######## Snippets ######## Reference ========= * v4 API: + :class:`gitlab.v4.objects.Snippet` + :class:`gitlab.v4.objects.SnipptManager` + :attr:`gitlab.Gitlab.snippets` * GitLab API: https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/api/snippets.html Examples ======== List snippets owned by the current user:: snippets = gl.snippets.list() List the public snippets:: public_snippets = gl.snippets.public() Get a snippet:: snippet = gl.snippets.get(snippet_id) # get the content content = snippet.content() .. warning:: Blobs are entirely stored in memory unless you use the streaming feature. See :ref:`the artifacts example `. Create a snippet:: snippet = gl.snippets.create({'title': 'snippet1', 'files': [{ 'file_path': 'foo.py', 'content': 'import gitlab' }], }) Update the snippet attributes:: snippet.visibility_level = gitlab.const.Visibility.PUBLIC snippet.save() To update a snippet code you need to create a ``ProjectSnippet`` object:: snippet = gl.snippets.get(snippet_id) project = gl.projects.get(snippet.projec_id, lazy=True) editable_snippet = project.snippets.get(snippet.id) editable_snippet.code = new_snippet_content editable_snippet.save() Delete a snippet:: gl.snippets.delete(snippet_id) # or snippet.delete() Get user agent detail (admin only):: detail = snippet.user_agent_detail()