_NEGATIVE_REGEX]
                                      [--branch-name-regex BRANCH_NAME_REGEX]
                                      [--author-email-regex AUTHOR_EMAIL_REGEX]
                                      [--file-name-regex FILE_NAME_REGEX]
                                      [--max-file-size MAX_FILE_SIZE]
                                      [--commit-committer-check COMMIT_COMMITTER_CHECK]
                                      [--reject-unsigned-commits REJECT_UNSIGNED_COMMITS]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--deny-delete-tag <deny_delete_tag>#
--member-check <member_check>#
--prevent-secrets <prevent_secrets>#
--commit-message-regex <commit_message_regex>#
--commit-message-negative-regex <commit_message_negative_regex>#
--branch-name-regex <branch_name_regex>#
--author-email-regex <author_email_regex>#
--file-name-regex <file_name_regex>#
--max-file-size <max_file_size>#
--commit-committer-check <commit_committer_check>#
--reject-unsigned-commits <reject_unsigned_commits>#

gitlab group-push-rules delete#

usage: gitlab group-push-rules delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#

gitlab group-push-rules get#

usage: gitlab group-push-rules get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#

gitlab group-push-rules update#

usage: gitlab group-push-rules update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                      [--deny-delete-tag DENY_DELETE_TAG]
                                      [--member-check MEMBER_CHECK]
                                      [--prevent-secrets PREVENT_SECRETS]
                                      [--commit-message-regex COMMIT_MESSAGE_REGEX]
                                      [--commit-message-negative-regex COMMIT_MESSAGE_NEGATIVE_REGEX]
                                      [--branch-name-regex BRANCH_NAME_REGEX]
                                      [--author-email-regex AUTHOR_EMAIL_REGEX]
                                      [--file-name-regex FILE_NAME_REGEX]
                                      [--max-file-size MAX_FILE_SIZE]
                                      [--commit-committer-check COMMIT_COMMITTER_CHECK]
                                      [--reject-unsigned-commits REJECT_UNSIGNED_COMMITS]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--deny-delete-tag <deny_delete_tag>#
--member-check <member_check>#
--prevent-secrets <prevent_secrets>#
--commit-message-regex <commit_message_regex>#
--commit-message-negative-regex <commit_message_negative_regex>#
--branch-name-regex <branch_name_regex>#
--author-email-regex <author_email_regex>#
--file-name-regex <file_name_regex>#
--max-file-size <max_file_size>#
--commit-committer-check <commit_committer_check>#
--reject-unsigned-commits <reject_unsigned_commits>#

gitlab group-runner#

usage: gitlab group-runner [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-runner list#

usage: gitlab group-runner list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                [--scope SCOPE] [--tag-list TAG_LIST]
                                [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--scope <scope>#
--tag-list <tag_list>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-subgroup#

usage: gitlab group-subgroup [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-subgroup list#

usage: gitlab group-subgroup list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                  [--skip-groups SKIP_GROUPS]
                                  [--all-available ALL_AVAILABLE]
                                  [--search SEARCH] [--order-by ORDER_BY]
                                  [--sort SORT] [--statistics STATISTICS]
                                  [--owned OWNED]
                                  [--with-custom-attributes WITH_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES]
                                  [--min-access-level MIN_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                                  [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--skip-groups <skip_groups>#
--all-available <all_available>#
--order-by <order_by>#
--sort <sort>#
--statistics <statistics>#
--owned <owned>#
--with-custom-attributes <with_custom_attributes>#
--min-access-level <min_access_level>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-variable#

usage: gitlab group-variable [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-variable create#

usage: gitlab group-variable create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                    --key KEY --value VALUE
                                    [--protected PROTECTED]
                                    [--variable-type VARIABLE_TYPE]
                                    [--masked MASKED]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--key <key>#
--value <value>#
--protected <protected>#
--variable-type <variable_type>#
--masked <masked>#

gitlab group-variable delete#

usage: gitlab group-variable delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                    --key KEY
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--key <key>#

gitlab group-variable get#

usage: gitlab group-variable get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --key
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--key <key>#

gitlab group-variable list#

usage: gitlab group-variable list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                  [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-variable update#

usage: gitlab group-variable update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                    --key KEY --value VALUE
                                    [--protected PROTECTED]
                                    [--variable-type VARIABLE_TYPE]
                                    [--masked MASKED]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--key <key>#
--value <value>#
--protected <protected>#
--variable-type <variable_type>#
--masked <masked>#

gitlab group-wiki#

usage: gitlab group-wiki [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab group-wiki create#

usage: gitlab group-wiki create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --title
                                TITLE --content CONTENT [--format FORMAT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--title <title>#
--content <content>#
--format <format>#

gitlab group-wiki delete#

usage: gitlab group-wiki delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --slug
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--slug <slug>#

gitlab group-wiki get#

usage: gitlab group-wiki get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --slug
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--slug <slug>#

gitlab group-wiki list#

usage: gitlab group-wiki list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                              [--with-content WITH_CONTENT] [--page PAGE]
                              [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--with-content <with_content>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab group-wiki update#

usage: gitlab group-wiki update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID --slug
                                SLUG [--title TITLE] [--content CONTENT]
                                [--format FORMAT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--slug <slug>#
--title <title>#
--content <content>#
--format <format>#

gitlab hook#

usage: gitlab hook [-h] {list,get,create,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab hook create#

usage: gitlab hook create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --url URL
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--url <url>#

gitlab hook delete#

usage: gitlab hook delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab hook get#

usage: gitlab hook get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab hook list#

usage: gitlab hook list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab issue#

usage: gitlab issue [-h] {list,get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab issue get#

usage: gitlab issue get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab issue list#

usage: gitlab issue list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--state STATE] [--labels LABELS]
                         [--milestone MILESTONE] [--scope SCOPE]
                         [--author-id AUTHOR_ID] [--iteration-id ITERATION_ID]
                         [--assignee-id ASSIGNEE_ID]
                         [--my-reaction-emoji MY_REACTION_EMOJI] [--iids IIDS]
                         [--order-by ORDER_BY] [--sort SORT] [--search SEARCH]
                         [--created-after CREATED_AFTER]
                         [--created-before CREATED_BEFORE]
                         [--updated-after UPDATED_AFTER]
                         [--updated-before UPDATED_BEFORE] [--page PAGE]
                         [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--state <state>#
--labels <labels>#
--milestone <milestone>#
--scope <scope>#
--author-id <author_id>#
--iteration-id <iteration_id>#
--assignee-id <assignee_id>#
--my-reaction-emoji <my_reaction_emoji>#
--iids <iids>#
--order-by <order_by>#
--sort <sort>#
--created-after <created_after>#
--created-before <created_before>#
--updated-after <updated_after>#
--updated-before <updated_before>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab issues-statistics#

usage: gitlab issues-statistics [-h] {get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab issues-statistics get#

usage: gitlab issues-statistics get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#

gitlab key#

usage: gitlab key [-h] {get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab key get#

usage: gitlab key get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab ldap-group#

usage: gitlab ldap-group [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab ldap-group list#

usage: gitlab ldap-group list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--search SEARCH]
                              [--provider PROVIDER] [--page PAGE]
                              [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--provider <provider>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab license#

usage: gitlab license [-h] {list,get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab license get#

usage: gitlab license get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --key KEY [--project PROJECT]
                          [--fullname FULLNAME]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--key <key>#
--project <project>#
--fullname <fullname>#

gitlab license list#

usage: gitlab license list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--popular POPULAR]
                           [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab merge-request#

usage: gitlab merge-request [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab merge-request list#

usage: gitlab merge-request list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--state STATE]
                                 [--order-by ORDER_BY] [--sort SORT]
                                 [--milestone MILESTONE] [--view VIEW]
                                 [--labels LABELS]
                                 [--with-labels-details WITH_LABELS_DETAILS]
                                 [--with-merge-status-recheck WITH_MERGE_STATUS_RECHECK]
                                 [--created-after CREATED_AFTER]
                                 [--created-before CREATED_BEFORE]
                                 [--updated-after UPDATED_AFTER]
                                 [--updated-before UPDATED_BEFORE]
                                 [--scope SCOPE] [--author-id AUTHOR_ID]
                                 [--author-username AUTHOR_USERNAME]
                                 [--assignee-id ASSIGNEE_ID]
                                 [--approver-ids APPROVER_IDS]
                                 [--approved-by-ids APPROVED_BY_IDS]
                                 [--reviewer-id REVIEWER_ID]
                                 [--reviewer-username REVIEWER_USERNAME]
                                 [--my-reaction-emoji MY_REACTION_EMOJI]
                                 [--source-branch SOURCE_BRANCH]
                                 [--target-branch TARGET_BRANCH]
                                 [--search SEARCH] [--in IN] [--wip WIP]
                                 [--not NOT] [--environment ENVIRONMENT]
                                 [--deployed-before DEPLOYED_BEFORE]
                                 [--deployed-after DEPLOYED_AFTER]
                                 [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--state <state>#
--order-by <order_by>#
--sort <sort>#
--milestone <milestone>#
--view <view>#
--labels <labels>#
--with-labels-details <with_labels_details>#
--with-merge-status-recheck <with_merge_status_recheck>#
--created-after <created_after>#
--created-before <created_before>#
--updated-after <updated_after>#
--updated-before <updated_before>#
--scope <scope>#
--author-id <author_id>#
--author-username <author_username>#
--assignee-id <assignee_id>#
--approver-ids <approver_ids>#
--approved-by-ids <approved_by_ids>#
--reviewer-id <reviewer_id>#
--reviewer-username <reviewer_username>#
--my-reaction-emoji <my_reaction_emoji>#
--source-branch <source_branch>#
--target-branch <target_branch>#
--in <in>#
--wip <wip>#
--not <not>#
--environment <environment>#
--deployed-before <deployed_before>#
--deployed-after <deployed_after>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab namespace#

usage: gitlab namespace [-h] {list,get,exists} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab namespace exists#

usage: gitlab namespace exists [-h] --id ID --namespace NAMESPACE --parent-id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#
--namespace <namespace>#
--parent-id <parent_id>#

gitlab namespace get#

usage: gitlab namespace get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab namespace list#

usage: gitlab namespace list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--search SEARCH]
                             [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab notification-settings#

usage: gitlab notification-settings [-h] {get,update} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab notification-settings get#

usage: gitlab notification-settings get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#

gitlab notification-settings update#

usage: gitlab notification-settings update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--level LEVEL]
                                           [--notification-email NOTIFICATION_EMAIL]
                                           [--new-note NEW_NOTE]
                                           [--new-issue NEW_ISSUE]
                                           [--reopen-issue REOPEN_ISSUE]
                                           [--close-issue CLOSE_ISSUE]
                                           [--reassign-issue REASSIGN_ISSUE]
                                           [--new-merge-request NEW_MERGE_REQUEST]
                                           [--reopen-merge-request REOPEN_MERGE_REQUEST]
                                           [--close-merge-request CLOSE_MERGE_REQUEST]
                                           [--reassign-merge-request REASSIGN_MERGE_REQUEST]
                                           [--merge-merge-request MERGE_MERGE_REQUEST]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--level <level>#
--notification-email <notification_email>#
--new-note <new_note>#
--new-issue <new_issue>#
--reopen-issue <reopen_issue>#
--close-issue <close_issue>#
--reassign-issue <reassign_issue>#
--new-merge-request <new_merge_request>#
--reopen-merge-request <reopen_merge_request>#
--close-merge-request <close_merge_request>#
--reassign-merge-request <reassign_merge_request>#
--merge-merge-request <merge_merge_request>#

gitlab pages-domain#

usage: gitlab pages-domain [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab pages-domain list#

usage: gitlab pages-domain list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--page PAGE]
                                [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab personal-access-token#

usage: gitlab personal-access-token [-h] {list,get,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab personal-access-token delete#

usage: gitlab personal-access-token delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab personal-access-token get#

usage: gitlab personal-access-token get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab personal-access-token list#

usage: gitlab personal-access-token list [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                         [--user-id USER_ID] [--page PAGE]
                                         [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project#

usage: gitlab project [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project archive#

usage: gitlab project archive [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab project create#

usage: gitlab project create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--name NAME] [--path PATH]
                             [--allow-merge-on-skipped-pipeline ALLOW_MERGE_ON_SKIPPED_PIPELINE]
                             [--only-allow-merge-if-all-status-checks-passed ONLY_ALLOW_MERGE_IF_ALL_STATUS_CHECKS_PASSED]
                             [--analytics-access-level ANALYTICS_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--approvals-before-merge APPROVALS_BEFORE_MERGE]
                             [--auto-cancel-pending-pipelines AUTO_CANCEL_PENDING_PIPELINES]
                             [--auto-devops-deploy-strategy AUTO_DEVOPS_DEPLOY_STRATEGY]
                             [--auto-devops-enabled AUTO_DEVOPS_ENABLED]
                             [--autoclose-referenced-issues AUTOCLOSE_REFERENCED_ISSUES]
                             [--avatar AVATAR]
                             [--build-coverage-regex BUILD_COVERAGE_REGEX]
                             [--build-git-strategy BUILD_GIT_STRATEGY]
                             [--build-timeout BUILD_TIMEOUT]
                             [--builds-access-level BUILDS_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--ci-config-path CI_CONFIG_PATH]
                             [--container-expiration-policy-attributes CONTAINER_EXPIRATION_POLICY_ATTRIBUTES]
                             [--container-registry-access-level CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--container-registry-enabled CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ENABLED]
                             [--default-branch DEFAULT_BRANCH]
                             [--description DESCRIPTION]
                             [--emails-disabled EMAILS_DISABLED]
                             [--external-authorization-classification-label EXTERNAL_AUTHORIZATION_CLASSIFICATION_LABEL]
                             [--forking-access-level FORKING_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--group-with-project-templates-id GROUP_WITH_PROJECT_TEMPLATES_ID]
                             [--import-url IMPORT_URL]
                             [--initialize-with-readme INITIALIZE_WITH_README]
                             [--issues-access-level ISSUES_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--issues-enabled ISSUES_ENABLED]
                             [--jobs-enabled JOBS_ENABLED]
                             [--lfs-enabled LFS_ENABLED]
                             [--merge-method MERGE_METHOD]
                             [--merge-pipelines-enabled MERGE_PIPELINES_ENABLED]
                             [--merge-requests-access-level MERGE_REQUESTS_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--merge-requests-enabled MERGE_REQUESTS_ENABLED]
                             [--mirror-trigger-builds MIRROR_TRIGGER_BUILDS]
                             [--mirror MIRROR] [--namespace-id NAMESPACE_ID]
                             [--operations-access-level OPERATIONS_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--only-allow-merge-if-all-discussions-are-resolved ONLY_ALLOW_MERGE_IF_ALL_DISCUSSIONS_ARE_RESOLVED]
                             [--only-allow-merge-if-pipeline-succeeds ONLY_ALLOW_MERGE_IF_PIPELINE_SUCCEEDS]
                             [--packages-enabled PACKAGES_ENABLED]
                             [--pages-access-level PAGES_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--requirements-access-level REQUIREMENTS_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--printing-merge-request-link-enabled PRINTING_MERGE_REQUEST_LINK_ENABLED]
                             [--public-builds PUBLIC_BUILDS]
                             [--releases-access-level RELEASES_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--environments-access-level ENVIRONMENTS_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--feature-flags-access-level FEATURE_FLAGS_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--infrastructure-access-level INFRASTRUCTURE_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--monitor-access-level MONITOR_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--remove-source-branch-after-merge REMOVE_SOURCE_BRANCH_AFTER_MERGE]
                             [--repository-access-level REPOSITORY_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--repository-storage REPOSITORY_STORAGE]
                             [--request-access-enabled REQUEST_ACCESS_ENABLED]
                             [--resolve-outdated-diff-discussions RESOLVE_OUTDATED_DIFF_DISCUSSIONS]
                             [--security-and-compliance-access-level SECURITY_AND_COMPLIANCE_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--shared-runners-enabled SHARED_RUNNERS_ENABLED]
                             [--show-default-award-emojis SHOW_DEFAULT_AWARD_EMOJIS]
                             [--snippets-access-level SNIPPETS_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--snippets-enabled SNIPPETS_ENABLED]
                             [--squash-option SQUASH_OPTION]
                             [--tag-list TAG_LIST] [--topics TOPICS]
                             [--template-name TEMPLATE_NAME]
                             [--template-project-id TEMPLATE_PROJECT_ID]
                             [--use-custom-template USE_CUSTOM_TEMPLATE]
                             [--visibility VISIBILITY]
                             [--wiki-access-level WIKI_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--wiki-enabled WIKI_ENABLED]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--name <name>#
--path <path>#
--allow-merge-on-skipped-pipeline <allow_merge_on_skipped_pipeline>#
--only-allow-merge-if-all-status-checks-passed <only_allow_merge_if_all_status_checks_passed>#
--analytics-access-level <analytics_access_level>#
--approvals-before-merge <approvals_before_merge>#
--auto-cancel-pending-pipelines <auto_cancel_pending_pipelines>#
--auto-devops-deploy-strategy <auto_devops_deploy_strategy>#
--auto-devops-enabled <auto_devops_enabled>#
--autoclose-referenced-issues <autoclose_referenced_issues>#
--avatar <avatar>#
--build-coverage-regex <build_coverage_regex>#
--build-git-strategy <build_git_strategy>#
--build-timeout <build_timeout>#
--builds-access-level <builds_access_level>#
--ci-config-path <ci_config_path>#
--container-expiration-policy-attributes <container_expiration_policy_attributes>#
--container-registry-access-level <container_registry_access_level>#
--container-registry-enabled <container_registry_enabled>#
--default-branch <default_branch>#
--description <description>#
--emails-disabled <emails_disabled>#
--external-authorization-classification-label <external_authorization_classification_label>#
--forking-access-level <forking_access_level>#
--group-with-project-templates-id <group_with_project_templates_id>#
--import-url <import_url>#
--initialize-with-readme <initialize_with_readme>#
--issues-access-level <issues_access_level>#
--issues-enabled <issues_enabled>#
--jobs-enabled <jobs_enabled>#
--lfs-enabled <lfs_enabled>#
--merge-method <merge_method>#
--merge-pipelines-enabled <merge_pipelines_enabled>#
--merge-requests-access-level <merge_requests_access_level>#
--merge-requests-enabled <merge_requests_enabled>#
--mirror-trigger-builds <mirror_trigger_builds>#
--mirror <mirror>#
--namespace-id <namespace_id>#
--operations-access-level <operations_access_level>#
--only-allow-merge-if-all-discussions-are-resolved <only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved>#
--only-allow-merge-if-pipeline-succeeds <only_allow_merge_if_pipeline_succeeds>#
--packages-enabled <packages_enabled>#
--pages-access-level <pages_access_level>#
--requirements-access-level <requirements_access_level>#
--public-builds <public_builds>#
--releases-access-level <releases_access_level>#
--environments-access-level <environments_access_level>#
--feature-flags-access-level <feature_flags_access_level>#
--infrastructure-access-level <infrastructure_access_level>#
--monitor-access-level <monitor_access_level>#
--remove-source-branch-after-merge <remove_source_branch_after_merge>#
--repository-access-level <repository_access_level>#
--repository-storage <repository_storage>#
--request-access-enabled <request_access_enabled>#
--resolve-outdated-diff-discussions <resolve_outdated_diff_discussions>#
--security-and-compliance-access-level <security_and_compliance_access_level>#
--shared-runners-enabled <shared_runners_enabled>#
--show-default-award-emojis <show_default_award_emojis>#
--snippets-access-level <snippets_access_level>#
--snippets-enabled <snippets_enabled>#
--squash-option <squash_option>#
--tag-list <tag_list>#
--topics <topics>#
--template-name <template_name>#
--template-project-id <template_project_id>#
--use-custom-template <use_custom_template>#
--visibility <visibility>#
--wiki-access-level <wiki_access_level>#
--wiki-enabled <wiki_enabled>#

gitlab project create-fork-relation#

usage: gitlab project create-fork-relation [-h] --id ID --forked-from-id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#
--forked-from-id <forked_from_id>#

gitlab project delete#

usage: gitlab project delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project delete-fork-relation#

usage: gitlab project delete-fork-relation [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab project delete-merged-branches#

usage: gitlab project delete-merged-branches [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab project get#

usage: gitlab project get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project housekeeping#

usage: gitlab project housekeeping [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab project languages#

usage: gitlab project languages [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab project list#

usage: gitlab project list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--archived ARCHIVED]
                           [--id-after ID_AFTER] [--id-before ID_BEFORE]
                           [--last-activity-after LAST_ACTIVITY_AFTER]
                           [--last-activity-before LAST_ACTIVITY_BEFORE]
                           [--membership MEMBERSHIP]
                           [--min-access-level MIN_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                           [--order-by ORDER_BY] [--owned OWNED]
                           [--repository-checksum-failed REPOSITORY_CHECKSUM_FAILED]
                           [--repository-storage REPOSITORY_STORAGE]
                           [--search-namespaces SEARCH_NAMESPACES]
                           [--search SEARCH] [--simple SIMPLE] [--sort SORT]
                           [--starred STARRED] [--statistics STATISTICS]
                           [--topic TOPIC] [--visibility VISIBILITY]
                           [--wiki-checksum-failed WIKI_CHECKSUM_FAILED]
                           [--with-custom-attributes WITH_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES]
                           [--with-issues-enabled WITH_ISSUES_ENABLED]
                           [--with-merge-requests-enabled WITH_MERGE_REQUESTS_ENABLED]
                           [--with-programming-language WITH_PROGRAMMING_LANGUAGE]
                           [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--archived <archived>#
--id-after <id_after>#
--id-before <id_before>#
--last-activity-after <last_activity_after>#
--last-activity-before <last_activity_before>#
--membership <membership>#
--min-access-level <min_access_level>#
--order-by <order_by>#
--owned <owned>#
--repository-checksum-failed <repository_checksum_failed>#
--repository-storage <repository_storage>#
--search-namespaces <search_namespaces>#
--simple <simple>#
--sort <sort>#
--starred <starred>#
--statistics <statistics>#
--topic <topic>#
--visibility <visibility>#
--wiki-checksum-failed <wiki_checksum_failed>#
--with-custom-attributes <with_custom_attributes>#
--with-issues-enabled <with_issues_enabled>#
--with-merge-requests-enabled <with_merge_requests_enabled>#
--with-programming-language <with_programming_language>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project mirror-pull#

usage: gitlab project mirror-pull [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab project mirror-pull-details#

usage: gitlab project mirror-pull-details [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab project repository-archive#

usage: gitlab project repository-archive [-h] --id ID [--sha SHA]
                                         [--format FORMAT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#
--sha <sha>#
--format <format>#

gitlab project repository-blob#

usage: gitlab project repository-blob [-h] --id ID --sha SHA
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#
--sha <sha>#

gitlab project repository-compare#

usage: gitlab project repository-compare [-h] --id ID --from- FROM_ --to TO
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#
--from- <from_>#
--to <to>#

gitlab project repository-contributors#

usage: gitlab project repository-contributors [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab project repository-merge-base#

usage: gitlab project repository-merge-base [-h] --id ID --refs REFS
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#
--refs <refs>#

gitlab project repository-raw-blob#

usage: gitlab project repository-raw-blob [-h] --id ID --sha SHA
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#
--sha <sha>#

gitlab project repository-tree#

usage: gitlab project repository-tree [-h] --id ID [--path PATH] [--ref REF]
                                      [--recursive RECURSIVE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#
--path <path>#
--ref <ref>#
--recursive <recursive>#

gitlab project restore#

usage: gitlab project restore [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab project share#

usage: gitlab project share [-h] --id ID --group-id GROUP_ID --group-access
                            GROUP_ACCESS [--expires-at EXPIRES_AT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--group-access <group_access>#
--expires-at <expires_at>#

gitlab project snapshot#

usage: gitlab project snapshot [-h] --id ID [--wiki WIKI]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#
--wiki <wiki>#

gitlab project star#

usage: gitlab project star [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab project transfer#

usage: gitlab project transfer [-h] --id ID --to-namespace TO_NAMESPACE
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#
--to-namespace <to_namespace>#

gitlab project trigger-pipeline#

usage: gitlab project trigger-pipeline [-h] --id ID --ref REF --token TOKEN
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#
--ref <ref>#
--token <token>#

gitlab project unarchive#

usage: gitlab project unarchive [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab project unshare#

usage: gitlab project unshare [-h] --id ID --group-id GROUP_ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#
--group-id <group_id>#

gitlab project unstar#

usage: gitlab project unstar [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab project update#

usage: gitlab project update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
                             [--allow-merge-on-skipped-pipeline ALLOW_MERGE_ON_SKIPPED_PIPELINE]
                             [--only-allow-merge-if-all-status-checks-passed ONLY_ALLOW_MERGE_IF_ALL_STATUS_CHECKS_PASSED]
                             [--analytics-access-level ANALYTICS_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--approvals-before-merge APPROVALS_BEFORE_MERGE]
                             [--auto-cancel-pending-pipelines AUTO_CANCEL_PENDING_PIPELINES]
                             [--auto-devops-deploy-strategy AUTO_DEVOPS_DEPLOY_STRATEGY]
                             [--auto-devops-enabled AUTO_DEVOPS_ENABLED]
                             [--autoclose-referenced-issues AUTOCLOSE_REFERENCED_ISSUES]
                             [--avatar AVATAR]
                             [--build-coverage-regex BUILD_COVERAGE_REGEX]
                             [--build-git-strategy BUILD_GIT_STRATEGY]
                             [--build-timeout BUILD_TIMEOUT]
                             [--builds-access-level BUILDS_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--ci-config-path CI_CONFIG_PATH]
                             [--ci-default-git-depth CI_DEFAULT_GIT_DEPTH]
                             [--ci-forward-deployment-enabled CI_FORWARD_DEPLOYMENT_ENABLED]
                             [--ci-allow-fork-pipelines-to-run-in-parent-project CI_ALLOW_FORK_PIPELINES_TO_RUN_IN_PARENT_PROJECT]
                             [--ci-separated-caches CI_SEPARATED_CACHES]
                             [--container-expiration-policy-attributes CONTAINER_EXPIRATION_POLICY_ATTRIBUTES]
                             [--container-registry-access-level CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--container-registry-enabled CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ENABLED]
                             [--default-branch DEFAULT_BRANCH]
                             [--description DESCRIPTION]
                             [--emails-disabled EMAILS_DISABLED]
                             [--enforce-auth-checks-on-uploads ENFORCE_AUTH_CHECKS_ON_UPLOADS]
                             [--external-authorization-classification-label EXTERNAL_AUTHORIZATION_CLASSIFICATION_LABEL]
                             [--forking-access-level FORKING_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--import-url IMPORT_URL]
                             [--issues-access-level ISSUES_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--issues-enabled ISSUES_ENABLED]
                             [--issues-template ISSUES_TEMPLATE]
                             [--jobs-enabled JOBS_ENABLED]
                             [--keep-latest-artifact KEEP_LATEST_ARTIFACT]
                             [--lfs-enabled LFS_ENABLED]
                             [--merge-commit-template MERGE_COMMIT_TEMPLATE]
                             [--merge-method MERGE_METHOD]
                             [--merge-pipelines-enabled MERGE_PIPELINES_ENABLED]
                             [--merge-requests-access-level MERGE_REQUESTS_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--merge-requests-enabled MERGE_REQUESTS_ENABLED]
                             [--merge-requests-template MERGE_REQUESTS_TEMPLATE]
                             [--merge-trains-enabled MERGE_TRAINS_ENABLED]
                             [--mirror-overwrites-diverged-branches MIRROR_OVERWRITES_DIVERGED_BRANCHES]
                             [--mirror-trigger-builds MIRROR_TRIGGER_BUILDS]
                             [--mirror-user-id MIRROR_USER_ID]
                             [--mirror MIRROR]
                             [--mr-default-target-self MR_DEFAULT_TARGET_SELF]
                             [--name NAME]
                             [--operations-access-level OPERATIONS_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--only-allow-merge-if-all-discussions-are-resolved ONLY_ALLOW_MERGE_IF_ALL_DISCUSSIONS_ARE_RESOLVED]
                             [--only-allow-merge-if-pipeline-succeeds ONLY_ALLOW_MERGE_IF_PIPELINE_SUCCEEDS]
                             [--only-mirror-protected-branches ONLY_MIRROR_PROTECTED_BRANCHES]
                             [--packages-enabled PACKAGES_ENABLED]
                             [--pages-access-level PAGES_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--requirements-access-level REQUIREMENTS_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--restrict-user-defined-variables RESTRICT_USER_DEFINED_VARIABLES]
                             [--path PATH] [--public-builds PUBLIC_BUILDS]
                             [--releases-access-level RELEASES_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--environments-access-level ENVIRONMENTS_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--feature-flags-access-level FEATURE_FLAGS_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--infrastructure-access-level INFRASTRUCTURE_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--monitor-access-level MONITOR_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--remove-source-branch-after-merge REMOVE_SOURCE_BRANCH_AFTER_MERGE]
                             [--repository-access-level REPOSITORY_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--repository-storage REPOSITORY_STORAGE]
                             [--request-access-enabled REQUEST_ACCESS_ENABLED]
                             [--resolve-outdated-diff-discussions RESOLVE_OUTDATED_DIFF_DISCUSSIONS]
                             [--security-and-compliance-access-level SECURITY_AND_COMPLIANCE_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--service-desk-enabled SERVICE_DESK_ENABLED]
                             [--shared-runners-enabled SHARED_RUNNERS_ENABLED]
                             [--show-default-award-emojis SHOW_DEFAULT_AWARD_EMOJIS]
                             [--snippets-access-level SNIPPETS_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--snippets-enabled SNIPPETS_ENABLED]
                             [--issue-branch-template ISSUE_BRANCH_TEMPLATE]
                             [--squash-commit-template SQUASH_COMMIT_TEMPLATE]
                             [--squash-option SQUASH_OPTION]
                             [--suggestion-commit-message SUGGESTION_COMMIT_MESSAGE]
                             [--tag-list TAG_LIST] [--topics TOPICS]
                             [--visibility VISIBILITY]
                             [--wiki-access-level WIKI_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                             [--wiki-enabled WIKI_ENABLED]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#
--allow-merge-on-skipped-pipeline <allow_merge_on_skipped_pipeline>#
--only-allow-merge-if-all-status-checks-passed <only_allow_merge_if_all_status_checks_passed>#
--analytics-access-level <analytics_access_level>#
--approvals-before-merge <approvals_before_merge>#
--auto-cancel-pending-pipelines <auto_cancel_pending_pipelines>#
--auto-devops-deploy-strategy <auto_devops_deploy_strategy>#
--auto-devops-enabled <auto_devops_enabled>#
--autoclose-referenced-issues <autoclose_referenced_issues>#
--avatar <avatar>#
--build-coverage-regex <build_coverage_regex>#
--build-git-strategy <build_git_strategy>#
--build-timeout <build_timeout>#
--builds-access-level <builds_access_level>#
--ci-config-path <ci_config_path>#
--ci-default-git-depth <ci_default_git_depth>#
--ci-forward-deployment-enabled <ci_forward_deployment_enabled>#
--ci-allow-fork-pipelines-to-run-in-parent-project <ci_allow_fork_pipelines_to_run_in_parent_project>#
--ci-separated-caches <ci_separated_caches>#
--container-expiration-policy-attributes <container_expiration_policy_attributes>#
--container-registry-access-level <container_registry_access_level>#
--container-registry-enabled <container_registry_enabled>#
--default-branch <default_branch>#
--description <description>#
--emails-disabled <emails_disabled>#
--enforce-auth-checks-on-uploads <enforce_auth_checks_on_uploads>#
--external-authorization-classification-label <external_authorization_classification_label>#
--forking-access-level <forking_access_level>#
--import-url <import_url>#
--issues-access-level <issues_access_level>#
--issues-enabled <issues_enabled>#
--issues-template <issues_template>#
--jobs-enabled <jobs_enabled>#
--keep-latest-artifact <keep_latest_artifact>#
--lfs-enabled <lfs_enabled>#
--merge-commit-template <merge_commit_template>#
--merge-method <merge_method>#
--merge-pipelines-enabled <merge_pipelines_enabled>#
--merge-requests-access-level <merge_requests_access_level>#
--merge-requests-enabled <merge_requests_enabled>#
--merge-requests-template <merge_requests_template>#
--merge-trains-enabled <merge_trains_enabled>#
--mirror-overwrites-diverged-branches <mirror_overwrites_diverged_branches>#
--mirror-trigger-builds <mirror_trigger_builds>#
--mirror-user-id <mirror_user_id>#
--mirror <mirror>#
--mr-default-target-self <mr_default_target_self>#
--name <name>#
--operations-access-level <operations_access_level>#
--only-allow-merge-if-all-discussions-are-resolved <only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved>#
--only-allow-merge-if-pipeline-succeeds <only_allow_merge_if_pipeline_succeeds>#
--only-mirror-protected-branches <only_mirror_protected_branches>#
--packages-enabled <packages_enabled>#
--pages-access-level <pages_access_level>#
--requirements-access-level <requirements_access_level>#
--restrict-user-defined-variables <restrict_user_defined_variables>#
--path <path>#
--public-builds <public_builds>#
--releases-access-level <releases_access_level>#
--environments-access-level <environments_access_level>#
--feature-flags-access-level <feature_flags_access_level>#
--infrastructure-access-level <infrastructure_access_level>#
--monitor-access-level <monitor_access_level>#
--remove-source-branch-after-merge <remove_source_branch_after_merge>#
--repository-access-level <repository_access_level>#
--repository-storage <repository_storage>#
--request-access-enabled <request_access_enabled>#
--resolve-outdated-diff-discussions <resolve_outdated_diff_discussions>#
--security-and-compliance-access-level <security_and_compliance_access_level>#
--service-desk-enabled <service_desk_enabled>#
--shared-runners-enabled <shared_runners_enabled>#
--show-default-award-emojis <show_default_award_emojis>#
--snippets-access-level <snippets_access_level>#
--snippets-enabled <snippets_enabled>#
--issue-branch-template <issue_branch_template>#
--squash-commit-template <squash_commit_template>#
--squash-option <squash_option>#
--suggestion-commit-message <suggestion_commit_message>#
--tag-list <tag_list>#
--topics <topics>#
--visibility <visibility>#
--wiki-access-level <wiki_access_level>#
--wiki-enabled <wiki_enabled>#

gitlab project update-submodule#

usage: gitlab project update-submodule [-h] --id ID --submodule SUBMODULE
                                       --branch BRANCH --commit-sha COMMIT_SHA
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#
--submodule <submodule>#
--branch <branch>#
--commit-sha <commit_sha>#

gitlab project upload#

usage: gitlab project upload [-h] --id ID --filename FILENAME --filepath
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#
--filename <filename>#
--filepath <filepath>#

gitlab project-access-request#

usage: gitlab project-access-request [-h] {list,create,delete,approve} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-access-request approve#

usage: gitlab project-access-request approve [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                             [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
                                             [--access-level ACCESS_LEVEL]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#
--access-level <access_level>#

gitlab project-access-request create#

usage: gitlab project-access-request create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#

gitlab project-access-request delete#

usage: gitlab project-access-request delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                            PROJECT_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-access-request list#

usage: gitlab project-access-request list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                          PROJECT_ID [--page PAGE]
                                          [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-access-token#

usage: gitlab project-access-token [-h] {list,create,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-access-token create#

usage: gitlab project-access-token create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                          PROJECT_ID --name NAME --scopes
                                          SCOPES [--access-level ACCESS_LEVEL]
                                          [--expires-at EXPIRES_AT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--name <name>#
--scopes <scopes>#
--access-level <access_level>#
--expires-at <expires_at>#

gitlab project-access-token delete#

usage: gitlab project-access-token delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                          PROJECT_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-access-token list#

usage: gitlab project-access-token list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                        PROJECT_ID [--page PAGE]
                                        [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-additional-statistics#

usage: gitlab project-additional-statistics [-h] {get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-additional-statistics get#

usage: gitlab project-additional-statistics get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                --project-id PROJECT_ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#

gitlab project-approval#

usage: gitlab project-approval [-h] {get,update} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-approval get#

usage: gitlab project-approval get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#

gitlab project-approval update#

usage: gitlab project-approval update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                      [--approvals-before-merge APPROVALS_BEFORE_MERGE]
                                      [--reset-approvals-on-push RESET_APPROVALS_ON_PUSH]
                                      [--disable-overriding-approvers-per-merge-request DISABLE_OVERRIDING_APPROVERS_PER_MERGE_REQUEST]
                                      [--merge-requests-author-approval MERGE_REQUESTS_AUTHOR_APPROVAL]
                                      [--merge-requests-disable-committers-approval MERGE_REQUESTS_DISABLE_COMMITTERS_APPROVAL]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--approvals-before-merge <approvals_before_merge>#
--reset-approvals-on-push <reset_approvals_on_push>#
--disable-overriding-approvers-per-merge-request <disable_overriding_approvers_per_merge_request>#
--merge-requests-author-approval <merge_requests_author_approval>#
--merge-requests-disable-committers-approval <merge_requests_disable_committers_approval>#

gitlab project-approval-rule#

usage: gitlab project-approval-rule [-h] {list,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-approval-rule create#

usage: gitlab project-approval-rule create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                           PROJECT_ID --name NAME
                                           [--user-ids USER_IDS]
                                           [--group-ids GROUP_IDS]
                                           [--protected-branch-ids PROTECTED_BRANCH_IDS]
                                           [--usernames USERNAMES]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--name <name>#
--approvals-required <approvals_required>#
--user-ids <user_ids>#
--group-ids <group_ids>#
--protected-branch-ids <protected_branch_ids>#
--usernames <usernames>#

gitlab project-approval-rule delete#

usage: gitlab project-approval-rule delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                           PROJECT_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-approval-rule list#

usage: gitlab project-approval-rule list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                         PROJECT_ID [--page PAGE]
                                         [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-approval-rule update#

usage: gitlab project-approval-rule update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                           PROJECT_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-artifact#

usage: gitlab project-artifact [-h] {delete,download,raw} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-artifact delete#

usage: gitlab project-artifact delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                      PROJECT_ID --ref-name REF_NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--ref-name <ref_name>#

gitlab project-artifact download#

usage: gitlab project-artifact download [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                        [--sudo SUDO] --ref-name REF_NAME
                                        --job JOB [--job-token JOB_TOKEN]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--ref-name <ref_name>#
--job <job>#
--job-token <job_token>#

gitlab project-artifact raw#

usage: gitlab project-artifact raw [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                                   --ref-name REF_NAME --artifact-path
                                   ARTIFACT_PATH --job JOB
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--ref-name <ref_name>#
--artifact-path <artifact_path>#
--job <job>#

gitlab project-audit-event#

usage: gitlab project-audit-event [-h] {list,get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-audit-event get#

usage: gitlab project-audit-event get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                      PROJECT_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-audit-event list#

usage: gitlab project-audit-event list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                       [--created-after CREATED_AFTER]
                                       [--created-before CREATED_BEFORE]
                                       [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--created-after <created_after>#
--created-before <created_before>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-badge#

usage: gitlab project-badge [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete,render} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-badge create#

usage: gitlab project-badge create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                   --link-url LINK_URL --image-url IMAGE_URL
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--image-url <image_url>#

gitlab project-badge delete#

usage: gitlab project-badge delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                   --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-badge get#

usage: gitlab project-badge get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-badge list#

usage: gitlab project-badge list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                 [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-badge render#

usage: gitlab project-badge render [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                                   --id ID --link-url LINK_URL --image-url
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#
--image-url <image_url>#

gitlab project-badge update#

usage: gitlab project-badge update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                   --id ID [--link-url LINK_URL]
                                   [--image-url IMAGE_URL]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#
--image-url <image_url>#

gitlab project-board#

usage: gitlab project-board [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-board create#

usage: gitlab project-board create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                   --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--name <name>#

gitlab project-board delete#

usage: gitlab project-board delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                   --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-board get#

usage: gitlab project-board get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-board list#

usage: gitlab project-board list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                 [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-board update#

usage: gitlab project-board update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                   --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-board-list#

usage: gitlab project-board-list [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-board-list create#

usage: gitlab project-board-list create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                        PROJECT_ID --board-id BOARD_ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--board-id <board_id>#

gitlab project-board-list delete#

usage: gitlab project-board-list delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                        PROJECT_ID --board-id BOARD_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--board-id <board_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-board-list get#

usage: gitlab project-board-list get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                     PROJECT_ID --board-id BOARD_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--board-id <board_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-board-list list#

usage: gitlab project-board-list list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                      PROJECT_ID --board-id BOARD_ID
                                      [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--board-id <board_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-board-list update#

usage: gitlab project-board-list update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                        PROJECT_ID --board-id BOARD_ID --id ID
                                        --position POSITION
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--board-id <board_id>#
--id <id>#
--position <position>#

gitlab project-branch#

usage: gitlab project-branch [-h] {list,get,create,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-branch create#

usage: gitlab project-branch create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                    --branch BRANCH --ref REF
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--branch <branch>#
--ref <ref>#

gitlab project-branch delete#

usage: gitlab project-branch delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                    --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--name <name>#

gitlab project-branch get#

usage: gitlab project-branch get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                 --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--name <name>#

gitlab project-branch list#

usage: gitlab project-branch list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                  [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-ci-lint#

usage: gitlab project-ci-lint [-h] {get,create,validate} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-ci-lint create#

usage: gitlab project-ci-lint create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                     PROJECT_ID --content CONTENT
                                     [--dry-run DRY_RUN]
                                     [--include-jobs INCLUDE_JOBS] [--ref REF]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--content <content>#
--dry-run <dry_run>#
--include-jobs <include_jobs>#
--ref <ref>#

gitlab project-ci-lint get#

usage: gitlab project-ci-lint get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                  [--dry-run DRY_RUN]
                                  [--include-jobs INCLUDE_JOBS] [--ref REF]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--dry-run <dry_run>#
--include-jobs <include_jobs>#
--ref <ref>#

gitlab project-ci-lint validate#

usage: gitlab project-ci-lint validate [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                       [--sudo SUDO] --content CONTENT
                                       [--dry-run DRY_RUN]
                                       [--include-jobs INCLUDE_JOBS]
                                       [--ref REF]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--content <content>#
--dry-run <dry_run>#
--include-jobs <include_jobs>#
--ref <ref>#

gitlab project-cluster#

usage: gitlab project-cluster [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-cluster create#

usage: gitlab project-cluster create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                     PROJECT_ID --name NAME
                                     [--domain DOMAIN] [--enabled ENABLED]
                                     [--managed MANAGED]
                                     [--environment-scope ENVIRONMENT_SCOPE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--name <name>#
--platform-kubernetes-attributes <platform_kubernetes_attributes>#
--domain <domain>#
--enabled <enabled>#
--managed <managed>#
--environment-scope <environment_scope>#

gitlab project-cluster delete#

usage: gitlab project-cluster delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                     PROJECT_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-cluster get#

usage: gitlab project-cluster get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                  --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-cluster list#

usage: gitlab project-cluster list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                   [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-cluster update#

usage: gitlab project-cluster update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                     PROJECT_ID --id ID [--name NAME]
                                     [--domain DOMAIN]
                                     [--management-project-id MANAGEMENT_PROJECT_ID]
                                     [--platform-kubernetes-attributes PLATFORM_KUBERNETES_ATTRIBUTES]
                                     [--environment-scope ENVIRONMENT_SCOPE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#
--name <name>#
--domain <domain>#
--management-project-id <management_project_id>#
--platform-kubernetes-attributes <platform_kubernetes_attributes>#
--environment-scope <environment_scope>#

gitlab project-commit#

usage: gitlab project-commit [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-commit cherry-pick#

usage: gitlab project-commit cherry-pick [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                         [--sudo SUDO] --id ID --branch BRANCH
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#
--branch <branch>#

gitlab project-commit create#

usage: gitlab project-commit create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                    --branch BRANCH --commit-message
                                    COMMIT_MESSAGE --actions ACTIONS
                                    [--author-email AUTHOR_EMAIL]
                                    [--author-name AUTHOR_NAME]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--branch <branch>#
--commit-message <commit_message>#
--actions <actions>#
--author-email <author_email>#
--author-name <author_name>#

gitlab project-commit diff#

usage: gitlab project-commit diff [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                                  --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-commit get#

usage: gitlab project-commit get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                 --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-commit list#

usage: gitlab project-commit list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                  [--all ALL] [--ref-name REF_NAME]
                                  [--since SINCE] [--until UNTIL]
                                  [--path PATH] [--with-stats WITH_STATS]
                                  [--first-parent FIRST_PARENT]
                                  [--order ORDER] [--trailers TRAILERS]
                                  [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--all <all>#
--ref-name <ref_name>#
--since <since>#
--until <until>#
--path <path>#
--with-stats <with_stats>#
--first-parent <first_parent>#
--order <order>#
--trailers <trailers>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-commit merge-requests#

usage: gitlab project-commit merge-requests [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                            [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-commit refs#

usage: gitlab project-commit refs [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                                  --id ID [--type TYPE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#
--type <type>#

gitlab project-commit revert#

usage: gitlab project-commit revert [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                                    --id ID --branch BRANCH
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#
--branch <branch>#

gitlab project-commit signature#

usage: gitlab project-commit signature [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                       [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-commit-comment#

usage: gitlab project-commit-comment [-h] {list,create} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-commit-comment create#

usage: gitlab project-commit-comment create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                            PROJECT_ID --commit-id COMMIT_ID
                                            --note NOTE [--path PATH]
                                            [--line LINE]
                                            [--line-type LINE_TYPE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--commit-id <commit_id>#
--note <note>#
--path <path>#
--line <line>#
--line-type <line_type>#

gitlab project-commit-comment list#

usage: gitlab project-commit-comment list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                          PROJECT_ID --commit-id COMMIT_ID
                                          [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--commit-id <commit_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-commit-discussion#

usage: gitlab project-commit-discussion [-h] {list,get,create} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-commit-discussion create#

usage: gitlab project-commit-discussion create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                               PROJECT_ID --commit-id
                                               COMMIT_ID --body BODY
                                               [--created-at CREATED_AT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--commit-id <commit_id>#
--body <body>#
--created-at <created_at>#

gitlab project-commit-discussion get#

usage: gitlab project-commit-discussion get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                            PROJECT_ID --commit-id COMMIT_ID
                                            --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--commit-id <commit_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-commit-discussion list#

usage: gitlab project-commit-discussion list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                             PROJECT_ID --commit-id COMMIT_ID
                                             [--page PAGE]
                                             [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--commit-id <commit_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-commit-discussion-note#

usage: gitlab project-commit-discussion-note [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-commit-discussion-note create#

usage: gitlab project-commit-discussion-note create [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                    --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                    --commit-id COMMIT_ID
                                                    DISCUSSION_ID --body BODY
                                                    [--created-at CREATED_AT]
                                                    [--position POSITION]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--commit-id <commit_id>#
--discussion-id <discussion_id>#
--body <body>#
--created-at <created_at>#
--position <position>#

gitlab project-commit-discussion-note delete#

usage: gitlab project-commit-discussion-note delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                    --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                    --commit-id COMMIT_ID
                                                    DISCUSSION_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--commit-id <commit_id>#
--discussion-id <discussion_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-commit-discussion-note get#

usage: gitlab project-commit-discussion-note get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                 --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                 --commit-id COMMIT_ID
                                                 --discussion-id DISCUSSION_ID
                                                 --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--commit-id <commit_id>#
--discussion-id <discussion_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-commit-discussion-note update#

usage: gitlab project-commit-discussion-note update [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                    --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                    --commit-id COMMIT_ID
                                                    DISCUSSION_ID --id ID
                                                    --body BODY
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--commit-id <commit_id>#
--discussion-id <discussion_id>#
--id <id>#
--body <body>#

gitlab project-commit-status#

usage: gitlab project-commit-status [-h] {list,create} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-commit-status create#

usage: gitlab project-commit-status create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                           PROJECT_ID --commit-id COMMIT_ID
                                           --state STATE
                                           [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                           [--name NAME] [--context CONTEXT]
                                           [--ref REF]
                                           [--target-url TARGET_URL]
                                           [--coverage COVERAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--commit-id <commit_id>#
--state <state>#
--description <description>#
--name <name>#
--context <context>#
--ref <ref>#
--target-url <target_url>#
--coverage <coverage>#

gitlab project-commit-status list#

usage: gitlab project-commit-status list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                         PROJECT_ID --commit-id COMMIT_ID
                                         [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--commit-id <commit_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-custom-attribute#

usage: gitlab project-custom-attribute [-h] {list,get,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-custom-attribute delete#

usage: gitlab project-custom-attribute delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                              PROJECT_ID --key KEY
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--key <key>#

gitlab project-custom-attribute get#

usage: gitlab project-custom-attribute get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                           PROJECT_ID --key KEY
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--key <key>#

gitlab project-custom-attribute list#

usage: gitlab project-custom-attribute list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                            PROJECT_ID [--page PAGE]
                                            [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-deploy-token#

usage: gitlab project-deploy-token [-h] {list,get,create,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-deploy-token create#

usage: gitlab project-deploy-token create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                          PROJECT_ID --name NAME --scopes
                                          SCOPES [--expires-at EXPIRES_AT]
                                          [--username USERNAME]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--name <name>#
--scopes <scopes>#
--expires-at <expires_at>#
--username <username>#

gitlab project-deploy-token delete#

usage: gitlab project-deploy-token delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                          PROJECT_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-deploy-token get#

usage: gitlab project-deploy-token get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                       PROJECT_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-deploy-token list#

usage: gitlab project-deploy-token list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                        PROJECT_ID [--scopes SCOPES]
                                        [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--scopes <scopes>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-deployment#

usage: gitlab project-deployment [-h] {list,get,create,update,approval} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-deployment approval#

usage: gitlab project-deployment approval [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                          [--sudo SUDO] --id ID --status
                                          STATUS [--comment COMMENT]
                                          [--represented-as REPRESENTED_AS]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#
--status <status>#
--comment <comment>#
--represented-as <represented_as>#

gitlab project-deployment create#

usage: gitlab project-deployment create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                        PROJECT_ID --sha SHA --ref REF --tag
                                        TAG --status STATUS --environment
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--sha <sha>#
--ref <ref>#
--tag <tag>#
--status <status>#
--environment <environment>#

gitlab project-deployment get#

usage: gitlab project-deployment get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                     PROJECT_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-deployment list#

usage: gitlab project-deployment list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                      PROJECT_ID [--order-by ORDER_BY]
                                      [--sort SORT]
                                      [--updated-after UPDATED_AFTER]
                                      [--updated-before UPDATED_BEFORE]
                                      [--environment ENVIRONMENT]
                                      [--status STATUS] [--page PAGE]
                                      [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--order-by <order_by>#
--sort <sort>#
--updated-after <updated_after>#
--updated-before <updated_before>#
--environment <environment>#
--status <status>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-deployment update#

usage: gitlab project-deployment update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                        PROJECT_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-deployment-merge-request#

usage: gitlab project-deployment-merge-request [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-deployment-merge-request list#

usage: gitlab project-deployment-merge-request list [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                    DEPLOYMENT_ID --project-id
                                                    PROJECT_ID [--state STATE]
                                                    [--order-by ORDER_BY]
                                                    [--sort SORT]
                                                    [--milestone MILESTONE]
                                                    [--view VIEW]
                                                    [--labels LABELS]
                                                    [--with-labels-details WITH_LABELS_DETAILS]
                                                    [--with-merge-status-recheck WITH_MERGE_STATUS_RECHECK]
                                                    [--created-after CREATED_AFTER]
                                                    [--created-before CREATED_BEFORE]
                                                    [--updated-after UPDATED_AFTER]
                                                    [--updated-before UPDATED_BEFORE]
                                                    [--scope SCOPE]
                                                    [--author-id AUTHOR_ID]
                                                    [--author-username AUTHOR_USERNAME]
                                                    [--assignee-id ASSIGNEE_ID]
                                                    [--approver-ids APPROVER_IDS]
                                                    [--approved-by-ids APPROVED_BY_IDS]
                                                    [--reviewer-id REVIEWER_ID]
                                                    [--reviewer-username REVIEWER_USERNAME]
                                                    [--my-reaction-emoji MY_REACTION_EMOJI]
                                                    [--source-branch SOURCE_BRANCH]
                                                    [--target-branch TARGET_BRANCH]
                                                    [--search SEARCH]
                                                    [--in IN] [--wip WIP]
                                                    [--not NOT]
                                                    [--environment ENVIRONMENT]
                                                    [--deployed-before DEPLOYED_BEFORE]
                                                    [--deployed-after DEPLOYED_AFTER]
                                                    [--page PAGE]
                                                    [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--deployment-id <deployment_id>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--state <state>#
--order-by <order_by>#
--sort <sort>#
--milestone <milestone>#
--view <view>#
--labels <labels>#
--with-labels-details <with_labels_details>#
--with-merge-status-recheck <with_merge_status_recheck>#
--created-after <created_after>#
--created-before <created_before>#
--updated-after <updated_after>#
--updated-before <updated_before>#
--scope <scope>#
--author-id <author_id>#
--author-username <author_username>#
--assignee-id <assignee_id>#
--approver-ids <approver_ids>#
--approved-by-ids <approved_by_ids>#
--reviewer-id <reviewer_id>#
--reviewer-username <reviewer_username>#
--my-reaction-emoji <my_reaction_emoji>#
--source-branch <source_branch>#
--target-branch <target_branch>#
--in <in>#
--wip <wip>#
--not <not>#
--environment <environment>#
--deployed-before <deployed_before>#
--deployed-after <deployed_after>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-environment#

usage: gitlab project-environment [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-environment create#

usage: gitlab project-environment create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                         PROJECT_ID --name NAME
                                         [--external-url EXTERNAL_URL]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--name <name>#
--external-url <external_url>#

gitlab project-environment delete#

usage: gitlab project-environment delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                         PROJECT_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-environment get#

usage: gitlab project-environment get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                      PROJECT_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-environment list#

usage: gitlab project-environment list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                       PROJECT_ID [--name NAME]
                                       [--search SEARCH] [--states STATES]
                                       [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--name <name>#
--states <states>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-environment stop#

usage: gitlab project-environment stop [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                       [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-environment update#

usage: gitlab project-environment update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                         PROJECT_ID --id ID [--name NAME]
                                         [--external-url EXTERNAL_URL]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#
--name <name>#
--external-url <external_url>#

gitlab project-event#

usage: gitlab project-event [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-event list#

usage: gitlab project-event list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                 [--action ACTION] [--target-type TARGET_TYPE]
                                 [--before BEFORE] [--after AFTER]
                                 [--sort SORT] [--scope SCOPE] [--page PAGE]
                                 [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--action <action>#
--target-type <target_type>#
--before <before>#
--after <after>#
--sort <sort>#
--scope <scope>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-export#

usage: gitlab project-export [-h] {get,create,download} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-export create#

usage: gitlab project-export create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                    [--description DESCRIPTION]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--description <description>#

gitlab project-export download#

usage: gitlab project-export download [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                      [--sudo SUDO]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#

gitlab project-export get#

usage: gitlab project-export get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#

gitlab project-file#

usage: gitlab project-file [-h] {get,create,update,delete,raw,blame} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-file blame#

usage: gitlab project-file blame [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                                 --file-path FILE_PATH --ref REF
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--file-path <file_path>#
--ref <ref>#

gitlab project-file create#

usage: gitlab project-file create [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                                  --file-path FILE_PATH --branch BRANCH
                                  --content CONTENT --commit-message
                                  COMMIT_MESSAGE [--encoding ENCODING]
                                  [--author-email AUTHOR_EMAIL]
                                  [--author-name AUTHOR_NAME]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--file-path <file_path>#
--branch <branch>#
--content <content>#
--commit-message <commit_message>#
--encoding <encoding>#
--author-email <author_email>#
--author-name <author_name>#

gitlab project-file delete#

usage: gitlab project-file delete [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                                  --file-path FILE_PATH --branch BRANCH
                                  --commit-message COMMIT_MESSAGE
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--file-path <file_path>#
--branch <branch>#
--commit-message <commit_message>#

gitlab project-file get#

usage: gitlab project-file get [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                               --file-path FILE_PATH --ref REF
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--file-path <file_path>#
--ref <ref>#

gitlab project-file raw#

usage: gitlab project-file raw [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                               --file-path FILE_PATH --ref REF
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--file-path <file_path>#
--ref <ref>#

gitlab project-file update#

usage: gitlab project-file update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                  --file-path FILE_PATH --branch BRANCH
                                  --content CONTENT --commit-message
                                  COMMIT_MESSAGE [--encoding ENCODING]
                                  [--author-email AUTHOR_EMAIL]
                                  [--author-name AUTHOR_NAME]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--file-path <file_path>#
--branch <branch>#
--content <content>#
--commit-message <commit_message>#
--encoding <encoding>#
--author-email <author_email>#
--author-name <author_name>#

gitlab project-fork#

usage: gitlab project-fork [-h] {list,create} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-fork create#

usage: gitlab project-fork create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                  [--namespace NAMESPACE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--namespace <namespace>#

gitlab project-fork list#

usage: gitlab project-fork list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                [--archived ARCHIVED]
                                [--visibility VISIBILITY]
                                [--order-by ORDER_BY] [--sort SORT]
                                [--search SEARCH] [--simple SIMPLE]
                                [--owned OWNED] [--membership MEMBERSHIP]
                                [--starred STARRED] [--statistics STATISTICS]
                                [--with-custom-attributes WITH_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES]
                                [--with-issues-enabled WITH_ISSUES_ENABLED]
                                [--with-merge-requests-enabled WITH_MERGE_REQUESTS_ENABLED]
                                [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--archived <archived>#
--visibility <visibility>#
--order-by <order_by>#
--sort <sort>#
--simple <simple>#
--owned <owned>#
--membership <membership>#
--starred <starred>#
--statistics <statistics>#
--with-custom-attributes <with_custom_attributes>#
--with-issues-enabled <with_issues_enabled>#
--with-merge-requests-enabled <with_merge_requests_enabled>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-hook#

usage: gitlab project-hook [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-hook create#

usage: gitlab project-hook create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                  --url URL [--push-events PUSH_EVENTS]
                                  [--issues-events ISSUES_EVENTS]
                                  [--confidential-issues-events CONFIDENTIAL_ISSUES_EVENTS]
                                  [--merge-requests-events MERGE_REQUESTS_EVENTS]
                                  [--tag-push-events TAG_PUSH_EVENTS]
                                  [--note-events NOTE_EVENTS]
                                  [--job-events JOB_EVENTS]
                                  [--pipeline-events PIPELINE_EVENTS]
                                  [--wiki-page-events WIKI_PAGE_EVENTS]
                                  [--enable-ssl-verification ENABLE_SSL_VERIFICATION]
                                  [--token TOKEN]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--url <url>#
--push-events <push_events>#
--issues-events <issues_events>#
--confidential-issues-events <confidential_issues_events>#
--merge-requests-events <merge_requests_events>#
--tag-push-events <tag_push_events>#
--note-events <note_events>#
--job-events <job_events>#
--pipeline-events <pipeline_events>#
--wiki-page-events <wiki_page_events>#
--enable-ssl-verification <enable_ssl_verification>#
--token <token>#

gitlab project-hook delete#

usage: gitlab project-hook delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                  --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-hook get#

usage: gitlab project-hook get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID --id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-hook list#

usage: gitlab project-hook list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-hook update#

usage: gitlab project-hook update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                  --id ID --url URL
                                  [--push-events PUSH_EVENTS]
                                  [--issues-events ISSUES_EVENTS]
                                  [--confidential-issues-events CONFIDENTIAL_ISSUES_EVENTS]
                                  [--merge-requests-events MERGE_REQUESTS_EVENTS]
                                  [--tag-push-events TAG_PUSH_EVENTS]
                                  [--note-events NOTE_EVENTS]
                                  [--job-events JOB_EVENTS]
                                  [--pipeline-events PIPELINE_EVENTS]
                                  [--wiki-events WIKI_EVENTS]
                                  [--enable-ssl-verification ENABLE_SSL_VERIFICATION]
                                  [--token TOKEN]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#
--url <url>#
--push-events <push_events>#
--issues-events <issues_events>#
--confidential-issues-events <confidential_issues_events>#
--merge-requests-events <merge_requests_events>#
--tag-push-events <tag_push_events>#
--note-events <note_events>#
--job-events <job_events>#
--pipeline-events <pipeline_events>#
--wiki-events <wiki_events>#
--enable-ssl-verification <enable_ssl_verification>#
--token <token>#

gitlab project-import#

usage: gitlab project-import [-h] {get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-import get#

usage: gitlab project-import get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#

gitlab project-integration#

usage: gitlab project-integration [-h] {list,get,update,delete,available} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-integration available#

usage: gitlab project-integration available [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                            [--sudo SUDO] --slug SLUG
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--slug <slug>#

gitlab project-integration delete#

usage: gitlab project-integration delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                         PROJECT_ID --slug SLUG
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--slug <slug>#

gitlab project-integration get#

usage: gitlab project-integration get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                      PROJECT_ID --slug SLUG
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--slug <slug>#

gitlab project-integration list#

usage: gitlab project-integration list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                       PROJECT_ID [--page PAGE]
                                       [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-integration update#

usage: gitlab project-integration update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                         PROJECT_ID --slug SLUG
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--slug <slug>#

gitlab project-invitation#

usage: gitlab project-invitation [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-invitation create#

usage: gitlab project-invitation create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                        PROJECT_ID --access-level ACCESS_LEVEL
                                        [--expires-at EXPIRES_AT]
                                        [--invite-source INVITE_SOURCE]
                                        [--tasks-to-be-done TASKS_TO_BE_DONE]
                                        [--tasks-project-id TASKS_PROJECT_ID]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--access-level <access_level>#
--expires-at <expires_at>#
--invite-source <invite_source>#
--tasks-to-be-done <tasks_to_be_done>#
--tasks-project-id <tasks_project_id>#

gitlab project-invitation delete#

usage: gitlab project-invitation delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                        PROJECT_ID --email EMAIL
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--email <email>#

gitlab project-invitation get#

usage: gitlab project-invitation get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                     PROJECT_ID --email EMAIL
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--email <email>#

gitlab project-invitation list#

usage: gitlab project-invitation list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                      PROJECT_ID [--query QUERY] [--page PAGE]
                                      [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--query <query>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-invitation update#

usage: gitlab project-invitation update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                        PROJECT_ID --email EMAIL
                                        [--access-level ACCESS_LEVEL]
                                        [--expires-at EXPIRES_AT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--email <email>#
--access-level <access_level>#
--expires-at <expires_at>#

gitlab project-issue#

usage: gitlab project-issue [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-issue add-spent-time#

usage: gitlab project-issue add-spent-time [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                           [--sudo SUDO] --iid IID --duration
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#
--duration <duration>#

gitlab project-issue closed-by#

usage: gitlab project-issue closed-by [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                      [--sudo SUDO] --iid IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab project-issue create#

usage: gitlab project-issue create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                   --title TITLE [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                   [--confidential CONFIDENTIAL]
                                   [--assignee-ids ASSIGNEE_IDS]
                                   [--assignee-id ASSIGNEE_ID]
                                   [--milestone-id MILESTONE_ID]
                                   [--labels LABELS] [--created-at CREATED_AT]
                                   [--due-date DUE_DATE]
                                   [--merge-request-to-resolve-discussions-of MERGE_REQUEST_TO_RESOLVE_DISCUSSIONS_OF]
                                   [--discussion-to-resolve DISCUSSION_TO_RESOLVE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--title <title>#
--description <description>#
--confidential <confidential>#
--assignee-ids <assignee_ids>#
--assignee-id <assignee_id>#
--milestone-id <milestone_id>#
--labels <labels>#
--created-at <created_at>#
--due-date <due_date>#
--merge-request-to-resolve-discussions-of <merge_request_to_resolve_discussions_of>#
--discussion-to-resolve <discussion_to_resolve>#

gitlab project-issue delete#

usage: gitlab project-issue delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                   --iid IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab project-issue get#

usage: gitlab project-issue get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                --iid IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab project-issue list#

usage: gitlab project-issue list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                 [--iids IIDS] [--state STATE]
                                 [--labels LABELS] [--milestone MILESTONE]
                                 [--scope SCOPE] [--author-id AUTHOR_ID]
                                 [--iteration-id ITERATION_ID]
                                 [--assignee-id ASSIGNEE_ID]
                                 [--my-reaction-emoji MY_REACTION_EMOJI]
                                 [--order-by ORDER_BY] [--sort SORT]
                                 [--search SEARCH]
                                 [--created-after CREATED_AFTER]
                                 [--created-before CREATED_BEFORE]
                                 [--updated-after UPDATED_AFTER]
                                 [--updated-before UPDATED_BEFORE]
                                 [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--iids <iids>#
--state <state>#
--labels <labels>#
--milestone <milestone>#
--scope <scope>#
--author-id <author_id>#
--iteration-id <iteration_id>#
--assignee-id <assignee_id>#
--my-reaction-emoji <my_reaction_emoji>#
--order-by <order_by>#
--sort <sort>#
--created-after <created_after>#
--created-before <created_before>#
--updated-after <updated_after>#
--updated-before <updated_before>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-issue move#

usage: gitlab project-issue move [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                                 --iid IID --to-project-id TO_PROJECT_ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#
--to-project-id <to_project_id>#

gitlab project-issue participants#

usage: gitlab project-issue participants [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                         [--sudo SUDO] --iid IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab project-issue reorder#

usage: gitlab project-issue reorder [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                                    --iid IID --move-after-id MOVE_AFTER_ID
                                    --move-before-id MOVE_BEFORE_ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#
--move-after-id <move_after_id>#
--move-before-id <move_before_id>#

gitlab project-issue reset-spent-time#

usage: gitlab project-issue reset-spent-time [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                             [--sudo SUDO] --iid IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab project-issue reset-time-estimate#

usage: gitlab project-issue reset-time-estimate [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                [--sudo SUDO] --iid IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab project-issue subscribe#

usage: gitlab project-issue subscribe [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                      [--sudo SUDO] --iid IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab project-issue time-estimate#

usage: gitlab project-issue time-estimate [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                          [--sudo SUDO] --iid IID --duration
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#
--duration <duration>#

gitlab project-issue time-stats#

usage: gitlab project-issue time-stats [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                       [--sudo SUDO] --iid IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab project-issue todo#

usage: gitlab project-issue todo [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                                 --iid IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab project-issue unsubscribe#

usage: gitlab project-issue unsubscribe [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                        [--sudo SUDO] --iid IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab project-issue update#

usage: gitlab project-issue update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                   --iid IID [--title TITLE]
                                   [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                   [--confidential CONFIDENTIAL]
                                   [--assignee-ids ASSIGNEE_IDS]
                                   [--assignee-id ASSIGNEE_ID]
                                   [--milestone-id MILESTONE_ID]
                                   [--labels LABELS]
                                   [--state-event STATE_EVENT]
                                   [--updated-at UPDATED_AT]
                                   [--due-date DUE_DATE]
                                   [--discussion-locked DISCUSSION_LOCKED]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--iid <iid>#
--title <title>#
--description <description>#
--confidential <confidential>#
--assignee-ids <assignee_ids>#
--assignee-id <assignee_id>#
--milestone-id <milestone_id>#
--labels <labels>#
--state-event <state_event>#
--updated-at <updated_at>#
--due-date <due_date>#
--discussion-locked <discussion_locked>#

gitlab project-issue user-agent-detail#

usage: gitlab project-issue user-agent-detail [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                              [--sudo SUDO] --iid IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab project-issue-award-emoji#

usage: gitlab project-issue-award-emoji [-h] {list,get,create,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-issue-award-emoji create#

usage: gitlab project-issue-award-emoji create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                               PROJECT_ID --issue-iid
                                               ISSUE_IID --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--name <name>#

gitlab project-issue-award-emoji delete#

usage: gitlab project-issue-award-emoji delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                               PROJECT_ID --issue-iid
                                               ISSUE_IID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-issue-award-emoji get#

usage: gitlab project-issue-award-emoji get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                            PROJECT_ID --issue-iid ISSUE_IID
                                            --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-issue-award-emoji list#

usage: gitlab project-issue-award-emoji list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                             PROJECT_ID --issue-iid ISSUE_IID
                                             [--page PAGE]
                                             [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-issue-discussion#

usage: gitlab project-issue-discussion [-h] {list,get,create} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-issue-discussion create#

usage: gitlab project-issue-discussion create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                              PROJECT_ID --issue-iid ISSUE_IID
                                              --body BODY
                                              [--created-at CREATED_AT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--body <body>#
--created-at <created_at>#

gitlab project-issue-discussion get#

usage: gitlab project-issue-discussion get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                           PROJECT_ID --issue-iid ISSUE_IID
                                           --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-issue-discussion list#

usage: gitlab project-issue-discussion list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                            PROJECT_ID --issue-iid ISSUE_IID
                                            [--page PAGE]
                                            [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-issue-discussion-note#

usage: gitlab project-issue-discussion-note [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-issue-discussion-note create#

usage: gitlab project-issue-discussion-note create [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                   --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                   --issue-iid ISSUE_IID
                                                   DISCUSSION_ID --body BODY
                                                   [--created-at CREATED_AT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--discussion-id <discussion_id>#
--body <body>#
--created-at <created_at>#

gitlab project-issue-discussion-note delete#

usage: gitlab project-issue-discussion-note delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                   --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                   --issue-iid ISSUE_IID
                                                   DISCUSSION_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--discussion-id <discussion_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-issue-discussion-note get#

usage: gitlab project-issue-discussion-note get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                --issue-iid ISSUE_IID
                                                --discussion-id DISCUSSION_ID
                                                --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--discussion-id <discussion_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-issue-discussion-note update#

usage: gitlab project-issue-discussion-note update [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                   --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                   --issue-iid ISSUE_IID
                                                   DISCUSSION_ID --id ID
                                                   --body BODY
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--discussion-id <discussion_id>#
--id <id>#
--body <body>#

gitlab project-issue-note#

usage: gitlab project-issue-note [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-issue-note create#

usage: gitlab project-issue-note create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                        PROJECT_ID --issue-iid ISSUE_IID
                                        --body BODY [--created-at CREATED_AT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--body <body>#
--created-at <created_at>#

gitlab project-issue-note delete#

usage: gitlab project-issue-note delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                        PROJECT_ID --issue-iid ISSUE_IID --id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-issue-note get#

usage: gitlab project-issue-note get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                     PROJECT_ID --issue-iid ISSUE_IID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-issue-note list#

usage: gitlab project-issue-note list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                      PROJECT_ID --issue-iid ISSUE_IID
                                      [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-issue-note update#

usage: gitlab project-issue-note update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                        PROJECT_ID --issue-iid ISSUE_IID --id
                                        ID --body BODY
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--id <id>#
--body <body>#

gitlab project-issue-note-award-emoji#

usage: gitlab project-issue-note-award-emoji [-h] {list,get,create,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-issue-note-award-emoji create#

usage: gitlab project-issue-note-award-emoji create [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                    --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                    --issue-iid ISSUE_IID
                                                    --note-id NOTE_ID --name
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--note-id <note_id>#
--name <name>#

gitlab project-issue-note-award-emoji delete#

usage: gitlab project-issue-note-award-emoji delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                    --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                    --issue-iid ISSUE_IID
                                                    --note-id NOTE_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--note-id <note_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-issue-note-award-emoji get#

usage: gitlab project-issue-note-award-emoji get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                 --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                 --issue-iid ISSUE_IID
                                                 --note-id NOTE_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--note-id <note_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-issue-note-award-emoji list#

usage: gitlab project-issue-note-award-emoji list [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                  --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                  --issue-iid ISSUE_IID
                                                  --note-id NOTE_ID
                                                  [--page PAGE]
                                                  [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--note-id <note_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-issue-resource-iteration-event#

usage: gitlab project-issue-resource-iteration-event [-h] {list,get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-issue-resource-iteration-event get#

usage: gitlab project-issue-resource-iteration-event get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                         --issue-iid ISSUE_IID
                                                         --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-issue-resource-iteration-event list#

usage: gitlab project-issue-resource-iteration-event list [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                          [--page PAGE]
                                                          [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-issue-resource-label-event#

usage: gitlab project-issue-resource-label-event [-h] {list,get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-issue-resource-label-event get#

usage: gitlab project-issue-resource-label-event get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                     --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                     --issue-iid ISSUE_IID
                                                     --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-issue-resource-label-event list#

usage: gitlab project-issue-resource-label-event list [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                      --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                      --issue-iid ISSUE_IID
                                                      [--page PAGE]
                                                      [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-issue-resource-milestone-event#

usage: gitlab project-issue-resource-milestone-event [-h] {list,get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-issue-resource-milestone-event get#

usage: gitlab project-issue-resource-milestone-event get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                         --issue-iid ISSUE_IID
                                                         --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-issue-resource-milestone-event list#

usage: gitlab project-issue-resource-milestone-event list [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                          [--page PAGE]
                                                          [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-issue-resource-state-event#

usage: gitlab project-issue-resource-state-event [-h] {list,get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-issue-resource-state-event get#

usage: gitlab project-issue-resource-state-event get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                     --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                     --issue-iid ISSUE_IID
                                                     --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-issue-resource-state-event list#

usage: gitlab project-issue-resource-state-event list [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                      --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                      --issue-iid ISSUE_IID
                                                      [--page PAGE]
                                                      [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-issue-resource-weight-event#

usage: gitlab project-issue-resource-weight-event [-h] {list,get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-issue-resource-weight-event get#

usage: gitlab project-issue-resource-weight-event get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                      --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                      --issue-iid ISSUE_IID
                                                      --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-issue-resource-weight-event list#

usage: gitlab project-issue-resource-weight-event list [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                       --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                       --issue-iid ISSUE_IID
                                                       [--page PAGE]
                                                       [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--issue-iid <issue_iid>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-issues-statistics#

usage: gitlab project-issues-statistics [-h] {get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-issues-statistics get#

usage: gitlab project-issues-statistics get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#

gitlab project-job#

usage: gitlab project-job [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-job artifact#

usage: gitlab project-job artifact [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                                   --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-job artifacts#

usage: gitlab project-job artifacts [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                                    --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-job cancel#

usage: gitlab project-job cancel [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                                 --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-job delete-artifacts#

usage: gitlab project-job delete-artifacts [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                           [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-job erase#

usage: gitlab project-job erase [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                                --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-job get#

usage: gitlab project-job get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID --id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-job keep-artifacts#

usage: gitlab project-job keep-artifacts [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                         [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-job list#

usage: gitlab project-job list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                               [--scope SCOPE] [--page PAGE]
                               [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--scope <scope>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-job play#

usage: gitlab project-job play [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID [--sudo SUDO] --id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-job retry#

usage: gitlab project-job retry [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                                --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-job trace#

usage: gitlab project-job trace [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                                --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-job-token-scope#

usage: gitlab project-job-token-scope [-h] {get,update} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-job-token-scope get#

usage: gitlab project-job-token-scope get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#

gitlab project-job-token-scope update#

usage: gitlab project-job-token-scope update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#

gitlab project-key#

usage: gitlab project-key [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete,enable} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-key create#

usage: gitlab project-key create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                 --title TITLE --key KEY [--can-push CAN_PUSH]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--title <title>#
--key <key>#
--can-push <can_push>#

gitlab project-key delete#

usage: gitlab project-key delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                 --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-key enable#

usage: gitlab project-key enable [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                                 --id ID --key-id KEY_ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#
--key-id <key_id>#

gitlab project-key get#

usage: gitlab project-key get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID --id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-key list#

usage: gitlab project-key list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                               [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-key update#

usage: gitlab project-key update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                 --id ID [--title TITLE] [--can-push CAN_PUSH]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#
--title <title>#
--can-push <can_push>#

gitlab project-label#

usage: gitlab project-label [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-label create#

usage: gitlab project-label create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                   --name NAME --color COLOR
                                   [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                   [--priority PRIORITY]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--name <name>#
--color <color>#
--description <description>#
--priority <priority>#

gitlab project-label delete#

usage: gitlab project-label delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                   --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--name <name>#

gitlab project-label get#

usage: gitlab project-label get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--name <name>#

gitlab project-label list#

usage: gitlab project-label list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                 [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-label subscribe#

usage: gitlab project-label subscribe [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                      [--sudo SUDO] --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--name <name>#

gitlab project-label unsubscribe#

usage: gitlab project-label unsubscribe [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                        [--sudo SUDO] --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--name <name>#

gitlab project-label update#

usage: gitlab project-label update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                   --name NAME [--new-name NEW_NAME]
                                   [--color COLOR] [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                   [--priority PRIORITY]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--name <name>#
--new-name <new_name>#
--color <color>#
--description <description>#
--priority <priority>#

gitlab project-member#

usage: gitlab project-member [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-member create#

usage: gitlab project-member create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                    --access-level ACCESS_LEVEL --user-id
                                    USER_ID [--expires-at EXPIRES_AT]
                                    [--tasks-to-be-done TASKS_TO_BE_DONE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--access-level <access_level>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--expires-at <expires_at>#
--tasks-to-be-done <tasks_to_be_done>#

gitlab project-member delete#

usage: gitlab project-member delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                    --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-member get#

usage: gitlab project-member get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                 --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-member list#

usage: gitlab project-member list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                  [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-member update#

usage: gitlab project-member update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                    --id ID --access-level ACCESS_LEVEL
                                    [--expires-at EXPIRES_AT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#
--access-level <access_level>#
--expires-at <expires_at>#

gitlab project-member-all#

usage: gitlab project-member-all [-h] {list,get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-member-all get#

usage: gitlab project-member-all get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                     PROJECT_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-member-all list#

usage: gitlab project-member-all list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                      PROJECT_ID [--page PAGE]
                                      [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-merge-request#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-merge-request add-spent-time#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request add-spent-time [-h] --project-id
                                                   PROJECT_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                                                   --iid IID --duration
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#
--duration <duration>#

gitlab project-merge-request approve#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request approve [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                            [--sudo SUDO] --iid IID
                                            [--sha SHA]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#
--sha <sha>#

gitlab project-merge-request cancel-merge-when-pipeline-succeeds#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request cancel-merge-when-pipeline-succeeds
       [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID [--sudo SUDO] --iid IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab project-merge-request changes#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request changes [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                            [--sudo SUDO] --iid IID
                                            [--access-raw-diffs ACCESS_RAW_DIFFS]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#
--access-raw-diffs <access_raw_diffs>#

gitlab project-merge-request closes-issues#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request closes-issues [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                  [--sudo SUDO] --iid IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab project-merge-request commits#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request commits [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                            [--sudo SUDO] --iid IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab project-merge-request create#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                           PROJECT_ID --source-branch
                                           SOURCE_BRANCH --target-branch
                                           TARGET_BRANCH --title TITLE
                                           [--allow-collaboration ALLOW_COLLABORATION]
                                           [--allow-maintainer-to-push ALLOW_MAINTAINER_TO_PUSH]
                                           [--approvals-before-merge APPROVALS_BEFORE_MERGE]
                                           [--assignee-id ASSIGNEE_ID]
                                           [--assignee-ids ASSIGNEE_IDS]
                                           [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                           [--labels LABELS]
                                           [--milestone-id MILESTONE_ID]
                                           [--remove-source-branch REMOVE_SOURCE_BRANCH]
                                           [--reviewer-ids REVIEWER_IDS]
                                           [--squash SQUASH]
                                           [--target-project-id TARGET_PROJECT_ID]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--source-branch <source_branch>#
--target-branch <target_branch>#
--title <title>#
--allow-collaboration <allow_collaboration>#
--allow-maintainer-to-push <allow_maintainer_to_push>#
--approvals-before-merge <approvals_before_merge>#
--assignee-id <assignee_id>#
--assignee-ids <assignee_ids>#
--description <description>#
--labels <labels>#
--milestone-id <milestone_id>#
--remove-source-branch <remove_source_branch>#
--reviewer-ids <reviewer_ids>#
--squash <squash>#
--target-project-id <target_project_id>#

gitlab project-merge-request delete#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                           PROJECT_ID --iid IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab project-merge-request get#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                        PROJECT_ID --iid IID
                                        [--render-html RENDER_HTML]
                                        [--include-diverged-commits-count INCLUDE_DIVERGED_COMMITS_COUNT]
                                        [--include-rebase-in-progress INCLUDE_REBASE_IN_PROGRESS]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--iid <iid>#
--render-html <render_html>#
--include-diverged-commits-count <include_diverged_commits_count>#
--include-rebase-in-progress <include_rebase_in_progress>#

gitlab project-merge-request list#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                         PROJECT_ID [--state STATE]
                                         [--order-by ORDER_BY] [--sort SORT]
                                         [--milestone MILESTONE] [--view VIEW]
                                         [--labels LABELS]
                                         [--created-after CREATED_AFTER]
                                         [--created-before CREATED_BEFORE]
                                         [--updated-after UPDATED_AFTER]
                                         [--updated-before UPDATED_BEFORE]
                                         [--scope SCOPE] [--iids IIDS]
                                         [--author-id AUTHOR_ID]
                                         [--assignee-id ASSIGNEE_ID]
                                         [--approver-ids APPROVER_IDS]
                                         [--approved-by-ids APPROVED_BY_IDS]
                                         [--my-reaction-emoji MY_REACTION_EMOJI]
                                         [--source-branch SOURCE_BRANCH]
                                         [--target-branch TARGET_BRANCH]
                                         [--search SEARCH] [--wip WIP]
                                         [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--state <state>#
--order-by <order_by>#
--sort <sort>#
--milestone <milestone>#
--view <view>#
--labels <labels>#
--created-after <created_after>#
--created-before <created_before>#
--updated-after <updated_after>#
--updated-before <updated_before>#
--scope <scope>#
--iids <iids>#
--author-id <author_id>#
--assignee-id <assignee_id>#
--approver-ids <approver_ids>#
--approved-by-ids <approved_by_ids>#
--my-reaction-emoji <my_reaction_emoji>#
--source-branch <source_branch>#
--target-branch <target_branch>#
--wip <wip>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-merge-request merge#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request merge [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                          [--sudo SUDO] --iid IID
                                          [--merge-commit-message MERGE_COMMIT_MESSAGE]
                                          [--should-remove-source-branch SHOULD_REMOVE_SOURCE_BRANCH]
                                          [--merge-when-pipeline-succeeds MERGE_WHEN_PIPELINE_SUCCEEDS]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#
--merge-commit-message <merge_commit_message>#
--should-remove-source-branch <should_remove_source_branch>#
--merge-when-pipeline-succeeds <merge_when_pipeline_succeeds>#

gitlab project-merge-request merge-ref#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request merge-ref [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                              [--sudo SUDO] --iid IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab project-merge-request participants#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request participants [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                 [--sudo SUDO] --iid IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab project-merge-request rebase#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request rebase [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                           [--sudo SUDO] --iid IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab project-merge-request reset-approvals#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request reset-approvals [-h] --project-id
                                                    PROJECT_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                                                    --iid IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab project-merge-request reset-spent-time#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request reset-spent-time [-h] --project-id
                                                     PROJECT_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                                                     --iid IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab project-merge-request reset-time-estimate#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request reset-time-estimate [-h] --project-id
                                                        [--sudo SUDO] --iid
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab project-merge-request subscribe#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request subscribe [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                              [--sudo SUDO] --iid IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab project-merge-request time-estimate#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request time-estimate [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                  [--sudo SUDO] --iid IID
                                                  --duration DURATION
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#
--duration <duration>#

gitlab project-merge-request time-stats#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request time-stats [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                               [--sudo SUDO] --iid IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab project-merge-request todo#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request todo [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                         [--sudo SUDO] --iid IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab project-merge-request unapprove#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request unapprove [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                              [--sudo SUDO] --iid IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab project-merge-request unsubscribe#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request unsubscribe [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                [--sudo SUDO] --iid IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--iid <iid>#

gitlab project-merge-request update#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                           PROJECT_ID --iid IID
                                           [--target-branch TARGET_BRANCH]
                                           [--assignee-id ASSIGNEE_ID]
                                           [--title TITLE]
                                           [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                           [--state-event STATE_EVENT]
                                           [--labels LABELS]
                                           [--milestone-id MILESTONE_ID]
                                           [--remove-source-branch REMOVE_SOURCE_BRANCH]
                                           [--discussion-locked DISCUSSION_LOCKED]
                                           [--allow-maintainer-to-push ALLOW_MAINTAINER_TO_PUSH]
                                           [--squash SQUASH]
                                           [--reviewer-ids REVIEWER_IDS]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--iid <iid>#
--target-branch <target_branch>#
--assignee-id <assignee_id>#
--title <title>#
--description <description>#
--state-event <state_event>#
--labels <labels>#
--milestone-id <milestone_id>#
--remove-source-branch <remove_source_branch>#
--discussion-locked <discussion_locked>#
--allow-maintainer-to-push <allow_maintainer_to_push>#
--squash <squash>#
--reviewer-ids <reviewer_ids>#

gitlab project-merge-request-approval#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-approval [-h] {get,update} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-merge-request-approval get#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-approval get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                 --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                 --mr-iid MR_IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#

gitlab project-merge-request-approval update#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-approval update [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                    --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                    --mr-iid MR_IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--approvals-required <approvals_required>#

gitlab project-merge-request-approval-rule#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-approval-rule [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-merge-request-approval-rule create#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-approval-rule create [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                         PROJECT_ID --mr-iid
                                                         MR_IID --id ID
                                                         --name NAME
                                                         [--approval-project-rule-id APPROVAL_PROJECT_RULE_ID]
                                                         [--user-ids USER_IDS]
                                                         [--group-ids GROUP_IDS]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--id <id>#
--merge-request-iid <merge_request_iid>#
--name <name>#
--approvals-required <approvals_required>#
--approval-project-rule-id <approval_project_rule_id>#
--user-ids <user_ids>#
--group-ids <group_ids>#

gitlab project-merge-request-approval-rule delete#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-approval-rule delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                         PROJECT_ID --mr-iid
                                                         MR_IID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-merge-request-approval-rule get#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-approval-rule get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                      --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                      --mr-iid MR_IID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-merge-request-approval-rule list#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-approval-rule list [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                       --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                       --mr-iid MR_IID
                                                       [--page PAGE]
                                                       [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-merge-request-approval-rule update#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-approval-rule update [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                         PROJECT_ID --mr-iid
                                                         MR_IID --id ID
                                                         --name NAME
                                                         [--user-ids USER_IDS]
                                                         [--group-ids GROUP_IDS]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--id <id>#
--merge-request-iid <merge_request_iid>#
--approval-rule-id <approval_rule_id>#
--name <name>#
--approvals-required <approvals_required>#
--user-ids <user_ids>#
--group-ids <group_ids>#

gitlab project-merge-request-approval-state#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-approval-state [-h] {get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-merge-request-approval-state get#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-approval-state get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                       --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                       --mr-iid MR_IID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-merge-request-award-emoji#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-award-emoji [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-merge-request-award-emoji create#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-award-emoji create [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                       --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                       --mr-iid MR_IID --name
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--name <name>#

gitlab project-merge-request-award-emoji delete#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-award-emoji delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                       --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                       --mr-iid MR_IID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-merge-request-award-emoji get#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-award-emoji get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                    --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                    --mr-iid MR_IID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-merge-request-award-emoji list#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-award-emoji list [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                     --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                     --mr-iid MR_IID
                                                     [--page PAGE]
                                                     [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-merge-request-diff#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-diff [-h] {list,get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-merge-request-diff get#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-diff get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                             PROJECT_ID --mr-iid MR_IID --id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-merge-request-diff list#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-diff list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                              PROJECT_ID --mr-iid MR_IID
                                              [--page PAGE]
                                              [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-merge-request-discussion#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-discussion [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-merge-request-discussion create#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-discussion create [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                      --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                      --mr-iid MR_IID --body
                                                      [--created-at CREATED_AT]
                                                      [--position POSITION]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--body <body>#
--created-at <created_at>#
--position <position>#

gitlab project-merge-request-discussion get#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-discussion get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                   --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                   --mr-iid MR_IID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-merge-request-discussion list#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-discussion list [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                    --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                    --mr-iid MR_IID
                                                    [--page PAGE]
                                                    [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-merge-request-discussion update#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-discussion update [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                      --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                      --mr-iid MR_IID --id ID
                                                      --resolved RESOLVED
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--id <id>#
--resolved <resolved>#

gitlab project-merge-request-discussion-note#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-discussion-note [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-merge-request-discussion-note create#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-discussion-note create [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                           PROJECT_ID --mr-iid
                                                           --body BODY
                                                           [--created-at CREATED_AT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--discussion-id <discussion_id>#
--body <body>#
--created-at <created_at>#

gitlab project-merge-request-discussion-note delete#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-discussion-note delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                           PROJECT_ID --mr-iid
                                                           DISCUSSION_ID --id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--discussion-id <discussion_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-merge-request-discussion-note get#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-discussion-note get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                        PROJECT_ID --mr-iid
                                                        MR_IID --discussion-id
                                                        DISCUSSION_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--discussion-id <discussion_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-merge-request-discussion-note update#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-discussion-note update [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                           PROJECT_ID --mr-iid
                                                           DISCUSSION_ID --id
                                                           ID --body BODY
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--discussion-id <discussion_id>#
--id <id>#
--body <body>#

gitlab project-merge-request-note#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-note [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-merge-request-note create#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-note create [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                --mr-iid MR_IID --body BODY
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--body <body>#

gitlab project-merge-request-note delete#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-note delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                --mr-iid MR_IID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-merge-request-note get#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-note get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                             PROJECT_ID --mr-iid MR_IID --id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-merge-request-note list#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-note list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                              PROJECT_ID --mr-iid MR_IID
                                              [--page PAGE]
                                              [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-merge-request-note update#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-note update [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                --mr-iid MR_IID --id ID --body
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--id <id>#
--body <body>#

gitlab project-merge-request-note-award-emoji#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-note-award-emoji [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-merge-request-note-award-emoji create#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-note-award-emoji create
       [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID --mr-iid MR_IID --note-id
       NOTE_ID --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--note-id <note_id>#
--name <name>#

gitlab project-merge-request-note-award-emoji delete#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-note-award-emoji delete
       [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID --mr-iid MR_IID --note-id
       NOTE_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--note-id <note_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-merge-request-note-award-emoji get#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-note-award-emoji get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                         PROJECT_ID --mr-iid
                                                         MR_IID --note-id
                                                         NOTE_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--note-id <note_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-merge-request-note-award-emoji list#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-note-award-emoji list [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                          PROJECT_ID --mr-iid
                                                          MR_IID --note-id
                                                          [--page PAGE]
                                                          [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--note-id <note_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-merge-request-pipeline#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-pipeline [-h] {list,create} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-merge-request-pipeline create#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-pipeline create [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                    --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                    --mr-iid MR_IID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#

gitlab project-merge-request-pipeline list#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-pipeline list [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                  --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                  --mr-iid MR_IID
                                                  [--page PAGE]
                                                  [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-merge-request-resource-label-event#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-resource-label-event [-h] {list,get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-merge-request-resource-label-event get#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-resource-label-event get
       [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID --mr-iid MR_IID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-merge-request-resource-label-event list#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-resource-label-event list
       [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID --mr-iid MR_IID
       [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-merge-request-resource-milestone-event#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-resource-milestone-event
       [-h] {list,get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-merge-request-resource-milestone-event get#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-resource-milestone-event get
       [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID --mr-iid MR_IID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-merge-request-resource-milestone-event list#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-resource-milestone-event list
       [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID --mr-iid MR_IID
       [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-merge-request-resource-state-event#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-resource-state-event [-h] {list,get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-merge-request-resource-state-event get#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-resource-state-event get
       [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID --mr-iid MR_IID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-merge-request-resource-state-event list#

usage: gitlab project-merge-request-resource-state-event list
       [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID --mr-iid MR_IID
       [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--mr-iid <mr_iid>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-merge-train#

usage: gitlab project-merge-train [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-merge-train list#

usage: gitlab project-merge-train list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                       PROJECT_ID [--scope SCOPE]
                                       [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--scope <scope>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-milestone#

usage: gitlab project-milestone [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-milestone create#

usage: gitlab project-milestone create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                       PROJECT_ID --title TITLE
                                       [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                       [--due-date DUE_DATE]
                                       [--start-date START_DATE]
                                       [--state-event STATE_EVENT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--title <title>#
--description <description>#
--due-date <due_date>#
--start-date <start_date>#
--state-event <state_event>#

gitlab project-milestone delete#

usage: gitlab project-milestone delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                       PROJECT_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-milestone get#

usage: gitlab project-milestone get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                    --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-milestone issues#

usage: gitlab project-milestone issues [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                       [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-milestone list#

usage: gitlab project-milestone list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                     PROJECT_ID [--iids IIDS] [--state STATE]
                                     [--search SEARCH] [--page PAGE]
                                     [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--iids <iids>#
--state <state>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-milestone merge-requests#

usage: gitlab project-milestone merge-requests [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                               [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-milestone update#

usage: gitlab project-milestone update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                       PROJECT_ID --id ID [--title TITLE]
                                       [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                       [--due-date DUE_DATE]
                                       [--start-date START_DATE]
                                       [--state-event STATE_EVENT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#
--title <title>#
--description <description>#
--due-date <due_date>#
--start-date <start_date>#
--state-event <state_event>#

gitlab project-note#

usage: gitlab project-note [-h] {list,get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-note get#

usage: gitlab project-note get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID --id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-note list#

usage: gitlab project-note list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-notification-settings#

usage: gitlab project-notification-settings [-h] {get,update} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-notification-settings get#

usage: gitlab project-notification-settings get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                --project-id PROJECT_ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#

gitlab project-notification-settings update#

usage: gitlab project-notification-settings update [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                   --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                   [--level LEVEL]
                                                   [--notification-email NOTIFICATION_EMAIL]
                                                   [--new-note NEW_NOTE]
                                                   [--new-issue NEW_ISSUE]
                                                   [--reopen-issue REOPEN_ISSUE]
                                                   [--close-issue CLOSE_ISSUE]
                                                   [--reassign-issue REASSIGN_ISSUE]
                                                   [--new-merge-request NEW_MERGE_REQUEST]
                                                   [--reopen-merge-request REOPEN_MERGE_REQUEST]
                                                   [--close-merge-request CLOSE_MERGE_REQUEST]
                                                   [--reassign-merge-request REASSIGN_MERGE_REQUEST]
                                                   [--merge-merge-request MERGE_MERGE_REQUEST]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--level <level>#
--notification-email <notification_email>#
--new-note <new_note>#
--new-issue <new_issue>#
--reopen-issue <reopen_issue>#
--close-issue <close_issue>#
--reassign-issue <reassign_issue>#
--new-merge-request <new_merge_request>#
--reopen-merge-request <reopen_merge_request>#
--close-merge-request <close_merge_request>#
--reassign-merge-request <reassign_merge_request>#
--merge-merge-request <merge_merge_request>#

gitlab project-package#

usage: gitlab project-package [-h] {list,get,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-package delete#

usage: gitlab project-package delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                     PROJECT_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-package get#

usage: gitlab project-package get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                  --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-package list#

usage: gitlab project-package list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                   [--order-by ORDER_BY] [--sort SORT]
                                   [--package-type PACKAGE_TYPE]
                                   [--package-name PACKAGE_NAME] [--page PAGE]
                                   [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--order-by <order_by>#
--sort <sort>#
--package-type <package_type>#
--package-name <package_name>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-package-file#

usage: gitlab project-package-file [-h] {list,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-package-file delete#

usage: gitlab project-package-file delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                          PROJECT_ID --package-id PACKAGE_ID
                                          --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--package-id <package_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-package-file list#

usage: gitlab project-package-file list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                        PROJECT_ID --package-id PACKAGE_ID
                                        [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--package-id <package_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-package-pipeline#

usage: gitlab project-package-pipeline [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-package-pipeline list#

usage: gitlab project-package-pipeline list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                            PROJECT_ID --package-id PACKAGE_ID
                                            [--page PAGE]
                                            [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--package-id <package_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-pages-domain#

usage: gitlab project-pages-domain [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-pages-domain create#

usage: gitlab project-pages-domain create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                          PROJECT_ID --domain DOMAIN
                                          [--certificate CERTIFICATE]
                                          [--key KEY]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--domain <domain>#
--certificate <certificate>#
--key <key>#

gitlab project-pages-domain delete#

usage: gitlab project-pages-domain delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                          PROJECT_ID --domain DOMAIN
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--domain <domain>#

gitlab project-pages-domain get#

usage: gitlab project-pages-domain get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                       PROJECT_ID --domain DOMAIN
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--domain <domain>#

gitlab project-pages-domain list#

usage: gitlab project-pages-domain list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                        PROJECT_ID [--page PAGE]
                                        [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-pages-domain update#

usage: gitlab project-pages-domain update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                          PROJECT_ID --domain DOMAIN
                                          [--certificate CERTIFICATE]
                                          [--key KEY]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--domain <domain>#
--certificate <certificate>#
--key <key>#

gitlab project-pipeline#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline [-h] {list,get,create,delete,cancel,retry} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-pipeline cancel#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline cancel [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                      [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-pipeline create#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                      PROJECT_ID --ref REF
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--ref <ref>#

gitlab project-pipeline delete#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                      PROJECT_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-pipeline get#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                   --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-pipeline list#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                    [--scope SCOPE] [--status STATUS]
                                    [--source SOURCE] [--ref REF] [--sha SHA]
                                    [--yaml-errors YAML_ERRORS] [--name NAME]
                                    [--username USERNAME]
                                    [--order-by ORDER_BY] [--sort SORT]
                                    [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--scope <scope>#
--status <status>#
--source <source>#
--ref <ref>#
--sha <sha>#
--yaml-errors <yaml_errors>#
--name <name>#
--username <username>#
--order-by <order_by>#
--sort <sort>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-pipeline retry#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline retry [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                     [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-pipeline-bridge#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline-bridge [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-pipeline-bridge list#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline-bridge list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                           PROJECT_ID --pipeline-id
                                           PIPELINE_ID [--scope SCOPE]
                                           [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--pipeline-id <pipeline_id>#
--scope <scope>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-pipeline-job#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline-job [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-pipeline-job list#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline-job list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                        PROJECT_ID --pipeline-id PIPELINE_ID
                                        [--scope SCOPE]
                                        [--include-retried INCLUDE_RETRIED]
                                        [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--pipeline-id <pipeline_id>#
--scope <scope>#
--include-retried <include_retried>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-pipeline-schedule#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline-schedule [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-pipeline-schedule create#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline-schedule create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                               PROJECT_ID --description
                                               DESCRIPTION --ref REF --cron
                                               [--cron-timezone CRON_TIMEZONE]
                                               [--active ACTIVE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--description <description>#
--ref <ref>#
--cron <cron>#
--cron-timezone <cron_timezone>#
--active <active>#

gitlab project-pipeline-schedule delete#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline-schedule delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                               PROJECT_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-pipeline-schedule get#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline-schedule get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                            PROJECT_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-pipeline-schedule list#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline-schedule list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                             PROJECT_ID [--page PAGE]
                                             [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-pipeline-schedule play#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline-schedule play [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                             [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-pipeline-schedule take-ownership#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline-schedule take-ownership [-h] --project-id
                                                       [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-pipeline-schedule update#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline-schedule update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                               PROJECT_ID --id ID
                                               [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                               [--ref REF] [--cron CRON]
                                               [--cron-timezone CRON_TIMEZONE]
                                               [--active ACTIVE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#
--description <description>#
--ref <ref>#
--cron <cron>#
--cron-timezone <cron_timezone>#
--active <active>#

gitlab project-pipeline-schedule-pipeline#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline-schedule-pipeline [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-pipeline-schedule-pipeline list#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline-schedule-pipeline list [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                      --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                      [--page PAGE]
                                                      [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--pipeline-schedule-id <pipeline_schedule_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-pipeline-schedule-variable#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline-schedule-variable [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-pipeline-schedule-variable create#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline-schedule-variable create [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                        --key KEY --value
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--pipeline-schedule-id <pipeline_schedule_id>#
--key <key>#
--value <value>#

gitlab project-pipeline-schedule-variable delete#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline-schedule-variable delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                        --key KEY
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--pipeline-schedule-id <pipeline_schedule_id>#
--key <key>#

gitlab project-pipeline-schedule-variable update#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline-schedule-variable update [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                        --key KEY --value
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--pipeline-schedule-id <pipeline_schedule_id>#
--key <key>#
--value <value>#

gitlab project-pipeline-test-report#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline-test-report [-h] {get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-pipeline-test-report get#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline-test-report get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                               PROJECT_ID --pipeline-id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--pipeline-id <pipeline_id>#

gitlab project-pipeline-test-report-summary#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline-test-report-summary [-h] {get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-pipeline-test-report-summary get#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline-test-report-summary get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                       --project-id PROJECT_ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--pipeline-id <pipeline_id>#

gitlab project-pipeline-variable#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline-variable [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-pipeline-variable list#

usage: gitlab project-pipeline-variable list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                             PROJECT_ID --pipeline-id
                                             PIPELINE_ID [--page PAGE]
                                             [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--pipeline-id <pipeline_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-protected-branch#

usage: gitlab project-protected-branch [-h] {list,get,create,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-protected-branch create#

usage: gitlab project-protected-branch create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                              PROJECT_ID --name NAME
                                              [--push-access-level PUSH_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                                              [--merge-access-level MERGE_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                                              [--unprotect-access-level UNPROTECT_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                                              [--allow-force-push ALLOW_FORCE_PUSH]
                                              [--allowed-to-push ALLOWED_TO_PUSH]
                                              [--allowed-to-merge ALLOWED_TO_MERGE]
                                              [--allowed-to-unprotect ALLOWED_TO_UNPROTECT]
                                              [--code-owner-approval-required CODE_OWNER_APPROVAL_REQUIRED]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--name <name>#
--push-access-level <push_access_level>#
--merge-access-level <merge_access_level>#
--unprotect-access-level <unprotect_access_level>#
--allow-force-push <allow_force_push>#
--allowed-to-push <allowed_to_push>#
--allowed-to-merge <allowed_to_merge>#
--allowed-to-unprotect <allowed_to_unprotect>#
--code-owner-approval-required <code_owner_approval_required>#

gitlab project-protected-branch delete#

usage: gitlab project-protected-branch delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                              PROJECT_ID --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--name <name>#

gitlab project-protected-branch get#

usage: gitlab project-protected-branch get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                           PROJECT_ID --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--name <name>#

gitlab project-protected-branch list#

usage: gitlab project-protected-branch list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                            PROJECT_ID [--page PAGE]
                                            [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-protected-environment#

usage: gitlab project-protected-environment [-h] {list,get,create,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-protected-environment create#

usage: gitlab project-protected-environment create [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                   --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                   --name NAME
                                                   [--required-approval-count REQUIRED_APPROVAL_COUNT]
                                                   [--approval-rules APPROVAL_RULES]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--name <name>#
--deploy-access-levels <deploy_access_levels>#
--required-approval-count <required_approval_count>#
--approval-rules <approval_rules>#

gitlab project-protected-environment delete#

usage: gitlab project-protected-environment delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                   --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                   --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--name <name>#

gitlab project-protected-environment get#

usage: gitlab project-protected-environment get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                --project-id PROJECT_ID --name
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--name <name>#

gitlab project-protected-environment list#

usage: gitlab project-protected-environment list [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                 --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                 [--page PAGE]
                                                 [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-protected-tag#

usage: gitlab project-protected-tag [-h] {list,get,create,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-protected-tag create#

usage: gitlab project-protected-tag create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                           PROJECT_ID --name NAME
                                           [--create-access-level CREATE_ACCESS_LEVEL]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--name <name>#
--create-access-level <create_access_level>#

gitlab project-protected-tag delete#

usage: gitlab project-protected-tag delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                           PROJECT_ID --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--name <name>#

gitlab project-protected-tag get#

usage: gitlab project-protected-tag get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                        PROJECT_ID --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--name <name>#

gitlab project-protected-tag list#

usage: gitlab project-protected-tag list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                         PROJECT_ID [--page PAGE]
                                         [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-push-rules#

usage: gitlab project-push-rules [-h] {get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-push-rules create#

usage: gitlab project-push-rules create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                        [--author-email-regex AUTHOR_EMAIL_REGEX]
                                        [--branch-name-regex BRANCH_NAME_REGEX]
                                        [--commit-committer-check COMMIT_COMMITTER_CHECK]
                                        [--commit-message-negative-regex COMMIT_MESSAGE_NEGATIVE_REGEX]
                                        [--commit-message-regex COMMIT_MESSAGE_REGEX]
                                        [--deny-delete-tag DENY_DELETE_TAG]
                                        [--file-name-regex FILE_NAME_REGEX]
                                        [--max-file-size MAX_FILE_SIZE]
                                        [--member-check MEMBER_CHECK]
                                        [--prevent-secrets PREVENT_SECRETS]
                                        [--reject-unsigned-commits REJECT_UNSIGNED_COMMITS]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--author-email-regex <author_email_regex>#
--branch-name-regex <branch_name_regex>#
--commit-committer-check <commit_committer_check>#
--commit-message-negative-regex <commit_message_negative_regex>#
--commit-message-regex <commit_message_regex>#
--deny-delete-tag <deny_delete_tag>#
--file-name-regex <file_name_regex>#
--max-file-size <max_file_size>#
--member-check <member_check>#
--prevent-secrets <prevent_secrets>#
--reject-unsigned-commits <reject_unsigned_commits>#

gitlab project-push-rules delete#

usage: gitlab project-push-rules delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#

gitlab project-push-rules get#

usage: gitlab project-push-rules get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#

gitlab project-push-rules update#

usage: gitlab project-push-rules update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                        [--author-email-regex AUTHOR_EMAIL_REGEX]
                                        [--branch-name-regex BRANCH_NAME_REGEX]
                                        [--commit-committer-check COMMIT_COMMITTER_CHECK]
                                        [--commit-message-negative-regex COMMIT_MESSAGE_NEGATIVE_REGEX]
                                        [--commit-message-regex COMMIT_MESSAGE_REGEX]
                                        [--deny-delete-tag DENY_DELETE_TAG]
                                        [--file-name-regex FILE_NAME_REGEX]
                                        [--max-file-size MAX_FILE_SIZE]
                                        [--member-check MEMBER_CHECK]
                                        [--prevent-secrets PREVENT_SECRETS]
                                        [--reject-unsigned-commits REJECT_UNSIGNED_COMMITS]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--author-email-regex <author_email_regex>#
--branch-name-regex <branch_name_regex>#
--commit-committer-check <commit_committer_check>#
--commit-message-negative-regex <commit_message_negative_regex>#
--commit-message-regex <commit_message_regex>#
--deny-delete-tag <deny_delete_tag>#
--file-name-regex <file_name_regex>#
--max-file-size <max_file_size>#
--member-check <member_check>#
--prevent-secrets <prevent_secrets>#
--reject-unsigned-commits <reject_unsigned_commits>#

gitlab project-registry-repository#

usage: gitlab project-registry-repository [-h] {list,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-registry-repository delete#

usage: gitlab project-registry-repository delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                 --project-id PROJECT_ID --id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-registry-repository list#

usage: gitlab project-registry-repository list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                               PROJECT_ID [--page PAGE]
                                               [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-registry-tag#

usage: gitlab project-registry-tag [-h] {list,get,delete,delete-in-bulk} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-registry-tag delete#

usage: gitlab project-registry-tag delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                          PROJECT_ID --repository-id
                                          REPOSITORY_ID --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--repository-id <repository_id>#
--name <name>#

gitlab project-registry-tag delete-in-bulk#

usage: gitlab project-registry-tag delete-in-bulk [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                  REPOSITORY_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                                                  --name NAME
                                                  [--keep-n KEEP_N]
                                                  [--name-regex-keep NAME_REGEX_KEEP]
                                                  [--older-than OLDER_THAN]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--repository-id <repository_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--name <name>#
--name-regex-delete <name_regex_delete>#
--keep-n <keep_n>#
--name-regex-keep <name_regex_keep>#
--older-than <older_than>#

gitlab project-registry-tag get#

usage: gitlab project-registry-tag get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                       PROJECT_ID --repository-id
                                       REPOSITORY_ID --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--repository-id <repository_id>#
--name <name>#

gitlab project-registry-tag list#

usage: gitlab project-registry-tag list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                        PROJECT_ID --repository-id
                                        REPOSITORY_ID [--page PAGE]
                                        [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--repository-id <repository_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-release#

usage: gitlab project-release [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-release create#

usage: gitlab project-release create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                     PROJECT_ID --tag-name TAG_NAME
                                     [--name NAME] [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                     [--ref REF] [--assets ASSETS]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--tag-name <tag_name>#
--name <name>#
--description <description>#
--ref <ref>#
--assets <assets>#

gitlab project-release delete#

usage: gitlab project-release delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                     PROJECT_ID --tag-name TAG_NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--tag-name <tag_name>#

gitlab project-release get#

usage: gitlab project-release get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                  --tag-name TAG_NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--tag-name <tag_name>#

gitlab project-release list#

usage: gitlab project-release list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                   [--order-by ORDER_BY] [--sort SORT]
                                   [--include-html-description INCLUDE_HTML_DESCRIPTION]
                                   [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--order-by <order_by>#
--sort <sort>#
--include-html-description <include_html_description>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-release update#

usage: gitlab project-release update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                     PROJECT_ID --tag-name TAG_NAME
                                     [--name NAME] [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                     [--milestones MILESTONES]
                                     [--released-at RELEASED_AT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--tag-name <tag_name>#
--name <name>#
--description <description>#
--milestones <milestones>#
--released-at <released_at>#

gitlab project-remote-mirror#

usage: gitlab project-remote-mirror [-h] {list,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-remote-mirror create#

usage: gitlab project-remote-mirror create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                           PROJECT_ID --url URL
                                           [--enabled ENABLED]
                                           [--only-protected-branches ONLY_PROTECTED_BRANCHES]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--url <url>#
--enabled <enabled>#
--only-protected-branches <only_protected_branches>#

gitlab project-remote-mirror delete#

usage: gitlab project-remote-mirror delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                           PROJECT_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-remote-mirror list#

usage: gitlab project-remote-mirror list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                         PROJECT_ID [--page PAGE]
                                         [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-remote-mirror update#

usage: gitlab project-remote-mirror update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                           PROJECT_ID --id ID
                                           [--enabled ENABLED]
                                           [--only-protected-branches ONLY_PROTECTED_BRANCHES]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#
--enabled <enabled>#
--only-protected-branches <only_protected_branches>#

gitlab project-resource-group#

usage: gitlab project-resource-group [-h] {list,get,update} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-resource-group get#

usage: gitlab project-resource-group get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                         PROJECT_ID --key KEY
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--key <key>#

gitlab project-resource-group list#

usage: gitlab project-resource-group list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                          PROJECT_ID [--order-by ORDER_BY]
                                          [--sort SORT]
                                          [--include-html-description INCLUDE_HTML_DESCRIPTION]
                                          [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--order-by <order_by>#
--sort <sort>#
--include-html-description <include_html_description>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-resource-group update#

usage: gitlab project-resource-group update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                            PROJECT_ID --key KEY
                                            [--process-mode PROCESS_MODE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--key <key>#
--process-mode <process_mode>#

gitlab project-resource-group-upcoming-job#

usage: gitlab project-resource-group-upcoming-job [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-resource-group-upcoming-job list#

usage: gitlab project-resource-group-upcoming-job list [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                       --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                       [--page PAGE]
                                                       [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--resource-group-key <resource_group_key>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-runner#

usage: gitlab project-runner [-h] {list,create,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-runner create#

usage: gitlab project-runner create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                    --runner-id RUNNER_ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--runner-id <runner_id>#

gitlab project-runner delete#

usage: gitlab project-runner delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                    --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-runner list#

usage: gitlab project-runner list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                  [--scope SCOPE] [--tag-list TAG_LIST]
                                  [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--scope <scope>#
--tag-list <tag_list>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-secure-file#

usage: gitlab project-secure-file [-h] {list,get,create,delete,download} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-secure-file create#

usage: gitlab project-secure-file create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                         PROJECT_ID --name NAME --file FILE
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--name <name>#
--file <file>#

gitlab project-secure-file delete#

usage: gitlab project-secure-file delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                         PROJECT_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-secure-file download#

usage: gitlab project-secure-file download [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                           [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-secure-file get#

usage: gitlab project-secure-file get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                      PROJECT_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-secure-file list#

usage: gitlab project-secure-file list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                       PROJECT_ID [--page PAGE]
                                       [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-service#

usage: gitlab project-service [-h] {list,get,update,delete,available} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-service available#

usage: gitlab project-service available [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                        [--sudo SUDO] --slug SLUG
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--slug <slug>#

gitlab project-service delete#

usage: gitlab project-service delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                     PROJECT_ID --slug SLUG
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--slug <slug>#

gitlab project-service get#

usage: gitlab project-service get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                  --slug SLUG
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--slug <slug>#

gitlab project-service list#

usage: gitlab project-service list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                   [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-service update#

usage: gitlab project-service update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                     PROJECT_ID --slug SLUG
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--slug <slug>#

gitlab project-snippet#

usage: gitlab project-snippet [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-snippet content#

usage: gitlab project-snippet content [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                      [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-snippet create#

usage: gitlab project-snippet create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                     PROJECT_ID --title TITLE --visibility
                                     VISIBILITY [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                     [--content CONTENT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--title <title>#
--visibility <visibility>#
--description <description>#
--content <content>#

gitlab project-snippet delete#

usage: gitlab project-snippet delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                     PROJECT_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-snippet get#

usage: gitlab project-snippet get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                  --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-snippet list#

usage: gitlab project-snippet list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                   [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-snippet update#

usage: gitlab project-snippet update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                     PROJECT_ID --id ID [--title TITLE]
                                     [--files FILES] [--file-name FILE_NAME]
                                     [--content CONTENT]
                                     [--visibility VISIBILITY]
                                     [--description DESCRIPTION]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#
--title <title>#
--files <files>#
--file-name <file_name>#
--content <content>#
--visibility <visibility>#
--description <description>#

gitlab project-snippet user-agent-detail#

usage: gitlab project-snippet user-agent-detail [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-snippet-award-emoji#

usage: gitlab project-snippet-award-emoji [-h] {list,get,create,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-snippet-award-emoji create#

usage: gitlab project-snippet-award-emoji create [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                 --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                 --snippet-id SNIPPET_ID
                                                 --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--snippet-id <snippet_id>#
--name <name>#

gitlab project-snippet-award-emoji delete#

usage: gitlab project-snippet-award-emoji delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                 --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                 --snippet-id SNIPPET_ID --id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--snippet-id <snippet_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-snippet-award-emoji get#

usage: gitlab project-snippet-award-emoji get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                              PROJECT_ID --snippet-id
                                              SNIPPET_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--snippet-id <snippet_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-snippet-award-emoji list#

usage: gitlab project-snippet-award-emoji list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                               PROJECT_ID --snippet-id
                                               SNIPPET_ID [--page PAGE]
                                               [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--snippet-id <snippet_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-snippet-discussion#

usage: gitlab project-snippet-discussion [-h] {list,get,create} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-snippet-discussion create#

usage: gitlab project-snippet-discussion create [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                --snippet-id SNIPPET_ID --body
                                                BODY [--created-at CREATED_AT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--snippet-id <snippet_id>#
--body <body>#
--created-at <created_at>#

gitlab project-snippet-discussion get#

usage: gitlab project-snippet-discussion get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                             PROJECT_ID --snippet-id
                                             SNIPPET_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--snippet-id <snippet_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-snippet-discussion list#

usage: gitlab project-snippet-discussion list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                              PROJECT_ID --snippet-id
                                              SNIPPET_ID [--page PAGE]
                                              [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--snippet-id <snippet_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-snippet-discussion-note#

usage: gitlab project-snippet-discussion-note [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-snippet-discussion-note create#

usage: gitlab project-snippet-discussion-note create [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                     --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                     --snippet-id SNIPPET_ID
                                                     DISCUSSION_ID --body BODY
                                                     [--created-at CREATED_AT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--snippet-id <snippet_id>#
--discussion-id <discussion_id>#
--body <body>#
--created-at <created_at>#

gitlab project-snippet-discussion-note delete#

usage: gitlab project-snippet-discussion-note delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                     --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                     --snippet-id SNIPPET_ID
                                                     DISCUSSION_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--snippet-id <snippet_id>#
--discussion-id <discussion_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-snippet-discussion-note get#

usage: gitlab project-snippet-discussion-note get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                  --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                  --snippet-id SNIPPET_ID
                                                  DISCUSSION_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--snippet-id <snippet_id>#
--discussion-id <discussion_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-snippet-discussion-note update#

usage: gitlab project-snippet-discussion-note update [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                     --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                     --snippet-id SNIPPET_ID
                                                     DISCUSSION_ID --id ID
                                                     --body BODY
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--snippet-id <snippet_id>#
--discussion-id <discussion_id>#
--id <id>#
--body <body>#

gitlab project-snippet-note#

usage: gitlab project-snippet-note [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-snippet-note create#

usage: gitlab project-snippet-note create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                          PROJECT_ID --snippet-id SNIPPET_ID
                                          --body BODY
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--snippet-id <snippet_id>#
--body <body>#

gitlab project-snippet-note delete#

usage: gitlab project-snippet-note delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                          PROJECT_ID --snippet-id SNIPPET_ID
                                          --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--snippet-id <snippet_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-snippet-note get#

usage: gitlab project-snippet-note get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                       PROJECT_ID --snippet-id SNIPPET_ID --id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--snippet-id <snippet_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-snippet-note list#

usage: gitlab project-snippet-note list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                        PROJECT_ID --snippet-id SNIPPET_ID
                                        [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--snippet-id <snippet_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-snippet-note update#

usage: gitlab project-snippet-note update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                          PROJECT_ID --snippet-id SNIPPET_ID
                                          --id ID --body BODY
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--snippet-id <snippet_id>#
--id <id>#
--body <body>#

gitlab project-snippet-note-award-emoji#

usage: gitlab project-snippet-note-award-emoji [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-snippet-note-award-emoji create#

usage: gitlab project-snippet-note-award-emoji create [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                      --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                      --snippet-id SNIPPET_ID
                                                      --note-id NOTE_ID --name
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--snippet-id <snippet_id>#
--note-id <note_id>#
--name <name>#

gitlab project-snippet-note-award-emoji delete#

usage: gitlab project-snippet-note-award-emoji delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                      --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                      --snippet-id SNIPPET_ID
                                                      --note-id NOTE_ID --id
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--snippet-id <snippet_id>#
--note-id <note_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-snippet-note-award-emoji get#

usage: gitlab project-snippet-note-award-emoji get [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                   --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                   --snippet-id SNIPPET_ID
                                                   --note-id NOTE_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--snippet-id <snippet_id>#
--note-id <note_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-snippet-note-award-emoji list#

usage: gitlab project-snippet-note-award-emoji list [-h] [--sudo SUDO]
                                                    --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                                    --snippet-id SNIPPET_ID
                                                    --note-id NOTE_ID
                                                    [--page PAGE]
                                                    [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--snippet-id <snippet_id>#
--note-id <note_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-storage#

usage: gitlab project-storage [-h] {get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-storage get#

usage: gitlab project-storage get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                  --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-tag#

usage: gitlab project-tag [-h] {list,get,create,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-tag create#

usage: gitlab project-tag create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                 --tag-name TAG_NAME --ref REF
                                 [--message MESSAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--tag-name <tag_name>#
--ref <ref>#
--message <message>#

gitlab project-tag delete#

usage: gitlab project-tag delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                 --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--name <name>#

gitlab project-tag get#

usage: gitlab project-tag get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                              --name NAME
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--name <name>#

gitlab project-tag list#

usage: gitlab project-tag list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                               [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-trigger#

usage: gitlab project-trigger [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-trigger create#

usage: gitlab project-trigger create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                     PROJECT_ID --description DESCRIPTION
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--description <description>#

gitlab project-trigger delete#

usage: gitlab project-trigger delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                     PROJECT_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-trigger get#

usage: gitlab project-trigger get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                  --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab project-trigger list#

usage: gitlab project-trigger list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                   [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-trigger update#

usage: gitlab project-trigger update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                     PROJECT_ID --id ID --description
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--id <id>#
--description <description>#

gitlab project-user#

usage: gitlab project-user [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-user list#

usage: gitlab project-user list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                [--search SEARCH] [--skip-users SKIP_USERS]
                                [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--skip-users <skip_users>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-variable#

usage: gitlab project-variable [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-variable create#

usage: gitlab project-variable create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                      PROJECT_ID --key KEY --value VALUE
                                      [--protected PROTECTED]
                                      [--variable-type VARIABLE_TYPE]
                                      [--masked MASKED]
                                      [--environment-scope ENVIRONMENT_SCOPE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--key <key>#
--value <value>#
--protected <protected>#
--variable-type <variable_type>#
--masked <masked>#
--environment-scope <environment_scope>#

gitlab project-variable delete#

usage: gitlab project-variable delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                      PROJECT_ID --key KEY
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--key <key>#

gitlab project-variable get#

usage: gitlab project-variable get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                   --key KEY
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--key <key>#

gitlab project-variable list#

usage: gitlab project-variable list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                    [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-variable update#

usage: gitlab project-variable update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id
                                      PROJECT_ID --key KEY --value VALUE
                                      [--protected PROTECTED]
                                      [--variable-type VARIABLE_TYPE]
                                      [--masked MASKED]
                                      [--environment-scope ENVIRONMENT_SCOPE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--key <key>#
--value <value>#
--protected <protected>#
--variable-type <variable_type>#
--masked <masked>#
--environment-scope <environment_scope>#

gitlab project-wiki#

usage: gitlab project-wiki [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete,upload} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab project-wiki create#

usage: gitlab project-wiki create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                  --title TITLE --content CONTENT
                                  [--format FORMAT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--title <title>#
--content <content>#
--format <format>#

gitlab project-wiki delete#

usage: gitlab project-wiki delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                  --slug SLUG
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--slug <slug>#

gitlab project-wiki get#

usage: gitlab project-wiki get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                               --slug SLUG
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--slug <slug>#

gitlab project-wiki list#

usage: gitlab project-wiki list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                [--with-content WITH_CONTENT] [--page PAGE]
                                [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--with-content <with_content>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab project-wiki update#

usage: gitlab project-wiki update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --project-id PROJECT_ID
                                  --slug SLUG [--title TITLE]
                                  [--content CONTENT] [--format FORMAT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--slug <slug>#
--title <title>#
--content <content>#
--format <format>#

gitlab project-wiki upload#

usage: gitlab project-wiki upload [-h] --project-id PROJECT_ID [--sudo SUDO]
                                  --slug SLUG --filename FILENAME --filepath
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--project-id <project_id>#
--sudo <sudo>#
--slug <slug>#
--filename <filename>#
--filepath <filepath>#

gitlab registry-repository#

usage: gitlab registry-repository [-h] {get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab registry-repository get#

usage: gitlab registry-repository get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab runner#

usage: gitlab runner [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete,all,verify} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab runner all#

usage: gitlab runner all [-h] --id ID [--scope SCOPE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#
--scope <scope>#

gitlab runner create#

usage: gitlab runner create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --token TOKEN
                            [--description DESCRIPTION] [--info INFO]
                            [--active ACTIVE] [--locked LOCKED]
                            [--run-untagged RUN_UNTAGGED]
                            [--tag-list TAG_LIST]
                            [--access-level ACCESS_LEVEL]
                            [--maximum-timeout MAXIMUM_TIMEOUT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--token <token>#
--description <description>#
--info <info>#
--active <active>#
--locked <locked>#
--run-untagged <run_untagged>#
--tag-list <tag_list>#
--access-level <access_level>#
--maximum-timeout <maximum_timeout>#

gitlab runner delete#

usage: gitlab runner delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab runner get#

usage: gitlab runner get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab runner list#

usage: gitlab runner list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--scope SCOPE] [--type TYPE]
                          [--status STATUS] [--paused PAUSED]
                          [--tag-list TAG_LIST] [--page PAGE]
                          [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--scope <scope>#
--type <type>#
--status <status>#
--paused <paused>#
--tag-list <tag_list>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab runner update#

usage: gitlab runner update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
                            [--description DESCRIPTION] [--active ACTIVE]
                            [--tag-list TAG_LIST]
                            [--run-untagged RUN_UNTAGGED] [--locked LOCKED]
                            [--access-level ACCESS_LEVEL]
                            [--maximum-timeout MAXIMUM_TIMEOUT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#
--description <description>#
--active <active>#
--tag-list <tag_list>#
--run-untagged <run_untagged>#
--locked <locked>#
--access-level <access_level>#
--maximum-timeout <maximum_timeout>#

gitlab runner verify#

usage: gitlab runner verify [-h] --id ID --token TOKEN
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#
--token <token>#

gitlab runner-all#

usage: gitlab runner-all [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab runner-all list#

usage: gitlab runner-all list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--scope SCOPE] [--type TYPE]
                              [--status STATUS] [--paused PAUSED]
                              [--tag-list TAG_LIST] [--page PAGE]
                              [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--scope <scope>#
--type <type>#
--status <status>#
--paused <paused>#
--tag-list <tag_list>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab runner-job#

usage: gitlab runner-job [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab runner-job list#

usage: gitlab runner-job list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --runner-id RUNNER_ID
                              [--status STATUS] [--page PAGE]
                              [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--runner-id <runner_id>#
--status <status>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab shared-project#

usage: gitlab shared-project [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab shared-project list#

usage: gitlab shared-project list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --group-id GROUP_ID
                                  [--archived ARCHIVED]
                                  [--visibility VISIBILITY]
                                  [--order-by ORDER_BY] [--sort SORT]
                                  [--search SEARCH] [--simple SIMPLE]
                                  [--starred STARRED]
                                  [--with-issues-enabled WITH_ISSUES_ENABLED]
                                  [--with-merge-requests-enabled WITH_MERGE_REQUESTS_ENABLED]
                                  [--min-access-level MIN_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                                  [--with-custom-attributes WITH_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES]
                                  [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--group-id <group_id>#
--archived <archived>#
--visibility <visibility>#
--order-by <order_by>#
--sort <sort>#
--simple <simple>#
--starred <starred>#
--with-issues-enabled <with_issues_enabled>#
--with-merge-requests-enabled <with_merge_requests_enabled>#
--min-access-level <min_access_level>#
--with-custom-attributes <with_custom_attributes>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab snippet#

usage: gitlab snippet [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab snippet content#

usage: gitlab snippet content [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab snippet create#

usage: gitlab snippet create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --title TITLE
                             [--description DESCRIPTION] [--content CONTENT]
                             [--visibility VISIBILITY]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--title <title>#
--description <description>#
--content <content>#
--visibility <visibility>#

gitlab snippet delete#

usage: gitlab snippet delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab snippet get#

usage: gitlab snippet get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab snippet list#

usage: gitlab snippet list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--page PAGE]
                           [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab snippet public#

usage: gitlab snippet public [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab snippet update#

usage: gitlab snippet update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID [--title TITLE]
                             [--files FILES] [--file-name FILE_NAME]
                             [--content CONTENT] [--visibility VISIBILITY]
                             [--description DESCRIPTION]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#
--title <title>#
--files <files>#
--file-name <file_name>#
--content <content>#
--visibility <visibility>#
--description <description>#

gitlab snippet user-agent-detail#

usage: gitlab snippet user-agent-detail [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab starred-project#

usage: gitlab starred-project [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab starred-project list#

usage: gitlab starred-project list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id USER_ID
                                   [--archived ARCHIVED]
                                   [--membership MEMBERSHIP]
                                   [--min-access-level MIN_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                                   [--order-by ORDER_BY] [--owned OWNED]
                                   [--search SEARCH] [--simple SIMPLE]
                                   [--sort SORT] [--starred STARRED]
                                   [--statistics STATISTICS]
                                   [--visibility VISIBILITY]
                                   [--with-custom-attributes WITH_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES]
                                   [--with-issues-enabled WITH_ISSUES_ENABLED]
                                   [--with-merge-requests-enabled WITH_MERGE_REQUESTS_ENABLED]
                                   [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--archived <archived>#
--membership <membership>#
--min-access-level <min_access_level>#
--order-by <order_by>#
--owned <owned>#
--simple <simple>#
--sort <sort>#
--starred <starred>#
--statistics <statistics>#
--visibility <visibility>#
--with-custom-attributes <with_custom_attributes>#
--with-issues-enabled <with_issues_enabled>#
--with-merge-requests-enabled <with_merge_requests_enabled>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab todo#

usage: gitlab todo [-h] {list,delete,mark-as-done,mark-all-as-done} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab todo delete#

usage: gitlab todo delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab todo list#

usage: gitlab todo list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--action ACTION]
                        [--author-id AUTHOR_ID] [--project-id PROJECT_ID]
                        [--state STATE] [--type TYPE] [--page PAGE]
                        [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--action <action>#
--author-id <author_id>#
--project-id <project_id>#
--state <state>#
--type <type>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab todo mark-all-as-done#

usage: gitlab todo mark-all-as-done [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab todo mark-as-done#

usage: gitlab todo mark-as-done [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab topic#

usage: gitlab topic [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete,merge} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab topic create#

usage: gitlab topic create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --name NAME [--avatar AVATAR]
                           [--description DESCRIPTION] [--title TITLE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--name <name>#
--avatar <avatar>#
--description <description>#
--title <title>#

gitlab topic delete#

usage: gitlab topic delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab topic get#

usage: gitlab topic get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab topic list#

usage: gitlab topic list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--page PAGE]
                         [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab topic merge#

usage: gitlab topic merge [-h] --id ID --source-topic-id SOURCE_TOPIC_ID
                          --target-topic-id TARGET_TOPIC_ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#
--source-topic-id <source_topic_id>#
--target-topic-id <target_topic_id>#

gitlab topic update#

usage: gitlab topic update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID [--avatar AVATAR]
                           [--description DESCRIPTION] [--name NAME]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#
--avatar <avatar>#
--description <description>#
--name <name>#

gitlab user#

usage: gitlab user [-h]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab user activate#

usage: gitlab user activate [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab user approve#

usage: gitlab user approve [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab user ban#

usage: gitlab user ban [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab user block#

usage: gitlab user block [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab user create#

usage: gitlab user create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--email EMAIL]
                          [--username USERNAME] [--name NAME]
                          [--password PASSWORD]
                          [--reset-password RESET_PASSWORD] [--skype SKYPE]
                          [--linkedin LINKEDIN] [--twitter TWITTER]
                          [--projects-limit PROJECTS_LIMIT]
                          [--extern-uid EXTERN_UID] [--provider PROVIDER]
                          [--bio BIO] [--admin ADMIN]
                          [--can-create-group CAN_CREATE_GROUP]
                          [--website-url WEBSITE_URL]
                          [--skip-confirmation SKIP_CONFIRMATION]
                          [--external EXTERNAL] [--organization ORGANIZATION]
                          [--location LOCATION] [--avatar AVATAR]
                          [--public-email PUBLIC_EMAIL]
                          [--private-profile PRIVATE_PROFILE]
                          [--color-scheme-id COLOR_SCHEME_ID]
                          [--theme-id THEME_ID]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--email <email>#
--username <username>#
--name <name>#
--password <password>#
--reset-password <reset_password>#
--skype <skype>#
--linkedin <linkedin>#
--twitter <twitter>#
--projects-limit <projects_limit>#
--extern-uid <extern_uid>#
--provider <provider>#
--bio <bio>#
--admin <admin>#
--can-create-group <can_create_group>#
--website-url <website_url>#
--skip-confirmation <skip_confirmation>#
--external <external>#
--organization <organization>#
--location <location>#
--avatar <avatar>#
--public-email <public_email>#
--private-profile <private_profile>#
--color-scheme-id <color_scheme_id>#
--theme-id <theme_id>#

gitlab user deactivate#

usage: gitlab user deactivate [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab user delete#

usage: gitlab user delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab user follow#

usage: gitlab user follow [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab user get#

usage: gitlab user get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#

gitlab user list#

usage: gitlab user list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--active ACTIVE]
                        [--blocked BLOCKED] [--username USERNAME]
                        [--extern-uid EXTERN_UID] [--provider PROVIDER]
                        [--external EXTERNAL] [--search SEARCH]
                        [--custom-attributes CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES]
                        [--status STATUS] [--two-factor TWO_FACTOR]
                        [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--active <active>#
--blocked <blocked>#
--username <username>#
--extern-uid <extern_uid>#
--provider <provider>#
--external <external>#
--custom-attributes <custom_attributes>#
--status <status>#
--two-factor <two_factor>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab user reject#

usage: gitlab user reject [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab user unban#

usage: gitlab user unban [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab user unblock#

usage: gitlab user unblock [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab user unfollow#

usage: gitlab user unfollow [-h] --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--id <id>#

gitlab user update#

usage: gitlab user update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --id ID --email EMAIL --username
                          USERNAME --name NAME [--password PASSWORD]
                          [--skype SKYPE] [--linkedin LINKEDIN]
                          [--twitter TWITTER]
                          [--projects-limit PROJECTS_LIMIT]
                          [--extern-uid EXTERN_UID] [--provider PROVIDER]
                          [--bio BIO] [--admin ADMIN]
                          [--can-create-group CAN_CREATE_GROUP]
                          [--website-url WEBSITE_URL]
                          [--skip-reconfirmation SKIP_RECONFIRMATION]
                          [--external EXTERNAL] [--organization ORGANIZATION]
                          [--location LOCATION] [--avatar AVATAR]
                          [--public-email PUBLIC_EMAIL]
                          [--private-profile PRIVATE_PROFILE]
                          [--color-scheme-id COLOR_SCHEME_ID]
                          [--theme-id THEME_ID]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--id <id>#
--email <email>#
--username <username>#
--name <name>#
--password <password>#
--skype <skype>#
--linkedin <linkedin>#
--twitter <twitter>#
--projects-limit <projects_limit>#
--extern-uid <extern_uid>#
--provider <provider>#
--bio <bio>#
--admin <admin>#
--can-create-group <can_create_group>#
--website-url <website_url>#
--skip-reconfirmation <skip_reconfirmation>#
--external <external>#
--organization <organization>#
--location <location>#
--avatar <avatar>#
--public-email <public_email>#
--private-profile <private_profile>#
--color-scheme-id <color_scheme_id>#
--theme-id <theme_id>#

gitlab user-activities#

usage: gitlab user-activities [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab user-activities list#

usage: gitlab user-activities list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--page PAGE]
                                   [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab user-custom-attribute#

usage: gitlab user-custom-attribute [-h] {list,get,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab user-custom-attribute delete#

usage: gitlab user-custom-attribute delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id
                                           USER_ID --key KEY
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--key <key>#

gitlab user-custom-attribute get#

usage: gitlab user-custom-attribute get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id USER_ID
                                        --key KEY
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--key <key>#

gitlab user-custom-attribute list#

usage: gitlab user-custom-attribute list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id USER_ID
                                         [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab user-email#

usage: gitlab user-email [-h] {list,get,create,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab user-email create#

usage: gitlab user-email create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id USER_ID --email
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--email <email>#

gitlab user-email delete#

usage: gitlab user-email delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id USER_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab user-email get#

usage: gitlab user-email get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id USER_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab user-email list#

usage: gitlab user-email list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id USER_ID
                              [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab user-event#

usage: gitlab user-event [-h] {list} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab user-event list#

usage: gitlab user-event list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id USER_ID
                              [--action ACTION] [--target-type TARGET_TYPE]
                              [--before BEFORE] [--after AFTER] [--sort SORT]
                              [--scope SCOPE] [--page PAGE]
                              [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--action <action>#
--target-type <target_type>#
--before <before>#
--after <after>#
--sort <sort>#
--scope <scope>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab user-gpg-key#

usage: gitlab user-gpg-key [-h] {list,get,create,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab user-gpg-key create#

usage: gitlab user-gpg-key create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id USER_ID --key
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--key <key>#

gitlab user-gpg-key delete#

usage: gitlab user-gpg-key delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id USER_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab user-gpg-key get#

usage: gitlab user-gpg-key get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id USER_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab user-gpg-key list#

usage: gitlab user-gpg-key list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id USER_ID
                                [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab user-impersonation-token#

usage: gitlab user-impersonation-token [-h] {list,get,create,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab user-impersonation-token create#

usage: gitlab user-impersonation-token create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id
                                              USER_ID --name NAME --scopes
                                              SCOPES [--expires-at EXPIRES_AT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--name <name>#
--scopes <scopes>#
--expires-at <expires_at>#

gitlab user-impersonation-token delete#

usage: gitlab user-impersonation-token delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id
                                              USER_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab user-impersonation-token get#

usage: gitlab user-impersonation-token get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id
                                           USER_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab user-impersonation-token list#

usage: gitlab user-impersonation-token list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id
                                            USER_ID [--state STATE]
                                            [--page PAGE]
                                            [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--state <state>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab user-key#

usage: gitlab user-key [-h] {list,get,create,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab user-key create#

usage: gitlab user-key create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id USER_ID --title
                              TITLE --key KEY
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--title <title>#
--key <key>#

gitlab user-key delete#

usage: gitlab user-key delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id USER_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab user-key get#

usage: gitlab user-key get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id USER_ID --id ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--id <id>#

gitlab user-key list#

usage: gitlab user-key list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id USER_ID [--page PAGE]
                            [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab user-membership#

usage: gitlab user-membership [-h] {list,get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab user-membership get#

usage: gitlab user-membership get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id USER_ID
                                  --source-id SOURCE_ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--source-id <source_id>#

gitlab user-membership list#

usage: gitlab user-membership list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id USER_ID
                                   [--type TYPE] [--page PAGE]
                                   [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--type <type>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab user-personal-access-token#

usage: gitlab user-personal-access-token [-h] {create} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab user-personal-access-token create#

usage: gitlab user-personal-access-token create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id
                                                USER_ID --name NAME --scopes
                                                [--expires-at EXPIRES_AT]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--name <name>#
--scopes <scopes>#
--expires-at <expires_at>#

gitlab user-project#

usage: gitlab user-project [-h] {list,create} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab user-project create#

usage: gitlab user-project create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id USER_ID --name
                                  NAME [--default-branch DEFAULT_BRANCH]
                                  [--issues-enabled ISSUES_ENABLED]
                                  [--wall-enabled WALL_ENABLED]
                                  [--merge-requests-enabled MERGE_REQUESTS_ENABLED]
                                  [--wiki-enabled WIKI_ENABLED]
                                  [--snippets-enabled SNIPPETS_ENABLED]
                                  [--squash-option SQUASH_OPTION]
                                  [--public PUBLIC] [--visibility VISIBILITY]
                                  [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                  [--builds-enabled BUILDS_ENABLED]
                                  [--public-builds PUBLIC_BUILDS]
                                  [--import-url IMPORT_URL]
                                  [--only-allow-merge-if-build-succeeds ONLY_ALLOW_MERGE_IF_BUILD_SUCCEEDS]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--name <name>#
--default-branch <default_branch>#
--issues-enabled <issues_enabled>#
--wall-enabled <wall_enabled>#
--merge-requests-enabled <merge_requests_enabled>#
--wiki-enabled <wiki_enabled>#
--snippets-enabled <snippets_enabled>#
--squash-option <squash_option>#
--public <public>#
--visibility <visibility>#
--description <description>#
--builds-enabled <builds_enabled>#
--public-builds <public_builds>#
--import-url <import_url>#
--only-allow-merge-if-build-succeeds <only_allow_merge_if_build_succeeds>#

gitlab user-project list#

usage: gitlab user-project list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id USER_ID
                                [--archived ARCHIVED]
                                [--visibility VISIBILITY]
                                [--order-by ORDER_BY] [--sort SORT]
                                [--search SEARCH] [--simple SIMPLE]
                                [--owned OWNED] [--membership MEMBERSHIP]
                                [--starred STARRED] [--statistics STATISTICS]
                                [--with-issues-enabled WITH_ISSUES_ENABLED]
                                [--with-merge-requests-enabled WITH_MERGE_REQUESTS_ENABLED]
                                [--with-custom-attributes WITH_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES]
                                [--with-programming-language WITH_PROGRAMMING_LANGUAGE]
                                [--wiki-checksum-failed WIKI_CHECKSUM_FAILED]
                                [--repository-checksum-failed REPOSITORY_CHECKSUM_FAILED]
                                [--min-access-level MIN_ACCESS_LEVEL]
                                [--id-after ID_AFTER] [--id-before ID_BEFORE]
                                [--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#
--archived <archived>#
--visibility <visibility>#
--order-by <order_by>#
--sort <sort>#
--simple <simple>#
--owned <owned>#
--membership <membership>#
--starred <starred>#
--statistics <statistics>#
--with-issues-enabled <with_issues_enabled>#
--with-merge-requests-enabled <with_merge_requests_enabled>#
--with-custom-attributes <with_custom_attributes>#
--with-programming-language <with_programming_language>#
--wiki-checksum-failed <wiki_checksum_failed>#
--repository-checksum-failed <repository_checksum_failed>#
--min-access-level <min_access_level>#
--id-after <id_after>#
--id-before <id_before>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab user-status#

usage: gitlab user-status [-h] {get} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab user-status get#

usage: gitlab user-status get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --user-id USER_ID
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--user-id <user_id>#

gitlab variable#

usage: gitlab variable [-h] {list,get,create,update,delete} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

gitlab variable create#

usage: gitlab variable create [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --key KEY --value VALUE
                              [--protected PROTECTED]
                              [--variable-type VARIABLE_TYPE]
                              [--masked MASKED]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--key <key>#
--value <value>#
--protected <protected>#
--variable-type <variable_type>#
--masked <masked>#

gitlab variable delete#

usage: gitlab variable delete [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --key KEY
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--key <key>#

gitlab variable get#

usage: gitlab variable get [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --key KEY
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--key <key>#

gitlab variable list#

usage: gitlab variable list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--page PAGE]
                            [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--get-all]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--page <page>#
--per-page <per_page>#

Return all items from the server, without pagination.

gitlab variable update#

usage: gitlab variable update [-h] [--sudo SUDO] --key KEY --value VALUE
                              [--protected PROTECTED]
                              [--variable-type VARIABLE_TYPE]
                              [--masked MASKED]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--sudo <sudo>#
--key <key>#
--value <value>#
--protected <protected>#
--variable-type <variable_type>#
--masked <masked>#